Chapter 13 Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Distinguish between the visceral pericardium and the parietal pericardium
The visceral pericardium covers the heart and then turns back on itself for an outer covering called the pericardium
Describe the layers of the heart wall
The epicardium protects the heart by reducing friction
The myocardium consists mostly of cardiac muscle tissue
The endocardium contains epithelium and connective tissue.
Name and locate the four chambers of the heart
Right atrium is above the right ventricle the left atrium is above the left ventricle separated by interventricular septum
Describe the function of each heart valve
The tricuspid valve allows blood to move from the right atrium to the right ventricle.
The pulmonary valve allows blood to leave the right ventricle
The mitral valve allows blood to pass from the left atrium to the left ventricle
The aortic valve allows blood to leave the left ventricle
Review the path of blood through the heart
Blood enters the right atrium through the vena cava and coronary sinus then passes through the tricuspid valve and enters the right ventricle then it’s pushes through the pulmonary valve and into the pulmonary trunk
Upon return from the lungs blood enters the left atrium moves through the mitral valve and into the left ventricle and through the aortic valve into the aorta and it’s branches
Which vessel supply blood to the myocardium
Branches of the coronary artery
How does blood return from the cardiac tissues to the right atrium
Through the cardiac vein’s into the coronary sinus
Describe the pressure changes in the atria and ventricles
The atria contract while ventricles relax then ventricles contract while atria relax. Then they both relax
What causes heart sounds
The lubb is from AV valve closing
Dubb is from aortic valve closing
What is a functional syncytium
A mass of merging cells that function as a unit
What type of tissues make up the cardiac conduction system
Specialized cardiac muscle tissue who’s fibers contain only a few myofibrils
How is cardiac impulse initiated
From the SA node or sinoatrial node
How is a cardiac impulse transmitted from the right atrium to the other heart chambers
Sa node Atrial syncytium Junctional fibers AV node AV bundle Bundle branches Purkinje fibers Ventricular syncytium
How do you parasympathetic and sympathetic impulses help control heart rate
Parasympathetic fibers slow heart rate while sympathetic fibers increased heart rate and force of contractions
How do you changes in the body temperature affect heart rate
Rise in body temperature increased rate low body temperature decreases heart rate
Describe the effects on the heart of abnormal concentrations of potassium and calcium ions
Excess potassium decreases the rate and force of contractions. potassium deficiency can cause life-threatening arrhythmia
Excess calcium increases heart action and extended heart contraction, low calcium depresses heart action
Describe the wall of an artery
Arteries are strong elastic vessels that consist of three distinct layers. The innermost layer called the Tunica interna is epithelial tissue. The tunica media is muscle. The tunica externa is thin connective tissue
What is the function of smooth muscle in the arterial wall
They are necessary for vasoconstriction and vasodilation
How is the structure of an arteriolar different from that of an artery
They have three layers similar to arteries however they are much more thin
Describe a capillary wall
They are composed of endothelium the same as the inner layer of an artery
What is the function of the capillary
They’re thin walls allow the transfer of substances in the blood with substances in the tissue fluid surrounding body cells
What controls blood flow into capillaries
Precapillary sphincter’s
Where is the heart located
The heart is in the mediastinum, bordered laterally by the lungs, posteriorly by the vertebral column, and anteriorly by the sternum
Which forces affect the exchange of substances between blood and tissue fluid?
Diffusion, filtration, and osmosis
Blood pressure
Why is the fluid movement out of a capillary greater at its arteriolar end than at its venular end?
Because pressure is greater at the venular end
How does the structure of a vein differ from that of an artery?
Veins have three distinct layers similar to arteries. However, the middle muscle layer is poorly developed. Lumens have a greater diameter. Many have flap like valves.
How does venous circulation help maintain blood pressure when hemorrhaging causes blood loss.
Veins are stimulated to contract, which maintains blood pressure and returns more blood to the heart.
What is blood pressure?
The force blood exerts against the inner walls of blood vessels
Distinguish between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Systolic- max pressure during ventricular contraction
Diastolic- lowest pressure that remains at the end of ventricular relaxation.
What causes a pulse in an artery?
Surge of blood flow throw a vein distends the wall. Once it’s passed through, the wall recoils. The expand and contract is felt as the pulse.
How is cardiac output and blood pressure related.
Volume discharged/ minute = cardiac output, it directly corresponds to blood pressure.
How does blood volume affect blood pressure?
Directly proportional
What is the relationship between peripheral resistance and blood pressure? Between blood viscosity and blood pressure?
Peripheral resistance is conversely related.
Viscosity is conversely related.
What factors affect cardiac output?
The volume of blood entering the ventricle
What is the function of baroreceptors in the walls of the aorta and carotid arteries?
They sense changes in blood pressure and send info the the medulla oblongata for regulatory action.
How does the vasomotor center control peripheral resistance?
It continually sends sympathetic impulses to smooth muscles in the arteriole walls, keeping them in a state of tonic contraction.
What is the function of venous valves?
Venous valves keep blood from moving backward.
How do skeletal muscles and respiratory movements affect venous blood flow?
skeletal muscles press on veins moving blood from one valve section to another.
Respiratory movements also move venous blood due to changes in the diaphragm squeezing blood out of abdominal veins.
What factors stimulate venoconstriction?
When venous pressure is low, sympathetic reflexes stimulate venoconstriction.
Distinguish between the pulmonary and systemic circuits of the cardiovascular system.
Pulmonary consists of vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.
Systemic carries blood from the heart to the whole body.
Trace the path of blood through the pulmonary circuit from the right ventricle.
right ventricle - pulmonary trunk - right and left pulmonary arteries - right and left lungs -left atrium.