Chapter 13 Flashcards
act that prohibited the use of any registration requirement that resulted in discrimination and paved the way for the involvement of the federal government to enforce the law
Civil Rights Act of 1964
scrapped in 1987, it provided that the media air opposing opinions of the same issue
fairness doctrine
declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, they were passed by southern states after the Civil War aimed at making reading a requirement for voting so that freed slaves could not vote
literacy laws
consisting of television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, they reach a large segment of the population; it is also considered one of the linkage institutions
mass media
signed into law by President Clinton, it enables people to register to vote at motor vehicle departments
Motor Voter Act of 1993
photo opportunities
photo ops
the factors that determine voting behavior such as family, religion, and ethnic background
political socialization
made illegal by the Twenty-Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, it was a tax instituted by mainly southern states as a condition to vote and had the effect of preventing African Americans from voting
poll tax
scientific surveys aimed at gauging public preference of candidates and issues
public opinion polls
act that resulted in more than 2 million illegal aliens who were living in this country since 1982 being allowed to apply for legal status
Simpson-Marzzoli Act (1987)
dominance by the Democratic Party in the South following the Civil War; the Republicans made strong inroads when President Reagan was elected in 1980 and after the Republicans gained control of the Congress in 1994
solid South
30 or 60 second statements by politicians aired on the evening news shows or Sunday morning talk shows
sound bites
the right to vote guaranteed to African Americans in the 14th Amendment and women in the 19th
a linked conglomerate of computer-generated information also known as the Internet
information superhighway
politicians who use sound bites or other means to present a superficial look at a policy position rather than an in-depth approach explaining their views
talking heads