Chapter 13 Flashcards
Pre bid defences
Communicate effectively with shareholders
Revalue non-current assets
Poison pill
Crown jewels defence
Change the articles of association to require ‘super majority’ approval for a takeover
Post bid defences
Appeal to their own shareholders
Attack the bidder
White knight
Counterbid sometimes called a ‘pacman’ defence
Refer the bid to the competition authorities
Three common forms of consideration
Cash offer
Share for share exchange
Cash offer
Target company shareholders are offered a fixed cash sum per share
Share for share exchange
Bidding company issues some new shares and then exchanges them with the target company shareholders
Consideration is split so that there is an intitial amount paid at the time of acquisition, and the balance deferred
Cash offer advantages
Certainty about the bid value
Increased liquidity to target company shareholders
Lower cost to bidder
Cash offer disadvantages
Taxable chargeable gain
Target company shareholders are bought out
Financing problems
Financing a cash offer
Existing cash reserves
Rights issue to existing shareholders
Advantages of share for share exchange
Can be used to finance large acquisitions
No cash needed
Bootstrapping opportunity
Shareholder capital is increased
Disadvantages of share for share exchange
Sharing gains
Price risk
Valuation of company post-acquisition by applying the large company’s higher P/E ratio to the earnings of the combined company