Chapter 13 Flashcards
White Privilege
status as a white person carries benefits
ignoring race is like ignoring…
White =
default/the norm
based on some real presumed physical, biological characteristic, as well as a shared lineage - not biologically significant
basis of some real or presumed differences in cultural characteristics, such as language, religion, tradition and cultural practices
“If men define situations are real, they are real in their consequences” -
William I Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas
defining a minority group as a race and then assigning negative characteristics to that group and then creating circumstances that keep that group at a disadvantage relative to the majority
What is a subtype of xenophobia and ethnocentrism?
many groups are able to coexist without any of them losing their individual qualities
culture and language connects…
communities and their history
language revitalization can…
lower drug abuse
when a minority group takes on the characteristics of the dominant group
the physical separation of majority and minority groups
De Jure
as a result of official policy
De Facto
happens on its own, not intentional