Chapter 13-16 Flashcards


Convict Criminology


-A new school of criminology 1997
~Frank Tannenbaum (grandfather to the field)
*Went to prison in NY
**Started Labeling theory
*Wickersham Commission
**Wrote policies on corrections

~Criminologists research this topic
~People who are convicts spend time in one state in a few facilities
~Criminologists focus on multiple areas

*Focus on the inside and outside
~Combate the misrepresentation of scholars
*Labels for academics are unfair
**Include those who have said experiences
~Work on strategies to help the prison systems
**They use inmates to help reduce the prison costs
~Change the language
*Change the way things are interpreted

~Started with a conversation (1997)
*John Erin
*Chuck Terry
**Both are heroin addicts
**No place for people like us to talk about our experiences in convict criminology
Steven Richards
**Got into crime financially (drug trade)
**Did nine years in Fed. Prison
Find people in the prison system to get an education and become professors on the outside
Daniel Murphy
**He was using pot for a back injury
Richards finds him and helps him receive a college degree
**Refer to invisible minority

*Opened up it to non-convict criminologists
*Move towards conflict and critical theory closer to Marx and Hagan

-Frank Cullen
~Has a beef with convict criminologists

-Way the research had been done (Seven issues/complaints)
~Criminology fails because it defines crime in a way that works for politics
*Crime in the prison system is different from the outside
~Solution that is proposed
*See the solutions as a way to make money for the outside
~Consequences of being locked up
*What happens to the family
~Why do we have high rates of incarceration in the US
*What are we doing differently from other countries
*What it is like to be in an overcrowded jail
~Talk to the public about the lack of programs
*There are no meaningful programs to help the convicts
~They would like the world to understand the structural impediments to getting back into society
*The blocks that convicts get from getting out

-Correctional Educational Association
~Follow a group of released inmates
*29% decrease in those who have been educated in prison
*Put them in college-level educational levels
**Over 60% decrease in those who have been educated in prison

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Cultural Criminology


-Jeff Farrell
~Texas Christian University
*Crime <-> Culture
**Criminals belong to a subculture and culture be viewed as a crime
~Crime as Culture
*They have their own language, terminologies, hierarchies, etc.
~Culture as Crime (Robert Mapplethorpe)
*Cultures that become criminalized from stereotypes

-High culture
~Art in museums and galleries
~Country Westerns

-Low culture
~Rap music

-The arrow goes in both directions
~Even if not every member of that culture is a criminal

~Frindge of acceptability
Cop pulls someone over; they roll down the window, and the car smells like pot, and they see a roach of the butt
**Send them home or put them in jail
Moved the line towards acceptability from unacceptable
*Caused the line to move towards acceptability

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Socio-biology Theory


-Laura Baker
~Genetic Predisposition
*Separate Twin studies
~Bio-social interaction model
*Argues that it takes both parts biological and social

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Life Course Theory


-The way a person looks at crime

-We have to move beyond the individual lifespan; we need to look at multiple lifespans
~People stop committing crimes when they develop responsibilities
-Move beyond family analysis
~Neighborhoods, economic status, social change, etc.
-Exam intimate connections
-Look at social construction and social meaning
-We have to redefine the concepts of crime
~Crime is a big problem, but we break it down into smaller category

-Time changes crime and criminality
~ Relationships you have and maintained
*Change how you view and act in relationships
~Family events and transitions
~Hystorical events

-Social structures influence individuals
~You will have to alter your behavior
~Reciprical effect
*The individual is affected by social context, so they change the social context

-Sampson and Laub
~How is the research done?
Are you going to stay on the same path, or is something going to change your path
**Age Inappropriate Tantrums 14 yr. olds
***Antisocial children that become normal adults
**Antisocial Behaviors of Dependant Variable for Continuity and Change

~Different Types of Life Course Theory
**Low-Self Control Theory derived from this
*Continuity and Change
*Continuity or Change
**Terry Moffitt

-Pathways and Turning Points
~It can have ripple effects when people change
~Sampson and Laub
Age Graded Behaviors
**When something continues after the normal cutoff
Continuity and Trajectory
**Accumaltive continuity
**Discontinuity in one area
If it happens in more than one area, it creates instability and change
Change Turning Points
Busted for a crime
Losing your job
Getting into a better relationship
Getting a raise

-Terry Moffitt 1993
Adolecent Limited
**Antisocial to young adulthood
They stop with antisocail behaviors
*Life Corse Percistance
**They continue with antisocail behaviors

*****It is applicable to both genders
**They might have different outcomes but is still appticable

*Is stoping something
**Stoping is disruptive

Desistance by default
**NO concious decision to stop
Human Agency
**When we realise that we are in control we can make a choice to no longer do the action
**Has elements of both Default and Agency
You might start off with one of these and the other kicks in
**Using POT then stop is agency and then your POT friends leave which is Default; when you enter a new job that does drug testing, you no longer want to use POT infear of losing the job

~ASB (Antisocail Behavior)
*It is an act
~ASPD (Antissocial Personality
*Labeled as the disreguard for the feeling and acts of others
*It is a diagnosis

*ENDOMORPH -Fat and short
*ECTOMORPH - Tall and
*MESOMORPH - The strong people

They tested the agression of the children over time
**The worst 5% of aggression was committed 50% of the criminal activity
100 kids
**200 crimes
5 kids committed 100 of the crimes

~Followed the youth randomally to track crime in Philly (1949)
*Cronic 6% had 5 or more contacs with the juvineil justice system
**80% of these children has contact with the adult justice system (LCP)
**20% had no contact with the adult justice system (AL)

-ASB (Terry Moffitt)
~Brain Injury
Constant cognative preformance tests
**Use different parts of the brain and uses a PET scanners to locate where the brains lights up
LCP there brain processed logic in a different parts of the brain
**AL the brain processed logic in the normal part of the brain
~Spatial capabilities
Playing thing like Tetris
**They tend to have lower spatial abilities
**Have issues in seeing things in 3D
*Low capibilites to communicate tends to lead to anger/agression
*Minor Physical Anomilies
**The earlobes attached at higher risk of being a criminal
**Ears that are lower on the head
**Tounge that can roll into a straw and striations vertical
**They might gestational such as FASD

~Social Risk Factors
Kids that live in
**536 Boys
**70 of them had the socail risks and brain injuries
Were 4 time higher on the agression scale compared to the rest developed ASPD
Looked at Wolfgang study to see if it corrolated, it did corrolate
**124 of them had socail risk and MPA were more likely to develop LCP

~Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
*When it is on the severe end have physical abmonilies

~Maturity Gap
13 yr. brain, yet look like 18 yr.
**That gap narrows
Her brain grew into her body 18 yr. brain in an 18 yr. body
~Modeling Behavior
We tend to model the behavior of people we look up to
**When you stopped looking up to them you stop modeling their behavior
As you get older you stop getting reinforced for things
**Children with meltdowns
Tantrum = something
As you get older tantum does not recieve something

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