Chapter 13-14 Flashcards
What area was under joint occupation with Britain in the early 1800’s?
How did the mountain men of Oregon make a living?
Beaver trapping.
Why did Americans begin traveling to Oregon?
Reports of fertile land.
What is Manifest Destiny?
Belief that America should extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
Who recruited 300 American families to help settle land in Mexico?
Stephen F. Austin
Who led the Mexican troops in the Battle of the Alamo?
Santa Anna
Who was the backwoodsman from Tennessee who volunteered fight at the Alamo?
Davy Crockett
What did the defenders of the Alamo do for the Texan fight?
Bought them some time
Who became commander in chief of the Texan forces?
Sam Houston
What was the surprise attack that killed 600 Mexicans and captured 700 Mexicans,
including Santa Anna?
Battle of San Jacinto
What was the rallying cry of the men at this battle?
“Remember the Alamo!”
What was formed in Texas after Santa Anna surrendered?
Lone Star Republic
What were the 3 reasons Polk was determined to control NM and CA?
Trade, Manifest Destiny, & Creating a clear passage way to the Pacific Ocean.
Where did America believe the southern border of Texas was? Where did Mexico
believe it was?
America: Rio Grande River
Mexico: Nueces River
What was the cause of the Mexican American War?
The “Disputed Border Area”
What did Mexico end up losing after the war?
Half of its territory
The signing of what ended the Mexican American War?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
What did Mexico give up in the Mexican Cession?
Ceded California and New Mexico
Why did the Mormons go to Utah?
Birghanm Young. So they could safely practice their religion
Who was the first Californian to discover gold on his property?
John Sutter
How were mining towns run if there were no jails or police?
They were ran by vigilance committees
What did the California Gold Rush do to the earth’s gold supply?
2x the worlds supply of gold
Who was the Jewish Immigrant who sold the miners pants made of denim?
Levi Strauss
The Gold Rush had long lasting effects on what?
Californias economy
What finalized the American mainland?
Gadsden Purchase
What united the East to the Midwest in 1860?
Railroads trucks
Why did people from Ireland migrate to the US (What was wrong in their
There was a terrible potato famine
What was “king” in the American South and what city was the “capital”?
Cotton Memphis
Who owned small farms of 50 to 200 acres in the South?
Yeoman farmers