Chapter 13 Flashcards
Composed of individuals with a common goal or task
Same as a group but with a sense of cohesion
Developing cohesion
Listen to each other and find out each member’s goal
Team contract
Has team goal, member tasks, penalties, roles, strengths
Authoritarian leadership
One person commands the group and tells people what to do
Laissez-faire leadership
“Hands-off” leadership
Democratic leadership
Solicit, synthesize ideas, attend to needs, consolidate concerns
Transactional leadership
Maintains status quo; good performance is rewarded and poor is punished
Transformational leadership
Creates more than an exchange and inspires
Task elements
What needs to be done (relate to the project you are working on)
Social elements
Come with what needs to be done (talking, being social, etc.)
Task initiator; clarifier; opinion-seeker; tension-reliever; encourager; etc.
Each speaker has an equal part
Moderator and group members have a discussion (not great for group project - no audience needed)
Panel discussion
Similar to roundtable, but audience is involved