Chapter 13 Flashcards
The number of average servings the recipe makes.
A recipe is a set of instructions for preparing a specific food.
Cooking time
Cooking time in a microwave recipe refers to the total amount of time food is exposed to microwave energy.
The measurement of microwave cooking.
Drying out.
Standing time
This is the time during which foods finish cooking by internal heat after after being removed from a microwave oven.
Hot spots
These are areas that absorb a greater concentration of microwaves and, thus, reach a higher temperature than surrounding areas.
Time-work schedule
A written plan that lists times for doing specific tasks to prepare a meal or food product
To overlap tasks to use your time more efficiently
Removing most of the caffeine from coffee beans before roasting.
A naturally occurring compound in coffee beans before roasting.
Made from the leaves of a small tropical evergreen.
A strong coffee brewed by forcing very hot water under pressure through finely ground, darkly roasted coffee beans. Espresso is typically served as a 2-ounce (50 mL) portion in a small cup called a demitasse.
A coffee beverage compromised of one part espresso, one part steamed milk, and one part frothed milk. It is oftener served with a sprinkling of cocoa or cinnamon.
Iced cappuccino
A chilled coffee beverage prepared by pouring 1 and a half ounces (45 mL) of espresso over ice and adding three ounces (90 mL) of cold milk. Frothed milk is spooned on top and the beverage is sweetened to taste.
Caffé latte
A coffee beverage prepared in a mug by adding 6 to 8 ounces (175 to 250 mL) of steamed milk to one and a half ounces (45 mL) of espresso. Syrups in favors like hazelnut and almond are often added.
Caffé mocha
A coffee beverage prepared by mixing chocolate syrup or powder and five ounces (155 mL) of steamed milk with 1 and a half (45 mL) of espresso. This beverage may be topped with whipped cream.
A small cup that can hold a two-ounce (50 mL) portion.