Chapter 12 [Salosagcol] Flashcards
The pronouncements of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC) do not cover
a. Review engagement
b. Compilation engagement
c. Consultancy
d. Agreed-upon procedures engagement
Which of the following best describes “related services”?
a. Audit and Review of the financial statements
b. Assurance and audit engagements
c. Compilation and agreed-upon procedures engagements
d. Review, compilation, and agreed-upon procedures engagements
The auditor’s satisfaction as to the reliability of an assertion being made by one party is called
a. Assurance
b. Audit risk
c. Precision
d. Materiality
The concept of limited assurance is provided for in which of the following engagements?
a. Audit
b. Review
c. Compilation
d. Agreed-upon procedures
A CPA may issue a review report
a. Only if the CPA is independent
b. Only if the CPA’s report contains an expression of an opinion
c. Provided the client is responsibility for the adequacy of the procedures to be performed
d. Even if the CPA is not independent
Which of the following statements best describes a review engagement?
a. A review engagement focuses on providing advice in a three party contract
b. A review engagement focuses on providing assurance on the internal controls of a public company
c. A review engagement focuses on providing limited assurance on financial statements of a company
d. A review engagement focuses on reasonable assurance on the assertions contained in the financial statements of a company
The objective of a review of financial statements is to
a. Express an opinion on the overall financial statements
b. Carry out audit procedures agreed on with the client and other users of the report
c. Assist the client in the preparation of the financial statements
d. State whether anything has come to the auditor’s attention that indicates that the financial statements are not presented fairly
When performing a review of financial statements, the CPA is required to
a. Apply analytical procedures and make inquiries from third parties by sending confirmation letters
b. Assess the effectiveness of the client’s accounting and internal control systems
c. Obtain corroborative evidence to support management’s responses
d. Obtain understanding of the client’s business and industry
Which of the following procedures is not included in a review engagement?
a. Inquiries of management
b. Inquiries regarding subsequent events
c. Procedures designed to identify unusual fluctuations
d. A study and evaluation of internal control
When providing limited assurance that nothing came to the CPA’s attention that would indicate that the financial statements are not acceptable in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework, the CPA should
a. Obtain corroborative evidence to support management’s responses to inquiries
b. Test the accounting records that identify inconsistencies with the prior year’s financial statements
c. Understand the accounting principles of the industry in which the business entity operates
d. Develop an audit program
Assurance provided by a review is substantially less than an audit. Which of the following statements is true regarding these services?
a. A review requires more substantive evidence than an audit
b. An audit requires less evidence related to internal control than a review
c. A review requires less evidence than an audit
d. None of the above statements is true
When performing an engagement to review an entity’s financial statements, the practitioner most likely would
a. Limit the distribution of the review report
b. Ask about actions taken at board of director’s meetings
c. Obtain an understanding of the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control
d. Confirm a sample of significant accounts receivable balances
Inquiry and analytical procedures are the preliminary basis for a CPA to issue
a. A compilation report
b. A review report
c. A management advisory services report
d. An audit report
Which of the following procedures is not included in a review engagement?
a. Inquiries of management
b. Inquiries regarding events subsequent to the balance sheet date
c. Any procedures designed to identify relationships among data that appear to be unusual
d. Communicating any material weaknesses discovered during the study and evaluation of internal accounting control
A review does not provide assurance that the CPA will become aware of all significant matters that would be disclosed in an audit. However, if the CPA becomes aware that information coming to his attention is incorrect, incomplete, or otherwise unsatisfactory, he should
a. Withdraw immediately from the engagement
b. Perform the additional procedures he deems necessary to achieve limited assurance
c. Perform a complete audit and issue an audit report with appropriate qualifications
d. Downgrade the engagement to a compilation and issue the appropriate report
If the CPA has reasons to believe that the information subject to review may be materially misstated, the CPA should
a. Express a qualified negative assurance
b. Express an adverse opinion
c. Withdraw from the engagement
d. Carry out additional audit procedures
The review of a company’s financial statements by a CPA firm
a. Requires detailed analysis of the major accounts
b. Is substantially less in scope of procedures than an audit
c. Has similar scope as an audit and adds similar credibility to the statements
d. Culminates in issuance of a report expressing the CPA’s opinion as to the fairness of the statements
A practitioner’s unmodified report on a review of the financial statements should state that
a. The practitioner does not express an opinion or any form of assurance on the financial statements
b. Nothing has come to the practitioner’s attention that causes the practitioner to believe that the financial statements are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with PFRS
c. The practitioner obtained reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements
d. The practitioner examined evidence, on a test basis, supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements
If there had been a material scope limitation on a review engagement, the CPA may
a. Express either a qualified opinion or disclaim an opinion on the financial statements
b. Not provide any assurance on the financial statements
c. Issue the unmodified review report
d. Issue an audit report that contains an unmodified opinion about the financial statements
If the financial statements reviewed contained material misstatements, the practitioner’s review report should
a. Express a qualified conclusion
b. Give an adverse conclusion
c. Not provide any assurance
d. Either a or b
The statement that “nothing came to our attention which would indicate that these statements are not fairly presented” expresses which of the following?
a. Disclaimer of opinion
b. Negative assurance
c. Negative confirmation
d. Piecemeal opinion
A practitioner has accepted an engagement to which inquiry and analytical procedures were employed. These procedures will form the basis for the issuance of
a. A compilation report
b. An audit report on supplemental information issued by the client
c. A management advisory report requested by the audit committee
d. A review report on comparative financial statements for a non-public company
A report on factual findings is the end product of the audit when performing
a. Examination
b. Audit
c. Review
d. Agreed-upon procedures
An agreed-upon procedures engagement is one in which
a. The practitioner and management agree that procedures will be applied to all accounts and circumstances
b. The practitioner and management agree that procedures will not be applied to all accounts and circumstances
c. The practitioner and management or a third party agree that the engagement will be limited to certain specific procedures
d. The practitioner and management or a third party agree that the practitioner will apply his or her judgment to determine procedures to be performed
Which of the following is true of the report based on agreed-upon procedures?
a. The report is restricted to those parties who have agreed to the procedures to be performed
b. The CPA provides the recipient of the report limited assurance as to the reasonableness of the assertions presented in the financial information
c. The report states that the practitioner has not recognized any basis that requires revision of the financial statements
d. The report should state that the procedures performed are limited to analytical procedures and inquiry
Engagement to apply agreed-upon procedures on certain accounts within a financial statement may be accepted provided
a. The CPA has expressed opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole
b. The CPA takes full responsibility for the adequacy of the procedures to be performed
c. The CPA provides only limited assurance about the reliability of the financial statements
d. The distribution of the report is limited only to specified parties involved
An engagement to apply agreed-upon procedures engagement may be accepted, provided
a. The CPA has audited the financial statements of the client
b. The CPA is independent with respect to the client
c. The client takes full responsibility for the adequacy of the procedures to be performed
d. The adequacy of the procedures to be performed will be determined by the CPA
Which of the following ethical principles does not apply to an agreed-upon procedure engagement?
a. Independence
b. Confidentiality
c. Professional behavior
d. Professional competence and due care