Chapter 12: Racialized Youth Crime and Justice in Canada Flashcards
Visible Minority
An official term for people other than Indigenous people who are non-white
Risk Factors for Gang Involvement in Racialized Youth
Young people are considered traditionally at risk based on poor socioeconomic backgrounds, substance abuse, unstable families
Link between Immigration, Ethnicity and Crime
Four sociological models used: importation, strain, cultural conflict, and the bias models
Importation Model
The direct relationship between crime and immigration
Youth who come to Canada from countries where crime is common are more likely to commit crime in Canada
Strain Model
The criminal behavior and gang involvement of youth from immigrant families is a result of their marginalized and disadvantaged position in the host country
Multiple Marginality
The combined disadvantage, marginalization, and powerlessness that racialized youth face, which often results in street socialization and gang involvement
Cultural Conflict Model
The intersection of immigration and culture are at the root of criminal behavior
A majority of immigrants do not intend to commit crime in their host country because acts that are acceptable in their home country may not be acceptable elsewhere
Bias Model
The overrepresentation of certain racialized groups in the criminal justice system is a result of racial discrimination and bias within the criminal justice system
Youth from certain racial groups and backgrounds are more likely to be arrested, surveilled, and convicted
A term that denotes that race is not biological but a social construct ascribed to persons on the basis of differential power relations
Disproportionate Minority Contact
Describing the consistent overrepresentation of persons from certain ethnic background in police-citizen contacts, relative to their representation in the population
Systemic Racism
Critical racism theorists contend that racism is reflected in a variety of areas of social life. Systemic racism serves to perpetuate the political and economic dominance of whites in society over all other groups
Street Interrogations
A tactic whereby persons are proactively stopped and questioned by police. Critics suggest these stops target youth from racialized backgrounds and constitute racial profiling
Differential Involvement
Differences in offending between minority youth and whites
Minority youth are overrepresented in police encounters because they commit more serious crimes for longer periods in life
Differential Selection
The police treat youth from minority backgrounds differently than white youth
Minority youth are overrepresented in police encounters because the actions of police include aggressive policing and targeting of certain crimes
Racial Profiling
The use of the perceived race or ethnicity of a person as a factor in determining police suspicion, rather than that person’s involvement in a specific criminal incident
Order-Maintenance Strategies
Policing tactics designed to regulate the use of public spaces and to address signs of “disorder”
Social Ecology of Crime
The impact of human interactions with the lived environment on crime causation and victimization
Crime is typically concentrated in areas with high levels of socioeconomic disadvantage and disorder, which leads to higher police supervisions
Hot Spots Policing
A strategy of identifying the specific areas where crime has been shown to be concentrated
Street Checks or Carding
A common policing tactic involving police initiated stops against persons in situations that typically do not involve an arrest
The police collect personal information from those stopped
The process whereby persons holding moderate beliefs are converted to extreme social, political, and religious beliefs that justify and compel violence
Procedural Justice
A process based approach to legitimacy whereby judgements are made about the quality of treatments received by the police and the fairness of the process by which the police make decisions