Chapter 12 Nuclear Physics Flashcards
Einstein showed in his theory of relativity that matter can be considered a form of energy and hence, he proposed:
- Mass can be converted into energy
- Energy can be converted into mass
- This is known as mass-energy equivalence, and can be summarised by the equation:
E = mc2
- Where:
- E = energy (J)
- m = mass (kg)
- c = the speed of light (m s-1)
Some examples of mass-energy equivalence are:
- The fusion of hydrogen into helium in the centre of the sun
- The fission of uranium in nuclear power plants
- Nuclear weapons
- High-energy particle collisions in particle accelerators
- Experiments into nuclear structure have found that the total mass of a nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituent nucleons
- This difference in mass is known as the
mass defect
- Mass defect is defined as:
The difference between an atom’s mass and the sum of the masses of its protons and neutrons
- The mass defect Δm of a nucleus can be calculated using:
Δm = Zmp + (A – Z)mn – mtotal
- Where:
- Z = proton number
- A = nucleon number
- mp = mass of a proton (kg)
- mn = mass of a neutron (kg)
- mtotal = measured mass of the nucleus (kg)
A system of separated nucleons has a greater mass than a system of bound nucleons
Due to the equivalence of mass and energy, this decrease in mass implies that energy is
- released in the process
- Since nuclei are made up of neutrons and protons, there are forces of repulsion between the positive protons
- Therefore, it takes energy, ie. the binding energy, to hold nucleons together as a nucleus
- Binding energy is defined as:
The energy required to break a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons
- Energy and mass are proportional, so, the total energy of a nucleus is less than the sum of the energies of its constituent nucleons
The formation of a nucleus from a system of isolated protons and neutrons is therefore an
- exothermic reaction - meaning that it releases energy
- This can be calculated using the equation:
E = Δmc2
Binding Energy per Nucleon
- In order to compare nuclear stability, it is more useful to look at the binding energy per nucleon
- The binding energy per nucleon is defined as:
The binding energy of a nucleus divided by the number of nucleons in the nucleus
A higher binding energy per nucleon indicates a
- higher stability
- In other words, it requires more energy to pull the nucleus apart
- Iron (A = 56) has the highest binding energy per nucleon, which makes it the most stable of all the elements
Key Features of the Graph
- At low values of A
- Nuclei tend to have a lower binding energy per nucleon, hence, they are generally less stable
- This means the lightest elements have weaker electrostatic forces and are the most likely to undergo fusion
Key Features of the Graph: Helium (4He), carbon (12C) and oxygen (16O) do not fit the trend
- Helium-4 is a particularly stable nucleus hence it has a high binding energy per nucleon
- Carbon-12 and oxygen-16 can be considered to be three and four helium nuclei, respectively, bound together
Key Features of the Graph:
At high values of A:
- The general binding energy per nucleon is high and gradually decreases with A
- This means the heaviest elements are the most unstable and likely to undergo fission
- Fusion is defined as:
The fusing together of two small nuclei to produce a larger nucleus
- Low mass nuclei (such as hydrogen and helium) can undergo fusion and release energy
For two nuclei to fuse, both nuclei must have
high kinetic energy
- This is because the protons inside the nuclei are positively charged, which means that they repel one another