Chapter 12: Inclusiveness, Identity, and Conflict in Late 20th-Century American Psychology Flashcards
What were some of the issues tackled in the 1960s by psychologists? (Contextual factors)
- Civil rights, race and ethnic identity claims
- Is psychologist a scientist or practitioner?
- What should the relationship between Psychology and the government be?
- How does money and funding control research and psychology?
- Community work
A debate was going on over what psychology should study. What was American Psychologists’ position? What movement did this lead to?
American psychology:
- Sticking to its guns that psychology will uncover universal psychological truths
- White undergrad research participants/white rat
- Psychopathology research medically inspired
- Neglect of contextual factors
- Still using tests for racial oppression and inequality
Led to the Black Power movement - to change the power relations between white majority and black minority
What actions did Black psychologists take to encourage a move toward a more inclusive Psychology?
Formal institutionalization
- Association of Black Psychologists 1968
- Journal of Black Psychology
- Article in Ebony magazine, 1970 “Black psychology” used for the first time, African-American world view
What did Black psychologists do to insight Institutional Changes? What issues did they bring up? What happened as a result?
Establishement of Black Students Psychological Association, 1969
APA 1969 convention ABPsi and BSPA interrupted the presidential address to air grievances:
-Culturally biased testing practices
-Lack of employment opportunities for African Americans in psychology
-Inadequate opportunities and support of Black graduate students
APA agreed to include psychologists when doing any work that involved black communities
What kind of issues concerning psychology in the service minority populations became apparent?
The underutilization of mental health services by minorities was highlighted
Inadequate training for minority issues
Poor quality of services usually by White middle-class mental health workers
Government became concerned with why this was happening and how to solve it
What was the Ten-Point Program by ABPsi, what kind of changes did it lead to?
Accepted by graduate programs to tackle race issues
Agreed to incorporate recommendations: led to an increase of minority graduate students
-Minority Fellowship Program, 1974 NIMH
-Dulles Conference by APA, 1977:
Minority inclusion was accepted wholeheartedly as important, and increase the roles minorities play in psychology
APA pressured to be more inclusive
Accreditation programs required by APA to address diversity topics
What kind of tensions developed within psychology?
Division starting to appear within the profession:
Some felt psychology was a natural science and that’s what it should do
Others felt it should address practical problems and social issues: antiwar movement, abortion rights, LGBT
Crimes of psychology
Psychologists for Social Responsibility 1982
How did psychologists become more involved in the community? What kind of programs were established?
Psychology and social involvement:
NIMH promoted community based mental health services and research 1950s
Government funding
School based prevention programs
Community mental health programs (crisis intervention, support therapy, couple counselling, assessed potential needs for mental health clients, counselling for children)
Community residential programs for patients
Gradual reintegration into society
What are community mental health centers?
Provide mental health services to communities across the socioeconomic spectrum. CMHC based research began enthusiastically 1960s
What kind of issues became apparent when psychologists tried to become more involved in the community?
Communities were not homogeneous but CMHCs were staffed by White professionals
Psychologists were not equipped
Tension and Resentment increasing
What is an example of a psychology institution gone horribly wrong? What is an example of one done right?
Lincoln Hospital Mental Health services Bronx 1969
An area which is primarily colored.
White staff started working without receiving any minority training
Caused a revolt by non-professional staff of color (blacks and puerto ricans) and they took control of the center
Meharry CMHC Nashville, Tennessee
Employed colored psychologists for primarily black community
Employed and trained paraprofessionals from the community
Showed sensitivity to their issues and problems and was a huge success
What is another example of a successful psychological program?
Clinical psychology training program at Maryland
Forrest Tyler
Multicultural training, recruiting minority students, they required a certain % of minority students in the program, multi-site internships, students trained to respond to the entire community and from a spectrum of social background, taught to respect uniqueness or each community member, taught to respond to diversity, students input taken into account.
Got a lot of resistance, director had to leave
A Question arose of Psychology’s Professional Identity within the APA; what was it? What institutions did it lead to?
Debate within APA Psychologist scientist or practitioner? Stuctural changes to APA: Split happened -American Psychological Society -Association for Psychological Science
How did the Government, and National Security influence the course of psychology?
Psychological research determined by funding
Psychology for political aims: funding from ONR, DoD
What kind of work did psychologists do for the military and government?
Contributions in cold war:
- Counter-insurgency and psychological warfare
- Human factors in military hardware
- Control of people: Project Camelot
- Direction of research had Political aims
Why did the republican governments of Nixon and Reagan cut funding for psychological research and mental health services? How did psychologists react?
Pressure from insurance companies wanting to cut costs and not wanting to fund something that is not effective
Psychotherapy research (flawed, not diverse)
Evidence based therapy
Limited money: Competition for psychologists to develop research that funders want
What happened when the abuses of psychology came to light? What are two examples of such abuses?
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research , was formed in 1974
- Tuskegee syphilis study 1932-1972
- Behavior modification techniques with basic human needs as rewards with prisoners/vulnerable populations
Belmont Report (1979) Ethics review boards for all research with humans
How does the Government influence the Direction of Psychological Science?
Psychological research regulated industry
data-based scientific publications for advancement
Publications dependent on funding
Research direction controlled by policy makers through funding
“Publish or Perish”
Hispanic psychologists began mobilizing too. Who were they and what did they do?
Psychologists of colour established new organizations
Association of Psychologists por La Raza, (APLR) 1970
Developed into National Hispanic Psychological Association 1979
-Started the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Science 1979
Indian (Native American) psychologists began mobilizing too. Who were they and what did they do?
Network of Indian (Native American) Psychologists, 1971
Developed into Society for Indian Psychologists 1975
Vocal about having Indian graduate students
Conducted research in rural minority health programs
1986 First Native president of APA
Asian psychologists began mobilizing too. Who were they and what did they do?
Asian American Psychological Association, 1972
Wanted Asian American worldview in psychological theory
Main contribution: Multicultural counseling
NIMH sought their expertise
Journal of the Asian American Psychological Association 1979
What is Critical psychology?
Critical psychology; drawing on different ideas:
- Marxism (inborn tendency toward socialist and egalitarian society)
- phenomenology (see through client’s eyes)
- postmodern (not universal truths, everything is relative)
- post structuralist theories ( “ )
What is community psychology?
Community Psychology: focus social and structural problems, poverty, racism, and classism. Psychologists sought to affect individuals by intervening at the level of the community
What is “Scientific colonialism”?
Black psychologists coined the term to refer to white psychologists going into Black communities and collecting data without benefitting that community. They felt this was exploitation
The community should be more involved in the research, take their input at all stages (ex. as to what problems need to be addressed) and share the results to promote change.
The APA approved the practitioner–scholar model. What were the inadequacies with the program? What new program emerged as a result?
Felt it wasn’t enough; it wasn’t developing practitioner skills of diagnosis require assessments, deliver psychotherapeutic services. Too much emphasis on scientific training
APA was forcing people to be both
PsyD program initiated at the University of Illinois, 1968
successful among psychologists of color
APA ignoring when approached by medicare getting the practitioners fee covered.
What was Project Camelot?
Was success in cold war by using behavioral experts’ abilities and techniques to manipulate individuals and cultures to gain intelligence information
How to control indigenous population, how to insight civil wars, to overthrow regimes, conquer, help U.S. control the population to their advantage. Control and predict human behavior
Focus Latin America: cultural study of Chilean society
Norwegian sociologist exposed the program
What kind of changes did Black Psychologists want to see?
Focus on resilience, strength and communalism of Black communities, make psychology inclusive
Get rid of the view that black children come from broken families and that’s why they have problems. Stop pathologizing black families and focusing on black children’s weaknesses as opposed to strengths