Chapter 12 - Final Flashcards
________ type of psychoanalysis in which the client is allowed to say whatever comes to mind in response to a word that is given by the therapist. The themes established may give the therapist an idea of the cause of clients emotional disturbance
Free association
_____ type of psychoanalysis is a tool for unlocking the unconscious or for searching further into “past life regression.” Therapist asks certain questions of the client
_____ type of psychoanalysis is used to allow the client to purge the repressed mental contents from the psyche. Sometimes the individual not only will recall the painful experiences, but also may actually relive it, accompanies by the feelings and emotions associated with the event
_____ therapy emphasis is on the here and now. Past behavior is addressed only as it impacts present choice or future behavior. The concept of responsibility is emphasized.
Reality Therapy
In _______ tension is released when the lungs take in as much oxygen as possible
Deep-breathing exercises
In _______ deep muscle relaxation is accomplished by tensing and relaxing groups of muscle
Progressive relaxation exercises
In ______ the goal is to gain mastery over attention. Consciousness is altered as the individual becomes preoccupied with selected focus of attention
In ______ each individual uses own imagination as a frame of reference for decreasing the stress response
Mental Imagery
In _______ the use of instrumentation to become aware of processes in the body that usually go unnoticed and to help bring them under voluntary control