Chapter 12: Coastal Systems Flashcards
What fish has had the most impact on human civilization?
Atlantic Cod
Fish that live or feed along the bottom of the body of water they inhabit
Why is temperature more stable in water than land?
- water has a high heat capacity
- takes more time to heat water than air
The change in temperature with increasing depth(temperature decreases rapidly as you go lower)
The increase in salinity of a water body with increasing depth
Deep Zone
The area of water below pycnocline. Unaffected by winds, storms, sunlight, and temperature.
What is upwelling?
Upwelling is the vertical flow of cold, deep water towards the surface
The sinking of oxygen rich water where surface current converge
What are El Nino conditions?
Change in air pressure by air rising in the western Pacific and falling in the eastern Pacific.
- causes the equatorial trade winds to weaken
- causes rainstorms/floods in typically dry areas, vice versa
What would the weather be like in Canada in LA Nina conditions?
Abnormally cool and wet
What is bathymetry?
The measurement of ocean depths
What are continental shelves?
Gently sloping areas that underlie shallow waters bordering continents \
What is a continental slope?
A continental slope connects a continental shelf to the ocean floor
What is an abyssal plain?
The flat bottom of the deep ocean
In what zone does most of the oceans primary productivity occur?
PHOTIC Zone.. “top zone”