Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company Flashcards
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p254
What two things are required to have a functional fire company?
The Fire Chief has a responsibility to create that environment in the department.
The company officer has the responsibility for creating the environment in the firehouse.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p254
What does fire ready mean in TCFD?
Fire ready means preparing for the fire shift, expecting fire upon arrival, and expecting the search to be positive.
With this mindset surprises are minimized, the company set up and prepared to go to work.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p255
Coaching the company:
How can you assure fire company understands what being fire ready means?
Discuss the difference between EMS response in a fire response.
Focus on the first 15 minutes of fire response in each of the things that must be addressed.
Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the company and each individual member of the company.
Describe what fire ground success looks like based on apartment operating guidelines and best practices.
Drill on basics
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p255
How can the senior member have a positive influence on the company’s fire readiness?
Be the role model for firefighting preparedness. What the whip does or does not do sends a message to the company.
Work with officer and driver on best way to set up the rig. Train like it’s the real deal.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p256
What are the two jobs that members of the functional fire company must understand?
- The roles & responsibilities of the position. 2. The fire?
The level for understanding for each job by each member will determine the success and survival of the fire company.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p256
As a company officer how do you make sure your company understands their roles and responsibilities?
First make sure you understand the jobs. Start with the job descriptions for each position.
The more operational clarity that can be provided for each position, the greater the operational coordination, and the less likely there will be misunderstanding.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p256
How can Whip help ensure firefighters understand the roles responsibilities?
The members may come to the house trained but they will look to the senior member to gain understanding. Don’t just do the job, learn them.
Company officers don’t know all, and may lean on the senior firefighter’s understanding.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p257
What is it at the core but a functional fire company is?
Functional fire company and its core are problem solvers. The ability and commitment to solving problems is what set functional companies apart from the rest. While other companies are throwing in the towel and giving up the functional company is throwing letter going to work.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p257
As a fire officer how do you coach your company to be a team of problem solvers?
Discuss how functional fire companies welcome operational leadership challenges.
Understand that wins are determined by problems successfully solved.
Explain how each member of the company is empowered to solve problems.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p257
How does the senior member promote a culture of problem-solving?
Be the member that solves problem.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p258
What is commitment to duty?
Firefighters should view duty as a moral obligation and their number one responsibility. Being firefighters a choice in the privilege. When you accept the title of firefighter you are green to live up to all that that title stands for: courage, valor, commitment, compassion, dedication, service and being a person who strangers can count on and trust.
Your duties as a firefighter is simple: use your training to the best of your ability to save lives, protect property and solve problems.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p258
Has a company officer coach the company to a commitment of duty?
Define duty as a team. Start with a vision of what commitment to duty looks like, and then work backwards to develop the actions and mindset necessary for commitment to duty.
Ask your fire officers and firefighters should have it different level of commitment, define those levels.
Develop three or four duty action steps that demonstrate commitment to duty. For example, define your risk tolerance, commit to increasing knowledge and skill proficiency, and always remain prepared.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p258
How can the senior member help to find commitment to duty within the company?
Learn the commitment to duty of each member on the team and work to match or exceed it.
Mentor junior members so that they understand what may be expected of them in life or death situations, and how those decisions should be made, or will be made.
Make the connection between committing to duty, and committing to preparedness.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p259
How you promote trust and cohesion within the company?
Accountability, respect, pride, teamwork, and commitment to excellence must be valued by each member of the team if there’s to be trust and team cohesion.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p259
How can the senior firefighter contribute to team cohesion?
Be the go to person that the team can count on – that’s the recognition that matters. If you are working with junior members watch for an attitude of entitlement and coach them through it if they have one.
Never allow hazing in your house. This doesn’t mean you can be strict and demanding just means cannot abuse members physically or mentally.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p259-260
What should company officers always remember about team cohesion?
Every action is this pendulum swing each action and decision can either promote teambuilding or tear them apart. Damaged team chemistry is often subtle and not recognized until after the damage is done.
Teen building and team chemistry cannot be emphasized enough. Everything is on the company officer including hazing.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p260
What is it mean to be a student of the art of firefighting?
Each member of the functional fire company seeks knowledge and a deeper level of understanding by asking questions, doing research, and practicing.
He learned, apply it, honestly critique it, and then improve on it. That’s how insight is gained.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p260
How does the company officer promote a learning culture on his team?
Discuss as a company most effective ways to increase understanding of the job.
As the team commit to learning something on every call, no matter how insignificant.
Inspire each member of the team to gain insight into the team into the job.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p260
How does senior firefighter promote a learning culture?
As a senior member, your success will be based on your maturity and your insight of the job and the crew.
This is something that you have to work on each shift. Study, learn, and understand. Be the team member with the answers.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p261
What makes a functional fire company so equipped to meet the challenge of the job?
Their commitment to preparedness being ready 24/7- 365. They are prepared mentally, physically, mechanically, and procedurally.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p261
How does a fire company officer ensure that his crew is committed to a culture of preparedness?
Start with formal and informal leaders making a commitment to being prepared and challenging them to be role models of preparedness.
Established preparedness standards and never allow shortcuts.
Explain how time spent preparing will shave off time during the response and minimize the zero impact period.
Always emphasize the importance of preparedness in determining success and survival in the firehouse and on the fire ground.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p261
How does the senior firefighter promote a culture of preparedness?
Essential for senior members to ensure the preparedness of the team. Don’t be put in a position to be held accountable for someone else’s individual preparedness.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p261
Why is preparedness so important for the whole organization?
Preparedness is a difference between making the grabber recovering the body. The emphasis for preparedness should come directly from the chief.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p261-262
What is the mean to be a positive person on the job, why is it so important?
Recognizing that we are professionals with a responsibility to show compassion to people who are experiencing a tragic event.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p262
How does the company officer get their crew to be positive?
Discuss the benefits of being positives in small groups versus the consequences of being negative.
The company officer must describe the expectations for team respect and attitude inside and outside of the firehouse and what will not be tolerated.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p262
How does the senior firefighter helped the crew stay positive?
Senior members have a tremendous amount of influence in the firehouse. Junior members watch them to see what behaviors is acceptable and unacceptable. Be a positive role model. The senior member has a negative attitude the house is in trouble, and the officer will have a difficult time.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p262
Why is positivity so important for the organization?
Because someone can be positive in the firehouse chances are they can’t be nice when serving the people who pay them for the services.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p262
Why is it so important for everybody to be on their game when it comes to situational awareness?
Because they have the experience and have been trained to recognize when something’s wrong.
When they recognize operations that are beyond the capabilities of the resources on scene, they have to have the courage to bring it to the attention of command so it can be corrected
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p262
How does the company officer coach situational awareness?
The beginning of shift is an ideal time to remind each member to stay alert, throughout the shift, and on every call.
Review information on situational awareness to ensure each member understands what being alert really means.
Discuss the responsibility each member has for maintaining situational awareness for themselves and for the team.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p263
How does the senior member promote situational awareness on the team?
The officer depends on the senior member to maintain situational awareness. Senior member is an additional set of eyes and ears in the firehouse.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p263
What is the action item TCFD has for situational awareness?
That all officers are expected to answer the radio the first time they’re called.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p263
What is the three strike rule?
When calling on the radio for company:
first call is to the company
second call is for the officer by name
third call ask if anyone has seen the company or member
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p263
What is the make or break for fire company?
Leadership all high-performing teams are well led. A leaders well communicated intent ensures the company understands what is expected and what outcomes should look like. This is an essential practice of leadership.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p264
As a company officer practice leadership with his crew?
Take the time as a formal leader at the beginning of each shift to explain what needs to be done, right needs to be done and what it should look like when it’s done.
This takes preparation so don’t wait for last-minute.
Write the daily plan on the whiteboard to the members can plan the day.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p264
How can the senior member help support the company officers leadership?
By having an in-depth understanding of what the company officer wants what the author expects it to look like when it’s done. It’s how you build trust with company officer and the other members.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p264
What kind of leadership do you want to avoid?
You don’t want to be the company officer that only let someone know expectations after they fallen short. He can expect firefighters to meet your expectations if they don’t know what you’re expectations are.
As a company officer you must provide direction, that’s your roll.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p264
What is the focus of the functional firefighter?
The focus of the mission is the victim. Each member understands the risks associated with firefighting and what is required to fulfill their duty.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p265
How does the fire officer coach the difference between sensible aggression and reckless aggression?
The officer should discuss the difference between sensible, acceptable aggression and reckless aggression.
Discuss the departments risk-benefit profile. Emphasize “Be here now for them”
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p265
How does a senior firefighter help the officer keep the focus on the victim?
Pure officers having the back customer service day help amount anyway you can.
Try to anticipate the victims need for action and information and be one step ahead. The officer will appreciate you making them look good in public.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p265
What is Thompson’s view on protecting the public?
The people count on us to bring them hope in the worst day. Taxpayers are paying for protection from fire, just like they are paying for auto insurance. If they ever need either, they want their investment to pay off.
That there is an expectation
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p266
What is the goal with risk-management?
The goal with risk management should be to recognize and immediately manage risk. Predictable is preventable.
Each member shares the responsibility for risk management. Aggression should always be risk regulated.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company P266
How does the fire officer coach risk management?
The following mismanagement and identify the types of risks that the company may encounter.
Define the roles and responsibilities of each member and the company for managing risk.
Develop a standard that encourages any member of the company to bring potential risk forward without ridicule.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p266
How does senior firefighter encourage risk management?
Constantly being on the lookout for risk and potential risk. If recognized say something as soon as possible. And the officers back when especially when it comes to taking care of the entire crew.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p267
Who is responsible for risk management?
Everyone in the organization is responsible for managing risk. However officers must understand that they are responsible for the well-being of their people.
This involves identifying risk and taking appropriate action immediately to eliminate the risk when possible.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p267
How does the company officer keep his company proficient with their EMS skills?
Actively participating in EMS CE. Ensure that the company shows as much pride for EMS as they do for firefighting.
Help them realize that delivering EMS is a great opportunity to assist people in that every call matters to the people on the receiving end.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p267
How does the senior firefighter show leadership when it comes to medical care?
Take the lion share patient contact. Remember EMS is a great opportunity to deliver rockstar service.
Deliver the same care and compassion that you would want in your family to receive.
Chapter 12: Coaching the Functional Fire Company p267
Why is it smart to used EMS to highlight our commitment to exceptional service?
Good officers recognize the positive image that can result from delivering top-notch EMS service.