Chapter 12-Approaches to Treatment and Therapy Flashcards
What are antidepressant drugs?
Drugs used primarily in the treatment of mood disorders, especially depression and anxiety.
What are antipsychotic drugs?
Drugs used primarily in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; they are often used off label and inappropriately for other disorders such as dementia and impulsive aggressiveness.
What are tranquilizers?
Drugs commonly used but often inappropriately prescribed for patents who complain of unhappiness, anxiety, or worry.
What is lithium carbonate?
A drug frequently given to people suffering from bipolar disorder.
What is the placebo effect?
The apparent success of a medication or treatment due to the patient’s expectation or hopes rather than to the drugs or treatment itself.
What is psychoanalysis?
A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy, developed by Sigmund Freud, that emphasizes the exploration of unconscious motives and conflicts; modern psychodynamic therapies share this emphasis but differ from Freudian analysis in various ways.
What is transference?
In psychodynamic therapies, a critical process in which the client transfers unconscious emotions or reactions, such as emotional feelings about his or her parents, onto the therapist.
What is behavior therapy?
A form of therapy that applies principles of classical and operant conditioning to help people change self-defeating or problematic behaviors.
What is graduated exposure?
In behavior therapy, a method in which a person suffering from a phobia or panic attacks is gradually taken into the feared situation or exposed to a traumatic memory until the anxiety subsides.
What is flooding?
In behavior therapy, a form of exposure treatment in which the client is taken directly into a feared situation until his or her panic subsides.
What is systematic desensitization?
In behavior therapy, a step-by-step process of desensitizing a client to a feared object or experience; it is based on the classical-conditioning procedure of counterconditioning.
What is behavioral self-monitoring?
In behavior therapy, a method of keeping careful data on the frequency and consequences of the behavior to be changed.
What is skills training?
In behavior therapy, an effort to teach the client skills that he or she may lack, as well as new constructive behavior to replace self-defeating ones.
What is cognitive therapy?
A form of therapy designed to identify and change irrational, unproductive ways of thinking and, hence, to reduce negative emotions and their self-defeating consequences.
What is rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT)?
A form of cognitive therapy devised by Albert Ellis, designed to challenge the client’s unrealistic or irrational thoughts.
What is humanistic therapy?
A form of psychotherapy based on the philosophy of humanism, which emphasizes the client’s free will to change rather than past conflicts.
What is client-centered(nondirective) therapy?
A humanist approach, devised by Carl Rogers, which emphasizes the therapist’s empathy with the client and the use of unconditional positive regard.
What is existential therapy?
A form of therapy designed to help clients explore the meaning of existence and face the great questions of life, such as death, freedom, alienation, and loneliness.
What is family-systems perspective?
An approach to doing therapy with individuals or families by identifying how each family member forms part of a larger interacting system.
What is therapeutic alliance?
The bond of confidence and mutual understanding established between therapist and client, which allows them to work together to solve the client’s problems.
What is randomized controlled trials?
Research designed to determine the effectiveness of a new medication or form of therapy, in which people with a given problem or disorder are randomly assigned to one or more treatment groups or to a control group.