chapter 12 Flashcards
concrete operational
thinking becomes logical and more organized, but only if the object can be perceived (seriation and spatial reasoning)
The ability to order items along a quantitative dimension such as length or weight
transitive inference
ability to seriate mentally
code switching
producing an utterance in one language containing “guest” words from the other
What are the three things that happen to attention in middle childhood?
becomes more selective, flexible, and planful
What are 3 memory strategies for middle childhood?
rehearsal, organization, elaboration
What is the main difference between whole language and phonics approach to reading?
-whole language: exposed to text in complete form from the beginning
-phonics: rules for translating written symbols into sounds
What are the 3 intelligences in Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of successful intelligence? What are the core abilities within each of the intelligences?
-analytical (information processing)
-creative (capacity to solve novel problems)
-practical (application of intellectual skills in everyday situations)
Be familiar with Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and a general example for each
linguistic (poet), bodily-kinesthetic (dancer), interpersonal (therapist), etc.
Is IQ contributed to heredity or environmental factors?
both contribute
What are the benefits of having a smaller class size for teachers? for students?
-students: greater likelihood of graduating high school, better academic progress
-teachers: spend less time disciplining, spend more time teaching and giving individual attention
What are the main differences between the educational philosophies (Traditional vs. Constructivist)
-traditional: teacher is sole authority for knowledge, students are passive
-constructivist: encourages students to construct their own knowledge, teacher guides and supports
What are the factors that affect educational quality?
-societal values
-school resources
-quality of teaching
-parental support
Where does the US rank on average math scores (high, intermediate or low?)
at/below average