Chapter 12 Flashcards
What is the dominate family in Florence?
They did a lot for the arts.
Medici family
Who gained temporary control of Florence?
Who was the dominate family in Milan?
Visconti family
Who was the political writer of the Renaissance?
Who wrote “The Prince”?
Who was the “Father of Renaissance Humanism”?
Who wrote in Latin and based his teachings on classical education?
Who was the Italian writer who wrote “Divine Comedy”?
Who was the English writer who wrote “The Canterbury Tales”?
Who was the French woman writer of “The Book of the City of Ladies”?
Who painted frescos?
Who mastered the laws of perspective?
Who was a great sculptor and created “Saint George?”
Who was the architect hired by the Medici family to build the Church of San Lorenzo?
Who mastered realism?
Who painted the “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”?
Who painted madonnas?
Who attended the “School of Athens”?
Who was the architect of St. Peter’s Basilica?
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Who was the first to use oil paint?
Jan van Eyck
Who painted “The Adoration of the Lamb”?
Jan van Eyck
Who painted the “Adoration of Magi”?
Who was the first to use illustrations in books?
Who developed the printing press and movable type?
Who was the best known Christian humanist?
Who wrote “The Praise of Folly”?
Who was the founder of the Lutheran religion?
Martin Luther
Who wrote the 95 Theses?
Martin Luther
Who was associated with the start of the Reformation?
Martin Luther
Who was put in charge of selling indulgences to raise money for Pope Leo X?
Johann Tetzel
Who was the Pope who excommunicated Martin Luther?
Leo X
Who was the King of Spain and HRE?
Charles V
Who wrote the Peace of Augsburg?
Charles V
Who started the Protestant movement in Switzerland?
Who was the founder of Calvinism?
John Calvin
Who believed in predestination?
John Calvin
Who led Calvinism in Scotland?
John Knox
Who was the King of England who started the reform movement in England?
Henry VIII
The Church of England was created as a result of his movement?
Henry VIII
Who was the wife of Henry VIII and mother of Mary? Divorced by Henry VIII.
Who was the wife of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth?
Anne Boleyn
Who was the son of Henry VIII?
Edward VI
He started the Church of England by act of Parliament.
Edward VI
Who was the daughter of Henry VIII who tried to restore Catholicism to England?
Who was the founder of Jesuits?
Who called for the Council of Trent?
Pope Paul III
What are the characteristics of humanism?
- stressed knowing & understanding of how things worked
- emphasized education
- based on classical Roman & Greek writings
- people needed to be active in practical things like government or arts
- believed in individual dignity with an admiration for individual achievement
What are characteristics of Renaissance art?
- sought to imitate nature
- realism
- perspectism
- human body
What are four problems in Church?
- Popes weren’t meeting the needs of the people
- money-clergy was wealthy at expense of the people
- buying of indulgences
- Modern Devotion-mystical movement of the time. stressed need to follow teachings of Jesus