CHAPTER 12 Flashcards
particular forms of protest available to and/or developed by social actors at a specific moment (Tilly, 1986)
n developed in a particular place and shaped by the prevailing sense of justice to which it must appeal
n repertoires evolve over time through exchanges, innovation, trial and error
pre-modern repertoire
stoning, screaming, public shaming, beating
n short in duration, local in scope
social change
actions aimed to change the status quo or the state of affairs
social movements
an organized effort by one or more group in society to promote or resist change through various types of engagement
social movements involve collective making of claims that, if realized, would conflict with another group’s interests
governments somehow in the claim making, whether as claimants, objects of claims, allies of the objects, or monitors of the contention
collective action
the mobilization and actions of members of a social movement toward a unifying goal
Worthiness: sober demeanor; neat clothing; presence
of dignitaries, and mothers with children
Unity: matching badges, headbands, banners, or costumes; marching in ranks; singing and chanting
Numbers: headcounts, signatures on petitions, messages from constituents, filling streets, retweets, repostings, and numbers of likes
Commitment: braving bad weather; visible participation by the old and disabled; resistance to repression; ostentatious sacrifice, subscription, and/ or benefaction
a sustained, organized public effort making collective claims on target authorities
core characteristics
small acts of resistance by small groups under extremely oppressive conditions
quiet encroachment:
gradual tiny moves that would not threat the state, the policing and surveillance system, but challenge it and push it back
political opportunities
vulnerability or cracks in the system; division, decline in repression, increased political pluralism and disenfranchisement
mobilizing structures
providing membership, organization, leadership, and communication
modern repertoire
large scale demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, petitions, statements to and in public media, blockades, sit- in, disobedience, radical art
easily be transported to many locales & situations
revolutionary SOCIAL MOVEMENT
A revolutionary social movement is a type of social movement that seeks to radically change or completely overthrow the existing social, political, or economic system and replace it with a new structure.
works to enact partial change within larger systems. they focus less on changing the whole
system and instead work to have groups’ rights better represented within it
redemptive social MOVEMENT
A redemptive social movement is a type of social movement that seeks to bring about a radical change in the personal lives and beliefs of individuals.
alternative social MOVEMENT
aims to change a specific aspect of people’s behaviour
§ the Truth, national antitobacco campaign aimed at stopping people from smoking
minimal involvement in social movement through simplistic actions like clicking a like button on social media to show support