Chapter 12 Flashcards
Performing a scene size up and primary assessment
A complete patient assessment has what elements?
scene size up
primary assessment
secondary assessment
Patient Assessment
evaluation of the patient for life-threatening and non-life-threatening conditions
Scene-size up
evaluation the scene you are responding to and checking for
-nature of illness / mechanism of injury
-number of patients
-are additional resources needed?
-spinal precautions
scene safety
making sure the scene is safe before entering. do not go into dangerous situations
Nature of Illness (NOI)
What is medically wrong w/ a patient
Mechanism of Injury (MOI)
The forces that may have causes a patient’s injury
Multiple casualty incidents (MCI)
Any accident involving multiple patients and first in units/resources being overwhelmed
Components of a primary assessment
- forming a general impression
-evaluating mental status - determining the patient’s chief complaints
-ensuring an adequate airway
-ensuring breathing is adequate
ensuring adequacy of circulation
-identifying and controlling severe bleeding - determining priority for transport
Components of a general assessment
-lever of responsiveness and level of distress
What are the 4 components of the alert and oriented assessment?
person (do they know WHO they are)
place (do they know WHERE they are)
time (do they know what TIME it is_
event (do they know what happened)
What are the ABCs in the EMS world?
Airway, breathing, circulation
(any threat to these 3 things must be addressed immediately)