Chapter 12 Flashcards
What does conception mean?
The union of a single egg and single sperm, marks the beginning of a pregnancy
Why does conception occur has a sequential process and not an isolated event?
Because multiple factors are occurring at the same time, such as gamete formation ( sperm and egg ), ovulation ( release of an egg ), fertilization ( union of gamates ) and implantation in the uterus
Cells are reproduced by two methods, which are?
Mitosis and meiosis
What happens in mitosis to the cells?
The body cells replace and repair themselves
What is a basic overall explanation to what is going on a deeper level of mitosis?
It forms two daughter cells each with there own DNA from a copy of the mother cell
What is meiosis?
Which then produces?
The process by which germ cells divide and decrease their chromosomal number by half from the 46 to the 23 number ; which produces eggs and sperm ( gametes )
What is oogenesis?
The process of egg formation begins during fetal life in a female
Where does fertilization take place?
In the ampulla ( outer third ) of the uterine ( fallopian ) tube
What does zonal reaction mean when it comes to fertilization?
When a sperm has already penetrated the ovum and makes the membrane impenetrable to other sperm
What does fertilization mean?
The process of conception in which egg and sperm are together
Explain to me the process of fertilization, after the sperm and egg meet (7)
She is not testing me on this but this is extra information to understand how the process of fertilization occurs in the human body
- Mitotic cellular replication ( cleavage ) begins within 30 hours after fertilization and ends in forming a blastocyst
- The zygote remain in the uterine tube for 24 hours and then moved to the uterus
- Since the zygote is constantly splitting, they form blastomeres with each division
- Now at this point, we have reached 16 cell morula that is surrounded by a protective zona pellucida
- Fluid then passes this protective layer of zona pellucida into the 16 cell morula and separates into two
- Trophoblast ( rise to placenta ) & embryoblast ( rise to embryo )
- Then a blastocyst cavity is formed as everything is coming together
What does trophoblast mean ?
What does embryoblast mean?
What does blastocyst mean?
Rise to the placenta
Rise to the embryo
The whole structural of the developing embryo
What is the month and week range for the first trimester?
Month 1-3
1 to 13
What is the month and week range for the second trimester ?
Month 4 - 6
Week 14 to 26
What is the month and week range for the third trimester?
Month 7 to 9
Week 27 to 40
What does embryogenesis means?
The formation and development of the embryo
From zygote to 16 morula to embryo
When is the embryogensis stage in the prenatal development ?
Week 3 to 11
First trimester approximately
When do we generally consider the embryo is a fetus?
However we 100% sure it’s a fetus by when?
Week 9
Week 12
When does fetal development start?
Week 12 to 40
Week 12 through the entire pregnancy after that
When is the most vulnerable state of our pregnancy? And why do you think so?
During the first trimester, during the embryogenesis stage
Because most people don’t know there pregnant and could unfortunately be doing bad habits
Why do we start at week 3 instead of week 1 when talking about pregnancy ?
Which means?
Is because we have something called a gestational age
It means the last day of the mothers menstrual cycle and a form of measurement to see embryo development
When do we have a 50% survival rate?
When do we have viability?
When do we have childbirth?
Month 4 to 6
Month 7 to 8
Month 9
When is the most critical time for development of organ systems and main external features?
And if a women were to get expose to teratogens at this time it can cause abnormal development ?
The embryogenesis stage
How long does pregnancy last ?
How is the calculated ?
280 days
( 10 lunar months, 9 months, 40 weeks )
From the first day of last menstrual period ( LMP )
What rule do we use to calculate the gestational age?
Naegele rule
How does naegele rule work?
( most accurate dating is a 1st trimester ultrasound )
Add 7 days to LMP and subtract 3 months
What does implantation mean?
The trophoblast release an enzyme and covers the blastocyst
( some woman may seem bleeding, spotted bleeding since they miss there first period )
Blastocyst attached to uterine lining & now begins to form embryo
Women may get this false period feeling
How long is the stage of the ovum?
From conception until day 14
How long is the embryo stage?
From day 15 until 8 weeks after conception
How long is the fetal period?
From 9 weeks until the end of pregnancy
What does the placenta do?
Helps provide oxygen, nutrients and relieve waste from the baby in order to survive
The placenta has how many veins and arteries?
1 vein
2 arteries
The 1 vein and 2 arteries make up what we know as?
The umbilical cord
What is bigger the vein or the 2 arteries in the placenta? Why?
The vein
Because fetal circulation is reversed compared to ours
; normal circulation
Vein - away from the heart
Artery - to the heart
; fetal circulation
Vein - to the heart
Artery - away from the heart
If you were to cut the umbilical cord open it would look like a smiley face :)
What are the eyes? And what is the mouth?
What is the entire face covered in or encased in?
Eyes are 2 arteries - little oxygen
Mouth is the 1 vein - a lot of oxygen
Whartons jelly
How does the placenta work in delivering nutrients, oxygen, and removing waste from the baby?
Name the steps (8)
- We have the uterine wall, which is holding the entire operation, baby & placenta
- We have a basal plate ( which belongs to the mom ) which is a tissue coating
- We have veins & arteries from mom that surpass the basal plate ( tissue )
- These veins and arteries will create a pool in the placenta which red blood cells( oxygen ) and co2 will occur.
( since the arteries and veins are working here, think of the entire pool as a hot tub of circulation ( arteries are jets pushing oxygen ) and veins are drains pulling away ) - Right above this pull we have the chriobic plate which belongs to the fetus and this will be the way the fetus will get its nutrients
- The umbilical cord will branch out around this chrionic plate into the pool
- The process in which the baby actually receives the nutrients is all enclosed ( mom and baby blood don’t touch ! )
- Instead trophoblasts will push down on the plate into the pool and receive the nutrients by close contact by moms blood and release its waste into her pool for fliter
Again remember
Vein bringing oxygen to baby
Artery taking away CO2 from baby
When does the placenta grow or finish growing?
Extra notes
After that week it just grows with the Uterus
Complete by the Twelfth week
( before the 12th week, it’s trying to connect with mom with the chronic plate in the first 12 weeks, like forming and developing )
The placenta has 3 main functions which are?
Endocrine gland function
Metabolic function
Circulatory effects on placental function
For the placenta endocrine function, what are the 4 hormones produced
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Human chorionic somayomammotropin
What does human chorionic gonadotropin do? (HcG)
(Measure in mom & pee on a stick )
Single the body to not menstruate
( This pretty much tells you you’re pregnant )
HcG will be very high during the first couple of months but should level out
But if it doesn’t level out that means?
Neurologic problems or deficits
What does human chorionic somatomammotropin ( hCS) do ?
It doesn’t have a role in the beginning but the end it helps with mom metabolism
Progesterone in the placenta is one of the biggest hormone, what does it do?
Primary hormone that maintains pregnancy
( works with HcG and then takes over after the HcG levels out )
Creates the lining, shed, not to menstruate, “ pregnancy brain “ “ foggy “
Estrogen ( estriol ) is another big hormone that plays a huge role in the placenta, what does it do?
Tells the baby to grow !
Organs development for fetus
What are metabolic functions of the placenta ? (4)
What is the circulatory effects on placental function ?
Depends on the maternal blood pressure
If mom blood pressure is too high what do you think will happen?
If mom blood pressure is too low what do you think will happen?
Both will compromise circulation to the baby, meaning not receiving adequate oxygen, nutrients, excretion etc
What is the amniotic fluid?
Water constitution about 98% of its composition
What is the function of amniotic fluid?(6)
Protection (water create shock barrier)
Thermal regulation ( temp warm )
Fetal movement ( swimming pool )
Lung development ( breathing excreise )
Nutrient exchange ( swallow & pee it )
Infection control ( sterile )
What is viability in the embryo?
Around 24 weeks
When does the heart develop?
3-5th week
When do the kidney form?
And when do they function?
Week 5
Week 9
How does the baby get circulation steps ?
- Placenta
- Umbilical vein ( oxygen )
- Ductus venous
- Foramen ovale ( hole in the heart that can bypass the normal heart function )
- Patgnt ductus/aorta/lungs
- Umbilical artery ( deoxygen )
- Placenta
Once the child is born, the fetal circulation will change?
The heart is shunted to the right so it doesn’t go to the lungs for oxygenated !
That’s why we have the holes to avoid that
Neurologic system
Where does it originate?
Taste by what?
Sound by what?
Sight by what?
16 weeks
24 weeks
26 weeks
( it may be very blurry but sight is there )
An example of an nclex question of baby development would be
The mom heard a loud noise and felt the baby respond, how many weeks do you think she is?
24 weeks
Finger nails and toenails come in?
Lanugo over the entire body by?
10th weeks
20 weeks
Lanugo is what?
( pre term and post term, we can see how much hair is on the baby, you can “date” the baby )
Soft Hair to protect the skin
Fetal growth and development are influenced by many factors like genetic and environmental
- health of placenta
- nutritional status
- maternal age
- drugs, chemical
( effects depend on timing of exposure )
( viruses )
DAY 15 to 60
The volume is the amniotic fluid increases weekly!
Then decreases around week 39-41 when birth is to come
Amniotic fluid is 98-99% water
The 1% is protein, fat, urea, everything you’d find in a urine test basically
Lanugo hair^
Whartons jelly surrounds the vessel preventing compression of blood vessels and ensuring contained nourishment of the embryo or fetus
When the cord is wrapped around the neck it’s called nuchal cord
HCG ensures the continued supply of estrogen and progesterone
( HcG helps until the placenta takes over and makes those two primary hormones )
We don’t want pregnant ladies laying on there back because the pressure can compress the blood flow to the baby
What is Braxton hicks contraction?
Painlesss contractions in the first trimester
Meconium - black tarry stool first poop
Teratogens have the greatest effect during the embryonic period from day 15-60
To which you have no effect, severe effect that could lead to miscarriage
Fertilization steps
1. Takes place in ampulla
2. Sperm and egg meet in tube
3. Make zygote
4. Turns into morula
5. Blastocysts and called implantation ( now egg in on the lining of the uterus )
What is the placenta made up of? (3)
When does it developed?
What shape is it?
Endometrial blood vessels
Connective tissue
Endometrial epithelial cells
After implantation of the blastocyst on the uterine lining
Disc shaped organ
3 primary germ layers
Endoderm ( inner layer )
Mesoderm ( middle layer )
Ectoderm ( outer layer )
Give rise to organs
Gives rise to muscle
Give rise to nervous system
Dizygotic twins means?
Monozygotic twins?
Two eggs & two placentas
One egg & one placenta
Can either be from 1 egg then dicing into two and then divide again
Or can either be from 2 egg for twins then it divides again