Chapter 11.2 Flashcards
central nervous system
grey matter in CNS
nerve tissue- mostly cell bodies, dendrites and short unmyelinated neurons
white matter in CNS
nerve tissue- myelinated axons that run together in tracts
CNS is made up of?
brain and spinal cord
CNS plays a major role in..
Hindbrain components
medulla oblongata
Forebrain components
oldest part of the brain (evolution)
Control centers for most basic life activities (breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure)
Medulla Oblongata
First extension from spinal cord
complex relay center of incoming / outgoing info
Function: controls…
- heart rate
- breathing
- regulates blood vessel diameter
- swallowing
- coughing
- behind the medulla - has both white and grey matter with many folds
- receives input from specialized sensors (proprioceptors) located within the skeletal muscles and joints
- Function:
- coordinates and maintains fine control over all motor actions
- unconscious control of posture, reflexes and body movements
- controls posture and equilibrium
- between the medulla and the midbrain
- has part of the breathing control system
- Function: relays messages from the cerebellum to parts of the cerebrum, midbrain and other hindbrain centres
- control centre for many vital functions of autonomic nervous system (blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, water balance)
- control centre for basic drives (hunger, thirst, sexual drive)
- control centre for emotions (rage, pleasure, aggression
- connected to and controls the pituitary gland which in turn controls the endocrine system
Largest part of the brain (4/5 of total weight of brain)
- consists of right and left hemispheres each of which is responsible for the opposite side of the body
- thick band of nerve called corpus callosum facilitates communication between the cerebral hemispheres
- under the corpus callosum is a group of neurons- basal nuclei (important in motor coordination. May become immobilized if damaged- seen in patients with parkinson’s disease
Cerebrum function
- receives and processes all sensory info
cerebral cortex
cerebrum consists of an internal mass of white matter and a thin outer covering of grey matter
- 10 billion neurons and hundreds of billions of synapses
- produces most distinctive traits: reasoning, mathematical ability, language skills, imagination, artistic talent, and personality traits
- Assembles information from eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and touch sensors and creates out sensory perception ( what we are actually aware of what we see, hear, smell, taste or touch)
- the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and vice versa. The corpus callosum connects the hemispheres and allows them to communicate
Frontal Lobe
- controls voluntary movement
- controls speech
- conscious thought
- personality
- intellect
Temporal Lobe
- receives auditory information
Occipital Lobe
- receives visual information
Parietal Lobe
- receives information about touch and temperature and awareness (skin)
- TTTPP (touch, temperature, taste, pain, pressure)
Spinal Cord
- extends from the brainstem down to the end of the backbone through a canal within the backbone. Protected by meninges and cerebrospinal fluid
- divided into 31 segments- each with a pair of spinal nerves (part of the PNS)
- Spinal cord carries sensory nerve messages from receptors to the brain and relays motor nerve messages form the brain to muscle and glands
Spinal Cord Process
Sensory root neurons:
- enters through dorsal root
- cell bodies are lumped together in dorsal root forming a ganglion
- the sensory neuron connects with the association neurons in the grey matter- this transfers the message to brain and motor neuron
- motor nerves leave the spinal cord through the ventral root to muscles/ glands