chapter 11.2 Flashcards
amount of money requested/exchanged for a product
relative worth of something to a person
explanation of a value of a certain product over others that are similar
value proposition
the established price printed in a catalog, on a price tag, or on a price list
list price
the actual price a customer pays for a product after any discounts or coupons are deducted
selling price
price recommended by the manufacturer
manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP)
goals defined in the business and marketing plans for the overall pricing policies of the company
pricing objectives
a pricing objective based on offering the lowest price possible to get the largest number of customers to buy the product
maximizing sales
a pricing objective that aims to generate as much revenue as possible in relation to total cost
maximizing profit
Company goals, expenses, customers perception, competition, supply and demand, economic conditions, product life-cycle
factors influencing a price of a product
price of a brand new product is often high
introduction stage
more competitors enter the market and the high price of new products usually falls
growth stage
sales and price of products are stable
maturity stage
price is often significantly reduced and some products are eliminated
decline stage
the point at which revenue from sales equals the cost (product starts making profit)
break-even point
the amount added to the cost to determine the price