Chapter 110 Vagina, Vestibule and Vulva Flashcards
What embyonic structure forms the uterus?
And the ductus deferens?
In female:
Paramesonephric ducts –> uretus. Mesonephric ducts regress.
In males:
Mesonephric ducts –> ductus deferens. Paramesonephric ducts regress

What is the name of the embryonic stucture that progressed from caudally to separate rectum and urogenital sinus?
And what is the name of the laterlly located structures that along a midline genital raphe to separate anal opening from external genitalia?
Urorectal septum
Cloacal folds
What is an alternative name for paramesonephric ducts?
Müllerian ducts
How is the canine cervix positioned?
Obliquely: cranioventral caudodorsal
–> ventral fornix

What type of epithelium lines vagina?
Stratified squamous, non-glandular
What demarcates the vestibulovaginal junction?
A transverse palpable mucosal ridge
Transition from light pink, redundant vaginal mucosal folds –> smooth, red vestibular mucosa
Where does urethral tubercle enter?
Ventral aspect of vestibule
1cm caudal to vestibulovaginal junction
What is blood supply to vagina, urethra, vestibule?
And to vulva?
Vagina/urethra/vestibule: Vaginal artery (branch of internal pudendal, branch of internal iliac) –>
- caudal vesical artery
- urethral branch
Vulva: External pudendal a (perineal branches)

What is drining LN of vagina/vestibule?
Internal iliac
What is the autonomic innervation to vagina/vestibule?
And sensory?
Pelvic plexus
Pudendal n.
List how the following fctors change during oestrus:
Vaginal cytology
Progesterone: >6-8 ng/mL
Vaginal cytology: cornificatioon of epithelial cells
(+ changes in vaginal mucosa appearance)
What is typical bacterial population of canine vagina
Mixed resident population of aerobes, anaerobes, mycoplasma and ureaplasma spp.
(E. coli, staph, step, pasturella most common)
Comment re presence of neutrophils in vaginal exudate
indicates inflammation.
large numbers shouldnt be present
What size cystoscope is recommended in 3-5kg dogs?
And >10kg dogs?
List 2 potential approaches to the vestibule/vagina
Ventral approach (pelvic osteotomy)
List 4 types of vestibulovaginal stenotic lesions
- Hypoplasia
- Imperforate hymen (due to retained epithelial tissue at transverse juntion of paramesonephric ducts with urogenital sinus)
- Vertical septum
- Double vagina
(due to retained epithelial tissue at point of fusion of paramesonephric ducts)

List treatment options for vestibulovaginal stenotic lesions
- Endoscopic guided laser ablation (or scissors)
- Manual disruption
- Surgery;
- Septum
- Excison of septum
- Annular
- Partial thickness resection
- T-shaped vaginoplasty (longitudinal cut, transversely closed)
- Extensive lesions:
- R+A
- Vaginectomy
- Septum
What condition are rectovaginal fistulas typically associated with?
Atresia ani
What are the two optioons for reconstruction of anal orifice in atresia ani?
- Relocation of anal dimple
- Fistula translocatioon (hypothesised that fistula may serve as a rate limiting internal sphincter i.e. better continence)
How is anovulvular cleft managed?
Inverted V perineoplasty
What two factors may influence occurrence of recessed vulva?
Breed and BW (medium or large breed)
What are most common presenting sigsn in recessed vulva cases
- Perivulvar dermatitis (50%)
- Secondary to urine pooling (recurrent UTI, apparent incontinence (also approx 50% each)
When and where does vaginal oedema occur
Late prooestrus and oestrus
From ventral vaginal floor, just cranial to urethral tubercle
resolved after oestrus but high rate of recurrence so neutering recommended
What N.b. re vaginal prolapse?
2/3 cases reported to have herniation of other organs i.e.take care nd be prepred to pexy colon/bladder/uterus if staying entire
How is true vaginal prolapse distinguised from vaginal oedema?
Vaginal prolapse has doughnut shaped protrusion
In dogs with intersex condition, when is a ‘clitoral’ bone os clitoris vs os penis?
what other procedure shoudl be performed if removing hypertrophic clitoris (if sore)
Os penis if urethra si located on cranial and dorsal aspect of the os.
Gonadectomy - confirmation of intersex anaomaly based on histo of gonads.
What % of vv neoplasms are benign?
What is most common malignancy?
most commonly leiomyoma (other fibroma, polyp, cyst)
leiomyosarcoma (TVT, TCC, rhabdomyosarc, osteosarc, chondrosarc, haemangiosarc neuroendocrine described)
What is usua;l signalment of leiomyoma cases?
Older intact females i.e. appears to be hormonally driven
How is wide resection of malignant vv tumours achieved?
Vulvovaginectomy + PU

List two potential approaches for vulvovaginectomy
- Caudal approach (episiotomy or vuvlectomy - see pic)
- Coeliotomy
- (or combined)