Chapter 11: Visual Imagery and Spatial Cognition Flashcards
When performing a mental rotation, a block can rotate on the page, known as ___ ___, or rotate in depth (3D), known as ___ ___
When performing a mental rotation, a block can rotate on the page, known as PICTURE PLANE, or rotate in depth (3D), known as DEPTH PLANE
is it easier to determine if an object is the same if it was rotate in the picture or depth plane?
no. There is no differences in reaction time between depth plane or picture-plane rotated pictures.
Other than __ __, men and women have equal spatial ability.
other than BLOCK ROTATION.
what is the relationship between the ability to answer whether or not a block is the same block shown in a picture and the degree of rotation?
there is a PERFECTLY linear relationship between degrees of rotation and ability to answer.
Describe the object location task. Which sex had better scores?
in the object rotation task, people are asked to look at a page of random object (not told to memorize them). They are then given a distraction test.
They are then provided with another picture that has the same objects as the first but some have been rearranged. Asked to note which objects ARE THE SAME between the two pictures
women are better at object location.
5 Principles of visual imagery
1) implicit encoding
2) perceptual equivalence
3) transformational equivalence
4) Structural equivalence
5) Spatial equivalence
What is implicit encoding? (Principles of visual imagery)
we encode mental images of experiences whether we intend to or not. It’s implicit (unconcious and automatic).
What is perceptual equivalence? (Principles of visual imagery)
there are similar brain areas at work during mental visualization of objects as during real interactions
What is transformational equivalence? (Principles of visual imagery)
Imagined transformations are bound by the same laws of motion as physical transformations.
What is Structural equivalence? (Principles of visual imagery)
the basic structure of mental images corresponds to the actual objects, but fine details may be missed.
What is spatial equivalence? (Principles of visual imagery)
the relative spatial relationships among elements are preserved in the visual images.
___ ___ is used to navigate to and from places
Spatial memory
spatial memory and the ability to navigate are dependent on two factors
1) complexity of environment
2) cognitive capability
2 strategies of naviation. Describe.
1) egocentric navigation: remember where you started from and you figure out how you get somewhere based on info from yourself.
2) Allocentric navigation: using your surroundings and landmarks and environment to infer where you need to go.
Which type of navigation strategy is more sophisticated?
allocentric navigation.
in egocentric navigation, position is tracked relative to ___ ___ and based purely on ___ ___ of the navigator, like turn rate and distance.
in egocentric navigation, position is tracked relative to START POINT and based purely on PHYSICAL MOVEMENT of the navigator, like turn rate and distance.