Chapter #11 - Thermal Energy Transfers Flashcards
Why does a metal conduct heat faster than a non-metal?
Because the iron has free electrons which can move and carry the heat faster than just the vibrating of the atoms being passed on.
What are the three main forms of heat transfer?
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
Why does hot air rise?
Because when there is more kinetic energy in particles (hot air) this causes them to move faster. Because of this, the particles are less dense, so the particles rise.
Why is the deepest part of a swimming pool colder than the surface?
Because, when water gets warmer it expands, causing the particles to be less dense. If the particles cool, than they move slower and become more dense and sink to the bottom.
How well do gases conduct?
They are the worst
What object emit infrared radiation?
All objects emit infrared radiation.
What objects emit more radiation?
The hotter the object, themore radiation it emits.
How do you limit radiation?
By using emiters.
What are good emiters?
A shiny or white surface (it reflects the radiation).
What are absorbers of infrared radiation?
Black objects
What are the charectaristics of radiation?
- The hotter the object is, the more radiation it gives out.
- Only form of thermal energy tarnsfer which soes not need a medium to travle througth.
- Travel through a vacume.
- Invisible to the naked eye.
- Can be detected by nerve cells on skin
- Warms the object that absorbs it.
Which way does thermal energy transfer?
From hot places to cold places.
How do you keep energy in a place that is hotter?
By insulationg it.
How does convestion work with a heater?
Thermal energy will be movng from the around the room from the heater as a result of convestion currents, which rise drom the heater.
How does convestion work with a refigerator?
Cold air sinks to the bottom,Cold air remains there and food at top would not be cold.
What is thermal comduction?
The transfer of thermal energy by the vibration of particles.
What is the defenition of convection?
The transfer of thermal energy through a fluid by the movement of the material itself.
What are some methods of home insulation?
- Thick curtains, draught excluders
- Loft and underfloor insulating
- Double and triple glazing of windows
- Cavity walls
- Foam or rockwool in wall cavity
Why do thick curtains, draught excluders work for home insulation?
Stops convection currents, and so prevents thermal energy transfer.
Why do loft and underfloor insulating materials work for home insulation?
Prevents conduction of thermal energy tgrough floors and ceilings.
Why does double and triple glazing windows work for home insulation?
Vacuuum between glass panes cuts out lossses or gains by conduction or convection.
Why do cavity walls work for home insulation?
Reduces thermal loss or gain by conduction.
Why does foam or rockwool in wall cavity work for home insulation?
Further reduces thermal energy transfer by convection.
How much thermal energy is usually lost throught the walls?
How much thermal energy is usually lost throught the windows?
How much thermal energy is usually lost throught the floors?
How much thermal energy is usually lost throught the roof?
How much thermal energy is usually lost throught the space under the doors?
How much thermal energy is usually lost throught the doors?
What is the construction of a vacuum flask?
- Glass used as great insulator
- Vacuum in gap between double walls to reduce losses of conduction and cnvection.
- Silver coating on glass reduces losses by radu«iation by reflecting any infrared radiation.
- Plastic stopper prevents losses by conduction and evaporation.
How does the car system use specific heat cpacity to keep the car engine cool?
Water flows around the block to absorb the thermal energy. Water is a good choice as it has a very high specific heat capacity.
How does the car system use convection to keep the car engine cool?
As water is heated, a convection current flows. The pumo is used to speed uo this flow.
How does the car system use conduction to keep the car engine cool?
The radiator has metal fins so the thermals energy is conducted to all parts of the radiator.
How does the car system use radiation to keep the car engine cool?
The fins have a large surface area and are black to increase the rate of thermal energy radiation.