Chapter 11 - The Political System Flashcards
public opinion
opinions held concerning a particular issue
mass media
communication/ information to large numbers of people (radio, tv, newspaper)
ideas used to influence people’s thinking or behavior
a survey taken to measure public opinion
interest groups
organizations of people with common interests who try to influence government policies and decisions
an interest group
a person PAID to represent an interest group’s viewpoint
public-interest groups
groups seeking to promote the interests of general public rather than just one part of it
people who work without pay to help others
political action committees (PACs)
part of an interest group that collects contributions to fund political candidates and parties
name calling
common propaganda technique - using an unpleasant label to cause harm
propaganda technique - a famous person saying they use the product
propaganda technique - peer pressure - “everyone’s doing it”
glittering generality
propaganda technique - vague statements that sound good and mean little