Chapter 11: Senior Needs Flashcards
A federal health insurance program providing coverage to persons of any age who have been:
- Diagnosed with chronic or permanent kidney failure, or End Stage Renal Disease
- Received Social Security Disability Income for at least 24 consecutive months
**Medicare eligibility remains at age 65, even though full Retirement Age for retirement benefits has increased.
Secondary Payor
If individual is age 65 or over and continues to work, Medicare is usually the secondary insurer to any employer group health plan the individual participates in.
If employer’s plan does not pay all of one’s expenses, Medicare will pay secondary benefits for Medicare covered services to supplement the group plan benefits.
Primary Payor
A Group Health plan with 20 or more employees is primary to Medicare and pays first.
Employers who have 20 or more employees are required to offer the same health benefits and under the same conditions to employees and spouses age 65 or over, as they offer to younger employees and spouses.
The “Original” Medicare Program
Consisted of two parts: Part A and Part B. Both parts are provided by the government for basic hospital and medical expense coverage, including amounts that the recipient must pay out-of-pocket, such as deductibles and coinsurance.
Current Medicare Coverage
Consists of four parts:
Part A - Hospital Insurance provided by the federal government
Part B - Medical Insurance and outpatient expenses provided by the federal government
Part C - Medicare Advantage plan, combines Part A and Part B into a managed care plan offered by private insurance providers
Part D - Prescription drug coverage offered by private insurance providers
Medicare Enrollment
Individuals are required to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B for coverage to begin. The following enrollment periods apply:
- Initial Enrollment Period
- General Enrollment Period
- Medicare Open Enrollment
- Special Enrollment Period
Initial Enrollment Period
- Lasts 7 months
- Begins 3 months before month of individuals 65th birthday
- Ends 3 months after the month following when the individual turned 65
- *The actual month of eligibility is the month of the individual’s birthday
General Enrollment Period
Provides a make-up period from January 1 to March 31 each year for those who did not enroll in Medicare Part B when they first became eligible. For individuals enrolling during the general enrollment period, coverage begins on July 1.
Medicare Open Enrollment
Occurs every year from October 15 - December 7 and provides all individuals the chance to make changes to their Medicare coverage if needed.
Special Enrollment Period
Begins when a person past age 65, who was covered by an employer-sponsored group health plan, is no longer covered by the plan (whether the person elects COBRA continuation or not). This period lasts 8 months and allows an individual the opportunity to enroll in Medicare Part B without incurring a penalty for failing to enroll at age 65.
Part A - Hospital Insurance Plan (Inpatient)
- Premium Free for those who qualify
- Deductible/Copayments per benefit period
- Benefit period begins first day of hospitalization
- Benefit period ends after patient out of hospital or skilled nursing facility for 60 consecutive days
- Inpatient hospitalization in a semiprivate room, miscellaneous hospital expenses, drugs while there
- Post-hospital skilled nursing facility care: must have been hospitalized for minimum of 3 days prior, and admitted to facility within 30 days of discharge
- Home health care: medically necessary skilled care, nurses’ visits, supplies
- Hospice care: full scope of pain relief and support to the terminally ill
- Blood: covered inpatient except for the first 3 units annually
Part B - Medical Insurance Plan (Physicians, Surgeons, and Outpatient)
- Optional and offered to applicants who become eligible for Part A
- Pay a monthly premium
- Provides benefits for:
- Medical expense: physician services, physical therapy, diagnostic tests
- Clinical lab services: blood tests, biopsies
- Home health care: medically necessary skilled care, supplies
- Outpatient hospital treatment: reasonable and necessary services for treatment
- Blood covered as outpatient after 3 pints annually
Part B Exclusions
- Prescription drugs, unless administered at an outpatient medical facility
- Care received outside the United States
- Routine dental care, including dentures
- Routine foot care
- Long-term care, including private or custodial nursing care, in any setting
- Hearing and eye exams
- Acupuncture
- Cosmetic surgery
If an insured disagrees with a decision on the amount Medicare will pay on a claim, they have the right to appeal the decision.
The claim is paid directly to the doctor or provider. Medicare approved providers have agreed to accept Medicare assignment and must accept Medicare’s payment as payment in full (not including any patient coinsurance).
Certification of Providers
Hospitals and other providers of health care that wish to participate in the Medicare program must be licensed by the state and certified by Medicare. Medicare will not pay for any services rendered by a provider that is not certified.
A request for payment that is submitted to Medicare or other health insurance when the patient gets items and services that they believe are covered.
Durable Medical Equipment
Certain medical equipment, like a walker, wheelchair, or hospital bed, that is ordered by a doctor for use in the home.
Excess Charge
If one has Medicare, and the amount a doctor or other health care provider is legally permitted to charge is higher than the Medicare-approved amount, the difference is called the excess charge.
Limiting Charge
In Original Medicare, the highest amount that can be charged for a covered service by doctors and other health care suppliers who don’t accept assignment.
Medicare-approved Amount
In Original Medicare, this is the amount a doctor or suppler that accepts assignment can be paid. It may be less than the actual amount a doctor or supplier charges. Medicare pays part of this amount and the recipient is responsible for the difference.
Medicare Summary Notice (MSN)
A notice you get after the doctor or provider files a claim for Part A or Part B services in Original Medicare. It explains what the doctor or provider billed for, the Medicare-approved amount, how much Medicare paid, and what the patient must pay.
Nonparticipating Provider
A provider who does not accept assignment.
Participating Provider
A provider who agrees to accept assignment and charges Medicare-approved charge.
Part C - Medicare Advantage Plan
- Medicare Parts A and B is required, and premium payments for Part B must be continued. Enrollment in Part C is a substitute for Original Medicare.
- Health care options (like a HMO or PPO) that combine Part A and Part B coverage
- These are programs that are approved by Medicare and run by private companies
- Most include prescription drug coverage
- Medicare services are covered through this one plan, and are not paid for under Original Medicare
- A person enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan cannot also have a Medicare Supplement plan (will automatically be disenrolled)
Part D - Prescription Drug Benefit Plan
- Voluntary prescription drug program
- Offered by private insurance companies
- Individuals with Part A and/or Part B are eligible for Part D
- Annual deductible and shared costs (copay or coinsurance) to a specific dollar amount between insurer and insured, after which the beneficiary enters the coverage gap (“Donut Hole”)
- Insured is responsible for paying up to a percentage of the drug costs in the “Donut Hole” until the true out of pocket expense is satisfied
- Once the out of pocket is satisfied, there is a small copay or coinsursance requirement to the end of the year
The grouping of prescription drugs under Medicare - Part D. Only payments for formulary drugs will count toward the benefit limits.
Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap)
- Supplement Medicare coverage
- Pay all/some of the Medicare deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.
- Must have Medicare Parts A and B to be eligible
- Separate premium required
- Guaranteed renewable, or automatically renewed each year
- Policies are standardized and must follow federal and state laws
- Eligible at age 65 and open enrollment period lasts for 6 months
- Cannot enroll in Medicare Advantage
Medicare Supplement Plans B-N
- Plans C and F pay the Part B deductible
- All plans (except A and B) pay for skilled nursing facility care
- Plans C, D, F, G, M and N pay for foreign travel emergency care
Plans F and G pay Medicare Part B excess doctor charges - Plan F High Deductible Plan: offers all regular Plan F benefits, but in return for lower premium, the policyholder accepts the annual deductible to be me out-of-pocket before benefits kick in.
Plans K and L: Cover the same basic services as other Plans, but at different levels - Plans C, D, F, G, M and N pay for foreign travel emergency care as an additional benefit.
Medicare Supplement Minimum Benefit Standards
- Must contain a 30-day free look provision (first page in bold)
- Must contain an Outline of Coverage in bold
- Insurer is required to explain the relationship of this coverage to the benefits of Medicare
- A question about replacement is required on application form - agent must retain a copy of replacement form for specified number of years
- Insurer must provide a Buyer’s Guide and Outline of Coverage at time of application
- Signed acknowledgement indicating receipt of these documents is required
Medicare Supplement Replacement Requirements
- Be sure that the replacement does not result in decreased benefits at an increased premium
- Use an application containing questions that elicit information to determine if applicant has or has had a Medicare Supplement in effect or if the application is for replacement of an existing Medicare Supplement
- Provide a notice of replacement to the applicant prior to issuance or delivery of the new Medicare Supplement policy. 1 copy of the notice, signed by the applicant and the agent, must be provided o the applicant and 1 signed copy must be retained by the insurer
Medicare Select
The managed health care version of the traditional Medicare Supplement policy that has been offered through indemnity insurers. Medicare Select plans must cover the same benefits as any non-select Medigap plan if the plan’s network for care is used.
- A federal-state partnership to provide health care coverage to low-income persons, administered by the states
- Eligible individuals
- Includes those whose incomes are less than a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
- Certain children living in low-income households
- Certain Medicare beneficiaries
- Medicaid benefits
Long-Term Care Insurance (may also be referred to as Extended Care)
Includes any individual policy, group policy, or rider that is advertised, marketed, offered, solicited, or designed to provide coverage for no less than 12 consecutive months. It may cover diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance, or personal care services that are provided in a setting other than an acute care unit of a hospital.
Long-Term Care Insurance (may also be referred to as Extended Care)
- Provides benefits for persons with chronic disabilities no provided by Medicare
- Designed primarily for Seniors but any adult can be covered (applications accepted through age 84)
- Does not cover acute hospital care
Types of Long-Term Care Contracts
- Riders/Endorsements for Life Insurance Policies
- Individual Policies (issue ages 18 to 84) - most common form of LTC being sold today
- Group (Voluntary) Policies
LTC Elimination Period
Period after loss occurs before the benefit period begins. May be as short as 30 days and as long as one year, with 90 days being the most common. The shorter the elimination period, the higher the premium. The elimination period qualification can be achieved one of two ways:
- Service Days - elimination period is based on the number of days the insured actually received care
- Calendar Days - elimination period id based on the number of calendar days starting with the first day of the claim
LTC Benefit Period
The amount of time benefits will be paid upon a loss, which is not the same as how long the policy is in force. Benefit period begins at the end of the elimination period. The longer the benefit period, the higher the premium.
LTC Benefit Amount
Will vary based on the level of care provided. The contract will pay up to the policy maximum limits. Coverage will continue until the last dollar is spent.
If spending is below the daily limit, the benefit will last longer than stated benefit period (and vice versa).
LTC Benefit Triggers
There are conditions that initiate or trigger the benefits to be paid. There are two classifications of benefit triggers:
- Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): If the insured is incapable of performing or requires stand-by assistance with any two or more ADLs (bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting and transferring), the benefits will be triggered.
- Cognitive Impairment: Involves the loss of memory or deductive abstract reasoning due to an organic mental illness, including Alzheimer’s or senile dementia, impairment due to traumatic brain injury, stroke or blunt-force trauma.
Skilled Nursing Care
- Continuous 24-hour care provided or supervised by a registered nurse
- Includes specialized services such as feeding tubes, IV therapy and wound care
- Provided in a licensed facility, such as a nursing home, that operates according to the laws of the state and requires a licensed physician to be responsible for all patient care
Intermediate Care
- Daily, but not 24-hour, care provided or supervised by a licensed medical professional
- Includes care designed to assist with daily medical needs, such as dispensing medication
- Considered “in-between” care to help patients requiring less than skilled care remains independent and to prevent unnecessary hospitalization
- Usually provided in a nursing home, intermediate-care unit, or assisted living facility that is licensed by the state and requires a licensed physician to be responsible for all patient care
Custodial (Non-skilled) Care
- Nonmedical care to provide assistance with activities of daily living
- Does not require the caregiver to be licensed medical professional
- May be provided in a licensed facility or in one’s own home
LTC Levels of Care
- Skilled Nursing Care
- Intermediate Care
- Custodial Care
Comprehensive LTC Coverages
LTC insurance may be issued to provide coverage for institutional care or home and community-based This policy includes both. The following are standard coverages provided by all LTC policies:
- Home Health Care
- Hospice Care
- Assisted Living
- Adult Day Care
- Respite Care
Home Health Care
Noninstitutional care received in one’s own home, or the home of another, under a planned program by an attending physician.
Hospice Care
Provides pain contrail, comfort, and counseling for the terminally ill patient. Hospice care also includes a family counseling benefit.
Assisted Living
- A system of housing and limited care that is designed for senior citizens who need some assistance with daily activities, but do not require care in a nursing home.
Adult Day Care
Designed to provide custodial care and supervision on a day care basis outside the home for individuals not requiring 24-hour confinement in a nursing home, but who continue to live at home.
Respte Care
Provides relief to a primary caregiver and can include a service, such as someone coming to the home while the original caregiver tends to other matters. Most policies will include benefits for temporary institutionalization of the insured during a period of respite.
LTC Policy Options
- Waiver of Premium
- Inflation Protection (Cost of Living)
- Guaranteed Insurability Option (Future Increase Option)
- Return of Premium
- Nonforfeiture Options
- Cash Surrender Value
- Reduced Paid-Up
- Extended Term
Waiver of Premium
Most LTC policies include a waiver of premium benefit that provides for premiums to be waived after the state elimination period has elapsed and for as long as disability continues. The elimination period in a LTC policy is a one-time requirement.
Inflation Premium (Cost of Living)
At time of application, LTC policies must offer the insured the option of purchasing inflation protection which increases the daily benefit amount in the future, but is not required to be purchased. LTC plans typically offer simple and compound inflation protection.
Guaranteed Insurability Option (Future Increase Option)
Provides for future periodic increases without proof of insurability, even if the insured is on claim. Future purchase options will increase the premium each time an increase in daily benefit is accepted.
Return of Premium (ROP)
This optional benefit for a refund of a portion of the premium to a named beneficiary if the insured dies before all benefits pay out. The refund is offset by the amount of any claims paid prior to the insured’s death.
Nonforfeiture Options
Will provide paid-up coverage if the insured cancels or lapses the policy due to nonpayment of premium. The nonforfeiture amount will be used to provide future benefits based on the premiums that were paid into the policy. Options include:
- Cash Surrender Value - Provides a lump sum payment of surrender values accumulated in the policy
- Reduced Paid-Up - Reduces the daily benefit for the duration of the benefit period once premiums have been discounted
- Extended Term - Provides for the current daily benefit limit to be paid for a reduced number of years based on the discontinuance of premium payments
LTC Prohibited Provisions
A LTC policy may not contain a provision that:
- Cancels, nonrenews, or terminates the policy on the grounds of age or deterioration of the mental or physical health of the insured. Policy may only be cancelled by insurer for nonpayment of premium.
- Establishes a new waiting period when existing coverage is converted or replaced by a new form, except when the insured voluntarily selects an increase in benefits.
- Provides coverage for only skilled nursing care instead of lower levels of care.
- Provides for payments of benefits on standards described as “usual and customary” or “reasonable and customary” or words of similar importance (policies must pay actual expenses, up to the dollar limitations of the policy).
LTC Prohibited Conditions
A LTC policy may not place conditions on benefits:
- Based on prior hospitalizations
- For institutional care, if insured received a higher level of institutional care
- For home health care after prior institutional care
- For noninstitutional care eligibility, other than home health care, on a prior institutional stay of more than 30 days
LTC Preexisting Conditions
LTC policy cannot more restrictively define a preexisting condition than “a condition for which advice or treatment was recommended or received within 6 months of the effective date of coverage.”
LTC Minimum Benefit Standards and Exclusions
- 30-day free look period required
- Must be Guaranteed Renewable
- Inflation protection must be offered
LTC Exclusions
- Acute care (hospitalization)
- Rest cures
- Nervous or mental disorders which have no demonstrable organic cause (Alzheimer’s cannot be excluded)
- Injury or sickness caused by war or any act of war, declared or undeclared
- Intentionally self-inflicted injuries
- Chemical dependency, unless it results from the administration of drugs under a physician’s prescription and direction
- Conditions covered under Workers’ Compensation
- Injury arising out of committing or attempting to commit a felony
- Services provided outside the United States