Chapter 11 Security And Customs Flashcards
What is a GENERAL DECLARATION or GENDEC, and when is it required?
The General Declaration (GENDEC or also known as “AG1”) is required for international flights departing Canada and shall be signed by the Pilot-in-Command or an authorized agent and presented to the authorities immediately upon flight arrival.
Prior to departure, the Pilot-in-Command shall confirm with the In-Charge Flight Attendant that the GENDEC is on-board (STOC may provide authorization to depart without the GENDEC if arrangements have been made to send the required paperwork electronically.
The General Declaration will contain names of the Flight Crew, Cabin Crew, and ADC’s only.
For scheduled transborder flights (flights to the U.S.) all GENDEC information is transmitted electronically and paper GENDEC forms are not required.
Extra GENDECs are carried in the flight satchel.
Aircraft’s are inspected for contraband prior to departure. Once inspected, regulations permit the compartments to be sealed with “tamper-evident” seals or tamper proof screws. What happens is a seal is broken or appears to have been tampered with?
If a seal or tamper proof screw is found to be missing, broken, or shows signs of tampering during an Aircraft Cabin Security Search, Air Canada Airports Personnel, or authorized service providers, shall ensure the compartment is free of hazardous contents and contact Maintenance, where available, for a seal or tamper proof screw replacement. replacement. Should a seal or tamper proof screw not be available a non-MEL Deferral observation (per the MEL Preamble) shall be entered in the Cabin Defect Logbook. The flight can then depart. The compartment in question shall be searched before every subsequent flight until the compartment is secured and a new tamper evident seal or tamper proof screw is affixed.
How does a crew member communicate the flight deck door has been open for to long?
“Five seconds” to indicate that the door has been open for five seconds or more and that it should be closed without delay.
How does a crew member communication the flight deck door to be closed immediately?
“Door, door, door” to command immediate door closure
In situations where IFSOs have chosen to intervene inflight, after gaining control of the cabin, they will contact the flight deck, using the interphone and say what?
“Flight Deck Is Secure”
How will the crew know there is an IFSO onboard? What action do they need to take?
The Flight Crew will be notified via the OFP Remarks section that there will be IFSOs on-board. When the Flight Crew arrive at the aircraft they shall contact Flight Dispatch via ACARs or telephone, but not by radio, to obtain the IFSOs’ seat assignments. The Pilot-in-Command shall then brief the In-Charge Flight Attendant on the presence of any IFSOs on the flight and their seat positions.
There is no requirement for IFSOs to complete a Notice to Armed Individuals and Escort Officers Form ACF557.
What does the PIC need to do anytime a prohibited item is found on board?
The Pilot-in-Command should file a FOHR anytime a prohibited item is found on-board an aircraft.
Where is information found on interception procedures?
In the event of an airborne intercept during an unlawful interference, Flight Crews should refer to the guidance found in the QRHN.
Where do you find guidelines on dealing with disruptive passengers?
The QRH provides guidelines for responding to disruptive or unruly passenger situations.
Flight Crews should not state the Level of Interference indicated in the QRH when reporting disruptive or unruly passenger incidents to foreign authorities. Instead, describe the details of the incident. The levels of interference of foreign authorities can be different than those of the CARs (e.g., Level III (Serious) is a breach of flight deck in the U.S.).
What is a “lockdown” and when is it required to take effect?
Lockdown is the suspension of traffic between the passenger cabin and the flight deck door.
In the event of a security threat situation on-board (as defined in Levels 3 and 4), lockdown should be in effect with the flight deck door closed and locked to all traffic.
Where circumstances permit all operating flight crew members should be recalled to the flight deck prior to lockdown.
When dealing with Level 3 or 4 incidents, the area should be cleared and blocked by a cart and flight attendants if necessary.