Chapter 11: Product Concepts, Branding, and Packaging Flashcards
a tangible physical entity
an intangible result of the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects
a concept, philosophy, image, or issue
consumer products
products purchased to satisfy personal and family needs
business products
products bought to use in a firm’s operations, to resell, or to make other products
convenience products
relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased items for which buyers exert minimal purchasing effort
shopping products
items for which buyers are willing to expend considerable effort in planning and making purchases
specialty products
items with unique characteristics that buyers are willing to expend considerable effort to obtain
unsought products
products purchased to solve a sudden problem, products of which customers are unaware, and products that people do not necessarily think of buying
facilities and nonportable major equipment
accessory equipment
equipment that does not become part of the final physical product but is used in production or office activities
raw materials
basic natural materials that become part of a physical product
component parts
items that become part of the physical product and are either finished items ready for assembly or items that need little processing before assembly
process materials
materials that are used directly in the production of other products but are not readily identifiable
MRO supplies
maintenance, repair, and operation items that facilitate production and operations but do not become part of the finished product
business services
intangible products that many organizations use in their operations
product item
a specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among a firm’s products
product line
a group of closely related product items viewed as a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations
product mix
the composite, or total, group of products that an organization makes available to customers
width of product mix
the number of product lines a company offers