Chapter 11 - Key Concepts - Ethnic Relations and Race Flashcards
-term used to specify groups based on physical characteristics
-category of people singled out as inferior or superior
based on real or alleged physical characteristics
Ethnic Group
-people distinguished by others or by themselves, based on cultural characteristics or nationality
majority (dominant group)
An advantaged group that has the greatest power and resources in a society
minority (subordinate)group
a group whose members, because of physical or cultural characteristic, are disadvantaged and subjected to unequal treatment and discrimination by the dominant group
visible minority
Government term used to describe those who are nonwhite, non-indigenous, or non-Caucasian. This term is used interchangeably with “people of colour” and “racialized minorities”
A negative attitude based on preconceived notions about members of selected groups
racial prejudice
Beliefs that certain racial groups are innately inferior to others or have a disproportionate number of negative traits
An overgeneralization about the appearance, behaviour, or other characteristics of members of particular groups
a person or group that is incapable of offering resistance to the hostility of aggression of others
authoritarian personality
a personality type characterized by excessive conformity, submissiveness to authority, intolerance, insecurity, a high level of superstition, and rigid, stereotypic thinking.
actions or practices of dominant group members (or their representatives) that have a harmful impact on members of a subordinate group
a set of ideas that implies the superiority of one social group over another on the basis of biological or cultural characteristics, together with the power to put these beliefs into practice in a way that controls, excludes, or exploits minority persons
hate racism (overt racism)
racism that may take the form of deliberate and highly personal attacks, including derogatory slurs and name-calling toward members of a racial or ethnic group who are perceived to be “inferior”
polite racism
a term used to describe an attempt to disguise a dislike of others through behaviour that is outwardly nonprejudicial
subliminal racism
a term used to describe an unconscious racism that occurs when there is a conflict of values
institutional racism
a situation where the established rules, policies, and practices within an institution or organization produce differential treatment of various groups based on race
a process by which members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into the dominant culture
ethnic pluralism
the coexistence of a variety of distinct t racial and ethnic groups within one society
a term used to describe the spatial and social separation of categories of people by race/ethnicity, class, gender and/or religion.
internal colonialism
according to conflict theorists, a situation in which members of a racial or ethnic group are conquered or colonized and forcibly placed under the economic and political control of the dominant group
split labour market
a term used to describe the division of the economy into two areas of employment: a primary sector, or upper tier, composed of higher-paid (usually dominant group) workers in more secure jobs; and a secondary sector, or lower tier, composed of lower-paid (often subordinate group) workers in jobs with little security and hazardous working conditions.