Chapter 11 - Fitness Testing Protocols & Norms Flashcards
Personal trainers must choose _______ and _______ tests that are suitable for an individual client.
- valid
- reliable
Personal trainers must administer tests _______ and _______ and _______ the results.
- accurately
- record
- interpret
Vital sign testing protocols can include the following: _______ and _______.
- heart rate
- blood pressure
Body composition testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- body mass index
- anthropometry
- height
- weight
- skinfolds
- BIA and NIR techniques
- waist-to-hip-girth ratio
Cardiovascular endurance testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- general procedures for cycle ergometer testing
- YMCA cycle ergometer test
- astrand-rhyming cycle ergometer test
- YMCA step test
- distance run and walk test
- 12-minute run/walk
- 1.5 mile run
- rockport walking test
- 1-mile run
- non-exercise-based estimation of VO2max
Muscular strength testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______
- 1 repetition maximum bench press
- 1 repetition maximum leg press
- estimating a 1-repetion maximum
Muscular endurance testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______
- YMCA bench press test
- partial curl-up test
- prone double straight-leg raise test
Flexibility testing protocols can include the _______.
- sit and reach test
Many of the assessments that a personal trainer performs during a fitness evaluation involve two basic tasks: _______ and _______.
- taking the clients pulse
- blood pressure
Monitoring _______ and _______ changes with exercise.
- heart rate
- blood pressure
_______ is an effective method to determine appropriate exercise intensity.
- Aerobic exercise
Most adults have a resting heart rate or pulse between _______ and _______.
- 60
- 80 beats/min.
The average HR for females is _______ to _______ than for males.
- 7
- 10 beats/min. greater
A normal resting heart rate can be anywhere between _______ and _______.
- 60
- 100 beats/min.
Those slower than 60 beats/min. are classified as _______ and those higher than 100 beats/min as _______.
- bradycardia
- tachycardia
Three commonly used field techniques for assessing HR that may be particularly useful for personal trainers: _______, _______, and the use of _______.
- palpation
- auscultation
- heart rate monitors
Equipment to measure HR can include any one or a combination of the following devices: _______, _______, _______.
- stopwatch
- stethoscope
- heart rate monitor
_______ is the most common and certainly the most cost effective method for assessing both resting and exercise HR.
- Palpation
Use the _______ and _______ to palpate the pulse.
- tips of the index
- middle fingers
When palpating the pulse avoid using the _______, because its inherent pulse may be confusing and potentially confounding.
- thumb
Any on of the following land marks can be used to palpate the pulse: _______, _______, _______, and _______.
- brachial artery
- carotid artery
- radial artery
- temporal artery
The _______ is located at the anterior medial aspect of the arm just distal to the belly of the biceps brachia muscle, 1 inch superior to the antecubital fossa.
- brachial artery
The _______ is located on the anterior surface of the neck just lateral to the larynx.
- carotid artery
Baroreceptors located in the arch of the aorta and the carotid sinuses can sense increases in applied pressure and will feed back to the medulla to _______ HR.
- decrease
The _______ is located on the anterior-lateral surface of the wrist, in line with the base of the thumb.
- radial artery
The _______ is located at the lateral side of the cranium on the anterior portion of the temporal fossa, usually along the hairline at the level of the eyes.
- temporal artery
If you are using a stopwatch to keep the time while counting beats, and if you start the stopwatch simultaneously with the first beat, count the first beat as _______.
- zero
During palpation, if the stopwatch has been running, count the first beat as _______.
- one
During palpation the HR should be counted for _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- 6 seconds
- 10 seconds
- 15 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
If the HR is counted for less than a full minute, use the following multipliers to convert your measurement to beats per minute: _______; _______; _______; _______.
- x 10 for 6 seconds
- x 6 for 10 seconds
- x 4 for 15 seconds
- x 2 for 30 seconds
Typically, the shorter duration HR counts (6, 10, and 15 seconds) are used during _______ and _______ conditions.
- exercise
- post exercise
Not only are _______ HR counts time efficient; they may also provide a more accurate representation of momentary HR due to the immediate fluctuations that often occur with changes in exercise intensity.
- short duration
_______ is generally assessed with the longer duration HR counts (30 and 60 seconds) to reduce the risk of miscounts and measurement error.
- Resting heart rate
To locate the _______ bend the elbow with the arm at the side. The palm of the hand should be up.
- radial pulse
The _______ is located on the inside of the wrist near the base of the thumb.
- radial artery
The _______ is located on either side of the neck, in the space between the windpipe (trachea) and muscle (right or left sternocleidomastoid), beneath the lower jawbone.
- carotid artery
To much pressure placed on the _______ may cause reduced blood flow to the head.
- carotid artery
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 12 heart beats counted during a 6 second period = _______
- 120 beats/min.
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 18 heart beats counted during a 10 second period = _______
- 108 beats/min.
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 24 heart beats counted during a 15 second period = _______
- 96 beats/min.
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 41 heart beats counted during a 30 second period = _______
- 82 beats/min.
Factors affecting heart rate assessment: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______.
- smoking and tobacco
- caffeine consumption
- environmental temperature extremes
- altitude
- stress
- food digestion
- body position
- time of day
- medications
_______ procedure requires the use of a stethoscope.
- Auscultation
The bell of the stethoscope should be placed directly on the _______ over the _______ just left of the sternum.
- skin
- third intercostal space
The sounds heard from the heart beating should be counted for either _______ or _______.
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
- Digital display HR monitors are becoming increasingly popular because of their _______, _______, and _______.
- validity
- stability
- functionality
One drawback to using digital display HR monitors is that they are _______.
- expensive
_______ can be defined as the forces of blood acting against vessel walls.
- blood pressure
_______ are the sounds that are emitted as a result of the vibratory forces of blood acting against vessel walls.
- Korotkoff sounds
The detection and disappearance of _______ under controlled pressure environments are the basis of most BP measurement methods.
- Korotkoff sounds
_______ is the most commonly used field technique for determining blood pressure.
- Sphymgmomanometry
Two types of sphygmomanometers include: _______ and _______.
- mercury sphygmomanometers
- aneroid sphygmomanometers
Both mercury and aneroid sphygmomanometers require the use of an _______ and a _______ to auscultate the Korotkoff sounds.
- inflatable air bladder-containing cuff
- stethoscope
The use of mercury and aneroid sphygmomanometers is also commonly referred to as the as the _______ or _______.
- cuff
- auscultatory method
Repeated _______ are important for detecting hypertension and for monitoring the antihypertensive effects of an exercise program or dietary changes.
- blood pressure measurements
When assessing blood pressure, it is recommended that measurements be taken with a _______.
- mercury sphygmomanometer
The accuracy of _______ have been questioned compared to that of traditional mercury sphygmomanometers.
- aneroid sphygmomanometers
Instruct the client to refrain from _______ or _______ at least 30 minutes prior to blood pressure measurements.
- smoking
- ingesting caffeine
When taking blood pressure have the client sit _______ in a chair that supports the back with either the right or the left arm and forearm _______, _______, and supported at the level of the _______.
- upright
- exposed
- supinated
- heart
When measuring blood pressure be sure to select the appropriate _______ for the client.
- cuff size
To determine the arm circumference for BP measurements, have the client stand with arms _______, and take the arm circumference measurements roughly midway between the _______ and _______.
- hanging freely at the sides
- shoulder
- elbow
Begin blood pressure measurements only after the client has rested for a minimum of _______ seated in the upright position.
- 5 minutes
When measuring blood pressure place the cuff on the arm so that the air bladder is directly over the _______.
- brachial artery
When measuring blood pressure the bottom edge of the cuff should be 1 inch above the _______.
- antecubital space
The bottom edge of the cuff should be 1 inch above the _______.
- antecubital space
Place the stethoscope firmly, but not hard enough to indent the skin, over the _______.
- antecubital space
Most trainers find it is easier to use the _______ hand to control the bladder airflow by placing the air bulb in the _______ and using the _______ and _______ to control the pressure release.
- dominant
- palm
- thumb
- forefinger
Position the sphygmomanometer so that the center of the mercury column or aneroid dial is at _______ and the air bladder tubing is not _______, _______, or being allowed to ______ the stethoscope head or tubing.
- eye level
- overlapping
- obstructing
- contact
Once the cuff, stethoscope, and sphygmomanometer are in place, quickly inflate the air bladder either to _______ or _______ above the anticipated _______.
- 160 mmHg
- 20 mmHg
- systolic BP
Upon maximum inflation of the cuff, turn the air release screw counterclockwise to release the pressure slowly at a rate of _______ or _______ per second.
- 2
- 3 mmHg
Record both _______ and _______ measurements in even numbers using units of millimeters of mercury (mmHg) to the nearest _______ on the sphygmomanometer.
- systolic blood pressure (SBP)
- diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
- 2 mmHg
_______ is the pressure corresponding with the first audible detection of Korotkoff sounds via auscultation.
- Systolic blood pressure (SBP)
The pressure at which Korotkoff sounds disappear is the _______.
- diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
_______ occur as sharp “thud” noises that can be similar to the sounds of gentle finger tapping on the stethoscope head.
- Korotkoff sounds
Upon the disappearance of the Korotkoff sounds, carefully observe the manometer for an additional _______ to _______ of deflation to confirm the absence of sounds.
- 10
- 20 mmHg
Once the absence of Korotkoff sounds is confirmed, _______ and _______.
- release the remaining pressure rapidly
- remove the cuff
Repeat blood pressure measurements after a minimum of _______ rest.
- 2 minutes
If the two consecutive blood pressure measurements of either the SBP or the DBP differ by more than ______, take a third BP measurement and record the average of the three SBP and the average of the three DBP measurements as the final scores.
- 5 mmHg
If the consecutive measurements of neither the SBP or the DBP differ by more than _______, average the two SBP scores and average the two DBP scores to determine the final blood pressure.
- 5 mmHg
While measuring blood pressure the client should remain seated _______ with the _______ supported and the _______ not crossed.
- comfortably
- back
- legs
When measuring blood pressure the upper arm should be _______ and have no _______.
- bare
- restrictive clothing
When measuring blood pressure the client’s arm should be _______ and supported at approximately _______
- completely relaxed
- heart level
When measuring blood pressure the bladder of the cuff should cover at least _______ of the client’s _______.
- 80%
- upper arm
When measuring blood pressure the cuff should be deflated at _______ or _______, with the first and last audible sounds taken as the _______ and _______, respectively.
- 2
- 3 mmHg/s
When measuring blood pressure both the client and tester should remain _______.
- quiet
Factors affecting blood pressure assessment: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- smoking and tobacco products
- caffeine
- stress
- body position
- time of day
- medications
_______, which is the science of measurement applied to the human body, generally includes measurements of height, weight, and selected body girths.
- Anthropometry
Measurement of height requires a _______ against which the client stands, a _______ attached or unattached to the wall, and a _______ placed concurrently against both the client’s head and the wall.
- flat wall
- measuring tape
- rectangular object
The most accurate body mass or body weight measurement is performed with a _______, which is generally more reliable than a spring scale and should be calibrated on a regular basis.
- certified balance beam scale
A _______ is an acceptable alternative to a certified balance beam scale.
- calibrated electronic scale
Clients should be weighed while wearing _______.
- minimal dry clothing
For comparison measurements at a later date, client’s should dress _______ and be weighed at the same _______.
- minimally
- time of day
The most reliable body mass measurements are made in the _______, after _______ and before _______.
- morning upon rising
- elimination
- ingestion of food or fluids
Level of hydration can result in variability of _______.
- body mass
Clients should be encouraged to avoid _______ the day before weighing and to go to bed _______.
- salty foods
- normally hydrated
The most reliable girth measurements are usually attained with the aid of a _______.
- Gulick tape
Girth measurements can be made at the _______ of a training or incentive period for comparison with subsequent measurements.
- beginning
Personal trainers often use the _______ to examine body mass related to stature.
- body mass index (BMI)
Equation for BMI: _______
BMI (kg/m2) = Body weight (kg) / Height2 (m2)
_______ is a basic anthropometric measurement for which stature is a more accurate term.
- Height
Stature can be measured in several different ways, the two most common involve (a) _______ and (b) _______.
- using an anthropometer typically located on the upright of a standard platform scale and simply having a client stand with the back against a flat wall
- using a right-angled device and simply having a client stand with the back against a flat wall
Equipment to measure height can include any one of the following devices: _______, _______
- standard platform scale with anthropometer arm
- flat ridged, right-angled device
When measuring height ask the client to remove all _______.
- footwear
When measuring height ask the client to stand as _______ as possible with feet _______ and heels _______ facing _______ wall or stadiometer.
- erect
- flat on the floor
- together
- away from
When measuring height instruct the client to horizontally align the lowest point of the orbit of the eye with the _______.
- opening of the ear
When measuring height instruct the client to _______ and _______ until the measurement has been taken.
- take a deep breath
- hold
When measuring height rest the _______ or _______ gently on the crown of the client’s head.
- anthropometer arm
- measurement angle
When measuring height mark the _______ or stabilize the _______, and record the measurement to the nearest _______.
- wall
- anthropometer
- centimeter
If only inches are available when measuring height, then record the value to the nearest _______ to _______ and convert the measurement in inches to _______.
- 1/4
- 1/2 inch
- centimeters
_______ is defined as the mass of an object under the normal acceleration due to gravity; therefore a more accurate term to characterize body weight is _______.
- weight
- body mass
An accurate measurement of body mass can be taken only with a _______.
- calibrated and certified scale
One of the types of scales most commonly used is the _______.
- platform-beam scale
Equipment to measure weight includes the following device: _______
- calibrated and certified scale
Before measuring weight ask the client to remove as much _______ and _______ as feasible.
- clothing
- jewelry
When measuring weight instruct the client to step _______ onto the scale and remain _______ throughout the measurement.
- gently
- as still as possible
When measuring weight record the weight to the nearest _______, or when a sensitive metric scale is available, to the nearest _______.
- 1/4 pound
- 0.02 kg
When measuring weight convert the measurement in pounds to kilograms using the following equation: _______
- pounds (lb) / 2.2046 = kilograms (kg)
A female client is measured with a height of 65 inches and a weight of 145 pounds. Calculate her BMI.
- stature = 65 inches x 0.0254 = 1.651 meters
- mass = 145 pounds / 2.2046 = 65.8 kilograms
- BMI = 65.8 / (1.651 X 1.651) = 65.8 / 2.726 = 24.1
A male client is measured with a height of 69 inches and a weight of 214 pounds. Calculate his BMI.
- stature = 69 inches x 0.0254 = 1.753 meters
- mass = 214 pounds / 2.2046 = 97.1 kilograms
- BMI = 97.1 / (1.753 x 1.753) = 97.1 / 3.073 = 31.6
Factors affecting body mass assessment: _______, _______, _______.
- previous meals
- time of day
- hydration status
A _______ indirectly measures the thickness of subcutaneous fat tissue.
- skinfold (SKF)
Skinfold measurements are highly correlated with _______.
- body density measurements from underwater weighing
Equipment for skinfold measurements includes the following devices: _______, _______, _______.
- skinfold caliper
- nonelastic tape measure
- pen or other marking device
Take all skinfold measurements on the ______ side of the body.
- right
Before taking skinfold measurements be sure that the client’s skin is _______ and _______.
- dry
- free of lotion
Be sure that all skinfold measurements are taken _______ exercise.
- before
Exercise-induced changes in the _______ of different body tissues can significantly affect the thickness of a skinfold.
- hydration status
When taking skinfold measurements grasp the skinfold firmly between the _______ and _______.
- thumb
- fingers
When taking skinfold measurements the placement of the thumb and fingers should be at least _______ away from the site to be measured.
- 1 cm
While taking skinfold measurements lift the fold by placing the thumb and index finger approximately _______ apart on a line that is _______ to the long axis of the skinfold.
- 8 cm
- perpendicular
The _______ the fat tissue layer, the greater the _______ between the thumb and finger as the fold is lifted.
- thicker
- seperation
When taking skinfold measurements keep the fold _______.
- elevated
When taking skinfold measurements place the jaws of the caliper _______ to the fold, _______ away from the thumb and index finger, and release the jaw pressure _______
- perpendicular
- 1 cm
- slowly
Record the skinfold measurement after _______ to _______ after the jaw pressure has been released.
- 1
- 2 seconds
Read the dial of the skinfold caliper to the nearest _______, _______, or _______.
- 0.2 mm (Harpenden)
- 0.5 mm (Lange or Lafayette)
- 1 mm (Slim Guide, The Body Caliper, or Accu-Measure)
Take a minimum of _______ measurements at each skinfold site.
- 2
If skinfold measurements values vary by more than _______ or _______ take an additional measurement.
- 2 mm
- 10%
Skinfold sites include: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- chest
- midaxilla
- triceps
- subscapula
- abdomen
- suprailium
- thigh
- medial calf
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has been developed as a method of measuring _______.
- body composition
_______ works via measurement of the amount of impedance or resistance to a small, painless electrical current passed through the body between two electrodes, which are often placed on the wrist and ankle.
- Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
The underlying concept of the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is that leaner clients conduct the electrical current with _______ resistance than those who are carrying more adipose tissue.
- less
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) methods for determining body composition are roughly as accurate as skinfold techniques except for clients who are either _______ or _______.
- very lean
- obese
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) measurements can be easily and significantly affected by factors such as _______, _______, and _______.
- hydration status
- skin temperature
- racial characteristics
Bioelectrical impedance analyses (BIA) are acceptable field techniques to measure body composition in _______ and _______.
- Caucasian men
- women
The _______ method of measuring body composition is derived from its use in agriculture to assess body composition in animals, quality of meats, and lipid concentrations in grains.
- near-infrared interactance (NIR)