Chapter 11 - Fitness Testing Protocols & Norms Flashcards
Personal trainers must choose _______ and _______ tests that are suitable for an individual client.
- valid
- reliable
Personal trainers must administer tests _______ and _______ and _______ the results.
- accurately
- record
- interpret
Vital sign testing protocols can include the following: _______ and _______.
- heart rate
- blood pressure
Body composition testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- body mass index
- anthropometry
- height
- weight
- skinfolds
- BIA and NIR techniques
- waist-to-hip-girth ratio
Cardiovascular endurance testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- general procedures for cycle ergometer testing
- YMCA cycle ergometer test
- astrand-rhyming cycle ergometer test
- YMCA step test
- distance run and walk test
- 12-minute run/walk
- 1.5 mile run
- rockport walking test
- 1-mile run
- non-exercise-based estimation of VO2max
Muscular strength testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______
- 1 repetition maximum bench press
- 1 repetition maximum leg press
- estimating a 1-repetion maximum
Muscular endurance testing protocols can include the following: _______, _______, _______
- YMCA bench press test
- partial curl-up test
- prone double straight-leg raise test
Flexibility testing protocols can include the _______.
- sit and reach test
Many of the assessments that a personal trainer performs during a fitness evaluation involve two basic tasks: _______ and _______.
- taking the clients pulse
- blood pressure
Monitoring _______ and _______ changes with exercise.
- heart rate
- blood pressure
_______ is an effective method to determine appropriate exercise intensity.
- Aerobic exercise
Most adults have a resting heart rate or pulse between _______ and _______.
- 60
- 80 beats/min.
The average HR for females is _______ to _______ than for males.
- 7
- 10 beats/min. greater
A normal resting heart rate can be anywhere between _______ and _______.
- 60
- 100 beats/min.
Those slower than 60 beats/min. are classified as _______ and those higher than 100 beats/min as _______.
- bradycardia
- tachycardia
Three commonly used field techniques for assessing HR that may be particularly useful for personal trainers: _______, _______, and the use of _______.
- palpation
- auscultation
- heart rate monitors
Equipment to measure HR can include any one or a combination of the following devices: _______, _______, _______.
- stopwatch
- stethoscope
- heart rate monitor
_______ is the most common and certainly the most cost effective method for assessing both resting and exercise HR.
- Palpation
Use the _______ and _______ to palpate the pulse.
- tips of the index
- middle fingers
When palpating the pulse avoid using the _______, because its inherent pulse may be confusing and potentially confounding.
- thumb
Any on of the following land marks can be used to palpate the pulse: _______, _______, _______, and _______.
- brachial artery
- carotid artery
- radial artery
- temporal artery
The _______ is located at the anterior medial aspect of the arm just distal to the belly of the biceps brachia muscle, 1 inch superior to the antecubital fossa.
- brachial artery
The _______ is located on the anterior surface of the neck just lateral to the larynx.
- carotid artery
Baroreceptors located in the arch of the aorta and the carotid sinuses can sense increases in applied pressure and will feed back to the medulla to _______ HR.
- decrease
The _______ is located on the anterior-lateral surface of the wrist, in line with the base of the thumb.
- radial artery
The _______ is located at the lateral side of the cranium on the anterior portion of the temporal fossa, usually along the hairline at the level of the eyes.
- temporal artery
If you are using a stopwatch to keep the time while counting beats, and if you start the stopwatch simultaneously with the first beat, count the first beat as _______.
- zero
During palpation, if the stopwatch has been running, count the first beat as _______.
- one
During palpation the HR should be counted for _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- 6 seconds
- 10 seconds
- 15 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
If the HR is counted for less than a full minute, use the following multipliers to convert your measurement to beats per minute: _______; _______; _______; _______.
- x 10 for 6 seconds
- x 6 for 10 seconds
- x 4 for 15 seconds
- x 2 for 30 seconds
Typically, the shorter duration HR counts (6, 10, and 15 seconds) are used during _______ and _______ conditions.
- exercise
- post exercise
Not only are _______ HR counts time efficient; they may also provide a more accurate representation of momentary HR due to the immediate fluctuations that often occur with changes in exercise intensity.
- short duration
_______ is generally assessed with the longer duration HR counts (30 and 60 seconds) to reduce the risk of miscounts and measurement error.
- Resting heart rate
To locate the _______ bend the elbow with the arm at the side. The palm of the hand should be up.
- radial pulse
The _______ is located on the inside of the wrist near the base of the thumb.
- radial artery
The _______ is located on either side of the neck, in the space between the windpipe (trachea) and muscle (right or left sternocleidomastoid), beneath the lower jawbone.
- carotid artery
To much pressure placed on the _______ may cause reduced blood flow to the head.
- carotid artery
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 12 heart beats counted during a 6 second period = _______
- 120 beats/min.
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 18 heart beats counted during a 10 second period = _______
- 108 beats/min.
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 24 heart beats counted during a 15 second period = _______
- 96 beats/min.
Convert the following pulse measurement into beats/minute: 41 heart beats counted during a 30 second period = _______
- 82 beats/min.
Factors affecting heart rate assessment: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______.
- smoking and tobacco
- caffeine consumption
- environmental temperature extremes
- altitude
- stress
- food digestion
- body position
- time of day
- medications
_______ procedure requires the use of a stethoscope.
- Auscultation
The bell of the stethoscope should be placed directly on the _______ over the _______ just left of the sternum.
- skin
- third intercostal space
The sounds heard from the heart beating should be counted for either _______ or _______.
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
- Digital display HR monitors are becoming increasingly popular because of their _______, _______, and _______.
- validity
- stability
- functionality
One drawback to using digital display HR monitors is that they are _______.
- expensive
_______ can be defined as the forces of blood acting against vessel walls.
- blood pressure
_______ are the sounds that are emitted as a result of the vibratory forces of blood acting against vessel walls.
- Korotkoff sounds
The detection and disappearance of _______ under controlled pressure environments are the basis of most BP measurement methods.
- Korotkoff sounds
_______ is the most commonly used field technique for determining blood pressure.
- Sphymgmomanometry
Two types of sphygmomanometers include: _______ and _______.
- mercury sphygmomanometers
- aneroid sphygmomanometers
Both mercury and aneroid sphygmomanometers require the use of an _______ and a _______ to auscultate the Korotkoff sounds.
- inflatable air bladder-containing cuff
- stethoscope
The use of mercury and aneroid sphygmomanometers is also commonly referred to as the as the _______ or _______.
- cuff
- auscultatory method
Repeated _______ are important for detecting hypertension and for monitoring the antihypertensive effects of an exercise program or dietary changes.
- blood pressure measurements
When assessing blood pressure, it is recommended that measurements be taken with a _______.
- mercury sphygmomanometer
The accuracy of _______ have been questioned compared to that of traditional mercury sphygmomanometers.
- aneroid sphygmomanometers
Instruct the client to refrain from _______ or _______ at least 30 minutes prior to blood pressure measurements.
- smoking
- ingesting caffeine
When taking blood pressure have the client sit _______ in a chair that supports the back with either the right or the left arm and forearm _______, _______, and supported at the level of the _______.
- upright
- exposed
- supinated
- heart
When measuring blood pressure be sure to select the appropriate _______ for the client.
- cuff size
To determine the arm circumference for BP measurements, have the client stand with arms _______, and take the arm circumference measurements roughly midway between the _______ and _______.
- hanging freely at the sides
- shoulder
- elbow
Begin blood pressure measurements only after the client has rested for a minimum of _______ seated in the upright position.
- 5 minutes
When measuring blood pressure place the cuff on the arm so that the air bladder is directly over the _______.
- brachial artery
When measuring blood pressure the bottom edge of the cuff should be 1 inch above the _______.
- antecubital space
The bottom edge of the cuff should be 1 inch above the _______.
- antecubital space
Place the stethoscope firmly, but not hard enough to indent the skin, over the _______.
- antecubital space
Most trainers find it is easier to use the _______ hand to control the bladder airflow by placing the air bulb in the _______ and using the _______ and _______ to control the pressure release.
- dominant
- palm
- thumb
- forefinger
Position the sphygmomanometer so that the center of the mercury column or aneroid dial is at _______ and the air bladder tubing is not _______, _______, or being allowed to ______ the stethoscope head or tubing.
- eye level
- overlapping
- obstructing
- contact
Once the cuff, stethoscope, and sphygmomanometer are in place, quickly inflate the air bladder either to _______ or _______ above the anticipated _______.
- 160 mmHg
- 20 mmHg
- systolic BP
Upon maximum inflation of the cuff, turn the air release screw counterclockwise to release the pressure slowly at a rate of _______ or _______ per second.
- 2
- 3 mmHg
Record both _______ and _______ measurements in even numbers using units of millimeters of mercury (mmHg) to the nearest _______ on the sphygmomanometer.
- systolic blood pressure (SBP)
- diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
- 2 mmHg
_______ is the pressure corresponding with the first audible detection of Korotkoff sounds via auscultation.
- Systolic blood pressure (SBP)
The pressure at which Korotkoff sounds disappear is the _______.
- diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
_______ occur as sharp “thud” noises that can be similar to the sounds of gentle finger tapping on the stethoscope head.
- Korotkoff sounds
Upon the disappearance of the Korotkoff sounds, carefully observe the manometer for an additional _______ to _______ of deflation to confirm the absence of sounds.
- 10
- 20 mmHg
Once the absence of Korotkoff sounds is confirmed, _______ and _______.
- release the remaining pressure rapidly
- remove the cuff
Repeat blood pressure measurements after a minimum of _______ rest.
- 2 minutes
If the two consecutive blood pressure measurements of either the SBP or the DBP differ by more than ______, take a third BP measurement and record the average of the three SBP and the average of the three DBP measurements as the final scores.
- 5 mmHg
If the consecutive measurements of neither the SBP or the DBP differ by more than _______, average the two SBP scores and average the two DBP scores to determine the final blood pressure.
- 5 mmHg
While measuring blood pressure the client should remain seated _______ with the _______ supported and the _______ not crossed.
- comfortably
- back
- legs
When measuring blood pressure the upper arm should be _______ and have no _______.
- bare
- restrictive clothing
When measuring blood pressure the client’s arm should be _______ and supported at approximately _______
- completely relaxed
- heart level
When measuring blood pressure the bladder of the cuff should cover at least _______ of the client’s _______.
- 80%
- upper arm
When measuring blood pressure the cuff should be deflated at _______ or _______, with the first and last audible sounds taken as the _______ and _______, respectively.
- 2
- 3 mmHg/s
When measuring blood pressure both the client and tester should remain _______.
- quiet
Factors affecting blood pressure assessment: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- smoking and tobacco products
- caffeine
- stress
- body position
- time of day
- medications
_______, which is the science of measurement applied to the human body, generally includes measurements of height, weight, and selected body girths.
- Anthropometry
Measurement of height requires a _______ against which the client stands, a _______ attached or unattached to the wall, and a _______ placed concurrently against both the client’s head and the wall.
- flat wall
- measuring tape
- rectangular object
The most accurate body mass or body weight measurement is performed with a _______, which is generally more reliable than a spring scale and should be calibrated on a regular basis.
- certified balance beam scale
A _______ is an acceptable alternative to a certified balance beam scale.
- calibrated electronic scale
Clients should be weighed while wearing _______.
- minimal dry clothing
For comparison measurements at a later date, client’s should dress _______ and be weighed at the same _______.
- minimally
- time of day
The most reliable body mass measurements are made in the _______, after _______ and before _______.
- morning upon rising
- elimination
- ingestion of food or fluids
Level of hydration can result in variability of _______.
- body mass
Clients should be encouraged to avoid _______ the day before weighing and to go to bed _______.
- salty foods
- normally hydrated
The most reliable girth measurements are usually attained with the aid of a _______.
- Gulick tape
Girth measurements can be made at the _______ of a training or incentive period for comparison with subsequent measurements.
- beginning
Personal trainers often use the _______ to examine body mass related to stature.
- body mass index (BMI)
Equation for BMI: _______
BMI (kg/m2) = Body weight (kg) / Height2 (m2)
_______ is a basic anthropometric measurement for which stature is a more accurate term.
- Height
Stature can be measured in several different ways, the two most common involve (a) _______ and (b) _______.
- using an anthropometer typically located on the upright of a standard platform scale and simply having a client stand with the back against a flat wall
- using a right-angled device and simply having a client stand with the back against a flat wall
Equipment to measure height can include any one of the following devices: _______, _______
- standard platform scale with anthropometer arm
- flat ridged, right-angled device
When measuring height ask the client to remove all _______.
- footwear
When measuring height ask the client to stand as _______ as possible with feet _______ and heels _______ facing _______ wall or stadiometer.
- erect
- flat on the floor
- together
- away from
When measuring height instruct the client to horizontally align the lowest point of the orbit of the eye with the _______.
- opening of the ear
When measuring height instruct the client to _______ and _______ until the measurement has been taken.
- take a deep breath
- hold
When measuring height rest the _______ or _______ gently on the crown of the client’s head.
- anthropometer arm
- measurement angle
When measuring height mark the _______ or stabilize the _______, and record the measurement to the nearest _______.
- wall
- anthropometer
- centimeter
If only inches are available when measuring height, then record the value to the nearest _______ to _______ and convert the measurement in inches to _______.
- 1/4
- 1/2 inch
- centimeters
_______ is defined as the mass of an object under the normal acceleration due to gravity; therefore a more accurate term to characterize body weight is _______.
- weight
- body mass
An accurate measurement of body mass can be taken only with a _______.
- calibrated and certified scale
One of the types of scales most commonly used is the _______.
- platform-beam scale
Equipment to measure weight includes the following device: _______
- calibrated and certified scale
Before measuring weight ask the client to remove as much _______ and _______ as feasible.
- clothing
- jewelry
When measuring weight instruct the client to step _______ onto the scale and remain _______ throughout the measurement.
- gently
- as still as possible
When measuring weight record the weight to the nearest _______, or when a sensitive metric scale is available, to the nearest _______.
- 1/4 pound
- 0.02 kg
When measuring weight convert the measurement in pounds to kilograms using the following equation: _______
- pounds (lb) / 2.2046 = kilograms (kg)
A female client is measured with a height of 65 inches and a weight of 145 pounds. Calculate her BMI.
- stature = 65 inches x 0.0254 = 1.651 meters
- mass = 145 pounds / 2.2046 = 65.8 kilograms
- BMI = 65.8 / (1.651 X 1.651) = 65.8 / 2.726 = 24.1
A male client is measured with a height of 69 inches and a weight of 214 pounds. Calculate his BMI.
- stature = 69 inches x 0.0254 = 1.753 meters
- mass = 214 pounds / 2.2046 = 97.1 kilograms
- BMI = 97.1 / (1.753 x 1.753) = 97.1 / 3.073 = 31.6
Factors affecting body mass assessment: _______, _______, _______.
- previous meals
- time of day
- hydration status
A _______ indirectly measures the thickness of subcutaneous fat tissue.
- skinfold (SKF)
Skinfold measurements are highly correlated with _______.
- body density measurements from underwater weighing
Equipment for skinfold measurements includes the following devices: _______, _______, _______.
- skinfold caliper
- nonelastic tape measure
- pen or other marking device
Take all skinfold measurements on the ______ side of the body.
- right
Before taking skinfold measurements be sure that the client’s skin is _______ and _______.
- dry
- free of lotion
Be sure that all skinfold measurements are taken _______ exercise.
- before
Exercise-induced changes in the _______ of different body tissues can significantly affect the thickness of a skinfold.
- hydration status
When taking skinfold measurements grasp the skinfold firmly between the _______ and _______.
- thumb
- fingers
When taking skinfold measurements the placement of the thumb and fingers should be at least _______ away from the site to be measured.
- 1 cm
While taking skinfold measurements lift the fold by placing the thumb and index finger approximately _______ apart on a line that is _______ to the long axis of the skinfold.
- 8 cm
- perpendicular
The _______ the fat tissue layer, the greater the _______ between the thumb and finger as the fold is lifted.
- thicker
- seperation
When taking skinfold measurements keep the fold _______.
- elevated
When taking skinfold measurements place the jaws of the caliper _______ to the fold, _______ away from the thumb and index finger, and release the jaw pressure _______
- perpendicular
- 1 cm
- slowly
Record the skinfold measurement after _______ to _______ after the jaw pressure has been released.
- 1
- 2 seconds
Read the dial of the skinfold caliper to the nearest _______, _______, or _______.
- 0.2 mm (Harpenden)
- 0.5 mm (Lange or Lafayette)
- 1 mm (Slim Guide, The Body Caliper, or Accu-Measure)
Take a minimum of _______ measurements at each skinfold site.
- 2
If skinfold measurements values vary by more than _______ or _______ take an additional measurement.
- 2 mm
- 10%
Skinfold sites include: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______.
- chest
- midaxilla
- triceps
- subscapula
- abdomen
- suprailium
- thigh
- medial calf
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has been developed as a method of measuring _______.
- body composition
_______ works via measurement of the amount of impedance or resistance to a small, painless electrical current passed through the body between two electrodes, which are often placed on the wrist and ankle.
- Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
The underlying concept of the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is that leaner clients conduct the electrical current with _______ resistance than those who are carrying more adipose tissue.
- less
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) methods for determining body composition are roughly as accurate as skinfold techniques except for clients who are either _______ or _______.
- very lean
- obese
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) measurements can be easily and significantly affected by factors such as _______, _______, and _______.
- hydration status
- skin temperature
- racial characteristics
Bioelectrical impedance analyses (BIA) are acceptable field techniques to measure body composition in _______ and _______.
- Caucasian men
- women
The _______ method of measuring body composition is derived from its use in agriculture to assess body composition in animals, quality of meats, and lipid concentrations in grains.
- near-infrared interactance (NIR)
_______ method works on the principles of the wavelength changes of light that is absorbed and reflected by different tissues in the body at various anatomical sites.
- near-infrared interactance (NIR)
Equipment for near-infrared interactance (NIR) consists of a _______ or _______ that emits low-level electromagnetic radiation light waves.
- fiber-optic probe
- light wand
Near-infrared interactance (NIR) body composition measurements are _______ as skinfolds.
- not as accurate
Near infrared interactance (NIR) body composition measurements are not sensitive to _______.
- changes in body composition
Near-infrared interactance (NIR) has been shown to produce acceptable estimates of percent fat in _______.
- Caucasian women
People with more fat in the _______, particualrly _______, are at an increased risk for a variety of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
- trunk
- abdominal fat
Equipment for measuring waist-to-hip girth ratio includes the following device: ________
- nonelastic tape measure
When measuring waist-to-hip girth ratio place the tape measure around _______ and _______.
- girth of waist
- hip
When measuring waist-to-hip girth ratio hold the _______ end of tape in one hand, positioned below the other part of the tape, which is held in the other hand.
- “zero”
When measuring waist-to-hip girth ratio apply tension to the tape so that it fits snugly around the body part but does not _______ or _______.
- indent the skin
- compress the subcutaneous tissue
When measuring waist-to-hip girth ratio align the tape in a _______ plane, _______ to the floor.
- horizontal
- parallel
To determine the waist-to-hip girth ratio, divide the _______ by the _______.
- waist circumference
- hip circumference
To ensure that HR has achieved steady state, personal trainers should record HR values at the _______ or _______.
- end of a constant work rate stage
- 2 or 3 minutes of exercise at a constant work rate.
_______ is defined as two consecutive HR measurements that are within five beats/min of each other.
- Steady-state heart rate
For any given age, maximal HR can vary as much as _______ across individuals
- or - 10 to 12 beats/min.
Age predicted maximal HR equation: _______
- age predicted maximal HR (beats/min.) = 220 - age (years)
The positive relationship between HR and workload is most linear between _______ and _______ of maximal HR.
- 50%
- 90%
Personal trainers should choose a test that is specific to the client’s _______, _______, or _______.
- cardiovascular exercise modes
- daily activities
- both
The personal trainer can use _______ to attain a reasonably accurate estimation of a client’s VO2max.
- submaximal cardiovascualr endurance tests
Submaximal exercise tests are used most often because of _______, _______, and the _______.
- high equipment expenses
- the personnel needed
- increased risks associated with maximal tests
The concept behind a submaximal test is to monitor _______, _______, _______–or some combination of these– until _______ is achieved, at which point the test is which point the test its terminated.
- heart rate
- blood pressure
- rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
- a percentage of the client’s predicted maximal HR
To get a true measure of a client’s cardiovascular endurance, one would need to conduct a _______, taking the client to his or her extreme limits of HR and oxygen consumption.
- maximal test
Maximal test are not safe or necessary for many clients and sometimes cannot be conducted without physician supervision; thus _______ are used instead.
- submaximal tests
Most submaximal testing protocols provide a _______, _______, and _______ estimation of VO2max.
- valid
- reliable
- sensitive
Before conducting a cycle ergometer test ensure that the cycle ergometer has been recently and correctly _______.
- calibrated
When conducting a cycle ergometer test adjust the seat height so that there is a _______ at the knee joint at maximal leg extension with the ball of the foot on the pedal.
- slight flexion
When conducting a cycle ergometer test the client should be seated in an _______ position with the hands properly positioned on the handlebars.
- upright
When conducting a cycle ergometer test ask the client to maintain the same _______ and _______ throughout the duration of the test.
- grip
- posture
When conducting a cycle ergometer test be sure to establish the _______ before setting the resistance.
- pedaling cadence
If a metronome is necessary to set the pedaling cadence, set it at _______ the desired cadence so that one full pedal revolution occurs for every two metronome beats.
- twice
The workload on a cycle ergometer usually refers to the _______.
- work rate
Work rate is defined as a _______ and is measured in units of kilogram-meters per minute or watts that can be calculated with the following equation: _______
- power output
- work rate (kg x m x min-1) = resistance (kg) x distance (kg) x cadence (rpm)
The work rate in watts can now be calculated by the following equation: _______
- work rate (W) = work rate (kg x m x min-1) / 6.12
_______ usually have computer- or digitally interfaced work rate settings that automatically adjust the resistance based on the pedaling cadence to maintain a predetermined work rate.
- electronically braked cycle ergometers
_______ have a flywheel “braked” by a belt that adds resistance by friction as it is tightened.
- Mechanically braked cycle ergometers
During a mechanically braked cycle ergometer test both the _______ and _______ must remain constant to maintain the work rate.
- resistance
- pedaling cadence
During a mechanically braked cycle ergometer test check the _______ setting frequently to avoid the unexpected increases or decreases.
- resistance
During cycle ergometer testing continuously monitor the _______ and _______ of the client for general indications for stopping the test.
- appearance
- symptoms
During multistage tests assess heart rate during the _______ of each stage or until _______ is achieved.
- end
- steady-state heart rate
If a client is working through a 3-minute stage, measure his or her heart rate during the final _______ to ________ seconds of the _______ and _______ minutes.
- 15
- 30
- second
- third
If the consecutive heart rate measurements are not within _______ beats/min. of each other, continue the stage for one more minute and measure heart rate again.
- 5 beats/min.
Assess blood pressure _______ of each stage and _______ in the case of a hypo- or hypertensive response.
- near the end
- repeatedly
Assess RPE near the end of each stage using either the _______ to _______ or the _______ to _______ RPE scale
- 6
- 20
- 0
- 10
Once a cycle ergometer test has been terminated, initiate an appropriate _______.
- cool-down
The cool-down following a cycle ergometer test can be an active recovery period consisting of _______.
- light pedaling at a resistance equal to or less than the starting resistance
If the client is experiencing signs and symptoms following a cycle ergometer test, then a _______ may be necessary.
- passive recovery
During the cool-down period of a cycle ergometer test, monitor _______, _______, and _______ regularly for at least _______.
- heart rate
- blood pressure
- signs/symptoms
- 4-minutes
The _______ is a submaximal, multistage exercise test for cardiovascular endurance.
- YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test
The _______ test is designed to progress the client to 85% of his or her predicted maximal heart rate using 3-min. stages of increasing work rate.
- YMCA cycle ergometer test
Equipment for cycle ergometer testing includes the following devices: _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______.
- mechanically or electrically braked cycle ergometer
- metronome
- stopwatch
- heart rate and blood pressure equipment
- RPE scale
When conducting a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test instruct the client to begin pedaling at _______ and maintain this cadence throughout the duration of the test.
- 50 rpm
When conducting a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test set the work rate for the 1st 3-minute stage at _______.
- 150 kg x m x min-1
When conducting a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test measure the client’s heart rate during the final _______ to _______ of the _______ and _______ of the 1st stage; if they are not within _______ of each other, continue the stage for one more minute.
- 15
- 30 seconds
- second
- third minute
- 6 beats/min.
If the client’s heart rate at the end of the 1st stage of a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test is < 80 beats/min, set the work rate for the 2nd stage at _______.
- 750 kg x m x min-1 (2.5 kg at 50 rpm)
If the client’s heart rate at the end of the 1st stage of a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test is 80-89 beats/min, set the work rate for the 2nd stage at _______.
- 600 kg x m x min-1 (2.0 kg at 50 rpm)
If the client’s heart rate at the end of the 1st stage of a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test is 90-100 beats/min, set the work rate for the 2nd stage at _______.
- 450 kg x m x min-1 (1.5 kg at 50 rpm)
If the client’s heart rate at the end of the 1st stage of a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test is > 100 beats/min, set the work rate for the 2nd stage at _______.
- 300 kg x m x min-1 (1.0 kg at 50 rpm)
When conducting a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test measure the client’s heart rate during the final _______ to _______ of the _______ and _______ of the 2nd stage; if they are not within _______ of each other, continue the stage for one more minute.
- 15
- 30 seconds
- second
- third minute
- 6 beats/min.
Terminate a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test when the client reaches _______ of his or her age-predicted maximal heart rate.
- 85%
After the completion of a YMCA multistage cycle ergometer test the trainer should have the following data: _______, _______, _______, _______, _______
- body weight (kg)
- age-predicted maximal heart rate
- at least two heart rate measurements at each work rate up to 85% of the age predicted maximal HR
- a blood pressure measurement at each work rate
- an RPE assessment at each work rate
When using a graph to estimate VO2 max plot the heart rate on the _______ in _______.
- Y-axis
- beats/min
When using a graph to estimate VO2 max plot the work rate on the _______ in _______.
- X-axis
- kg x m x min-1 or W
When using a graph to estimate VO2 max construct a horizontal line at the _______.
- age-predicted maximal heart rate value
When estimating VO2 max extrapolate the data by drawing a line of best fit for the heart rate values between _______ and _______ of the age-predicted maximal heart rate.
- 50%
- 90%
Equation for predicted VO2 max score in ml x kg-1 x min-1:
- VO2 max (ml x kg-1 x min-1) = [(10.8 x W) / BW] + 7
When using a graph to estimate VO2 max continue the line of best fit beyond the final data point until it crosses the ________ representing the _______.
- horizontal line
- age-predicted maximal heart rate
When using a graph to estimate VO2 max construct a _______ from the intersection of the line of best fit and the horizontal age-predicted maximal heart rate line.
- vertical line
When using a graph to estimate VO2 max extend the vertical line to the _______ and record the corresponding work rate value.
- x-axis
The _______ is a single-stage test.
- astrand-rhyming cycle ergometer test
The total duration of the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test is _______.
- 6-minutes
Equipment for astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer testing includes the following devices: _______, _______, and _______.
- mechanically or electrically braked cycle ergometer
- metronome
- stopwatch
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test set the pedaling cadence at _______.
- 50 rpm
_______ for the astrand-rhyming test are chosen based on gender and fitness level.
- work rates
When estimating a client’s fitness level prior to the astrand-ryhming test to determine the starting work rate, the recommendation is to always choose the more _______ work rate if there is any question about the client’s current status.
- conservative
Astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer testing work rate for unconditioned male: ______
- 300 or 600 kg x m x min-1
Astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer testing work rate for conditioned male: ______
- 600 or 900 kg x m x min-1
Astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer testing work rate for unconditioned female: ______
- 300 or 450 kg x m x min-1
Astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer testing work rate for conditioned female: ______
- 450 or 600 kg x m x min-1
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test start the stopwatch once the client achieves the proper _______.
- cadence
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test take a heart rate measurement after _______.
- 2-minutes
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test if the heart rate is _______, have the client continue the selected work rate throughout the 6-minute test duration.
- > or = 120 beats/min.
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test if the heart rate after 2-minutes is _______, increase the resistance to the next highest increment or until the heart rate measurement is _______ after 2-minutes of riding at a constant work rate.
- < 120
- > or = 120
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test take the heart rate measurements at the end of the _______ and _______ of the test, average them, and use this average value to estimate VO2max in liters per minute (L/min)
- fifth
- sixth minutes
When conducting the astrand-ryhming cycle ergometer test the VO2max estimate must be corrected for the _______ of the client.
- age
To obtain the age-corrected VO2max estimation, multiply the _______ by the appropriate _______.
- VO2max value
- age correction factor
After age correction of the VO2max estimation (L/min), it can be converted to ml x kg-1 x min-1 by the following equation: _______
- VO2max (ml x kg-1 x min-1) = VO2max in L/min x 1,000 / BW
The _______ is a basic, inexpensive cardiovascular endurance test that can be easily administered individually or to large groups.
- YMCA step test
The YMCA Step Test classifies fitness levels based on the post exercise HR response but does not provide an estimation of _______.
- VO2max
The objective of the YMCA step test is to have the client step up and down to a set cadence for _______ and to measure the heart rate recovery response immediately after the test.
- 3-minutes
Equipment for YMCA step testing includes the following devices: ________, _______, _______
- 12-inch step bench or box
- metronome set at 96 beats/min.
- stopwatch
Before conducting the YMCA step test the client should listen to the _______ for familiarization.
- cadence
When conducting the YMCA step test instruct the client to step “_______, _______, _______, _______” to a cadence of _______, which allows 24 steps per minute.
- up
- up
- down
- down
- 96 beats/min.
Conduct the YMCA step test for _______.
- 3-minutes
After the client has taken their final step of the YMCA step test, help the client ______ and, within ______, measure the heart rate for _______.
- sit down
- 5 seconds
- 1-minute
_______ are based on the assumption that a more fit client will be able to run a given distance in less time or run a greater distance in a given period of time.
- distance run tests
Distance run tests are _______, _______, _______, and _______.
- practical
- inexpensive
- less time consuming than other tests
- easy to administer to large groups
Distance run tests can be used to classify the cardiovascular endurance level of healthy _______ and healthy _______.
- men under 40 years of age
- women under 50 years of age
Heart rate and blood pressure are typically not monitored during the performance of _______.
- distance run tests
Distance run tests are effort based assessments and are suited for clients who can run or walk briskly for either _______, _______, or _______.
- 12-minutes
- 1.5 miles
- 1 mile
Distance run tests are appropriate for those who have been training for _______ and those who regularly use _______ or _______ as a mode of cardiovascular exercise.
- several weeks
- running
- walking
_______ or the _______ are recommend for clients who do not meet the criteria for the distance run test.
- astrand-ryhming cycle ergometr test
- YMCA step test
The _______ is a field test designed to measure the distance traveled over 12-minutes of running/walking.
- 12-minute run/walk test
Equipment for the 12-minute walk/run test includes the following devices: ________, _______, _______.
- 400 m track or flat course with measured distances so that the number of laps completed can be easily counted and multiplied by the course distance
- visible place markers-may be necessary to divide the course into predetermined section lengths so that the exact distance covered in 12-minutes can be determined quickly
- stopwatch
When conducting the _______ instruct the client to run as far as possible during the 12-minute duration.
- 12-minute run/walk test
_______ is allowed during the 12-minute run test; however the objective of the test is to cover as much distance as possible in 12-minutes.
- walking
When conducting the 12-minute run test record the _______.
- total distance completed in meters
When conducting the 12-minute run test use the following equation to estimate the client’s VO2max:
VO2max (ml x kg-1 x min-1) = (0.0268 x D) - 11.3
The _______ is a field test designed to measure the time it takes for a client to run 1.5 miles.
- 1.5 mile run test
Equipment for 1.5 mile run testing includes the following devices: ________ and _______.
- 400 m track or flat course with the 1.5 mile distance measured
- stopwatch
When conducting the _______ instruct the client to cover the 1.5 mile distance in the fastest possible time.
- 1.5 mile run test
_______ is allowed during the 1.5 mile run test; however the objective of the test is to cover as much distance as possible in as short a time as possible.
- walking
When conducting the 1.5 mile run test call out or record the _______ as the client crosses the finish line.
- elapsed time
Convert the 1.5 mile run times seconds to minutes by dividing the seconds by _______.
- 60
When conducting the 1.5 mile run test use the following equation to estimate the client’s VO2max: _________
- VO2max (ml x kg-1 x min-1) = 88.02 - (0.1656 x BW) - (2.76 x time + (3.716 x gender*)
- For gender substitute 1 for males and 0 for females.
The _______ has been developed to estimate VO2max for men and women ages 18-69 years.
- rockport walking test
Because the Rockport walking test requires only ________, it is useful for testing older or sedentary clients.
- walking at a fast paced
Equipment for the Rockport walking test includes the following devices: ________ and _______.
- stopwatch
- measured 1.0 mile walking course that is flat and uninterrupted
When conducting the Rockport walking test instruct the client to walk _______ as briskly as possible.
- 1 mile
Immediately after conducting the Rockport walking test, calculate the client’s heart rate using a _______ heart rate count duration.
- 15 second
Convert the Rockport walking test times seconds to minutes by dividing the seconds by _______.
- 60
When conducting the 1.5 mile run test use the following equation to estimate the client’s VO2max: _______
- VO2max (ml x kg-1 x min-1) = 132.853-(0.0769 x BW) - (0.3877 x age) + (6.315 x gender*) - (3.2649 x time) - (0.1565 x heart rate)
- For gender substitute 1 for males and 0 for females.
The _______ has been developed to estimate cardiovascular endurance for children 6 to 17 years.
- 1-mile run
Equipment for 1 mile run testing includes the following devices: ________ and _______.
- stopwatch
- a flat and uninterrupted 1 mile course
When conducting the _______ instruct the client to cover the 1-mile distance in the fastest possible time.
- 1-mile run
During the 1-mile run test _______ may be interspersed with running.
- walking
When conducting the 1-mile run test call out or record the _______ as the client crosses the finish line.
- elapsed time
Convert the 1-mile run times seconds to minutes by dividing the seconds by _______.
- 60
Errors associated with non-exercise based V02max equations range between _______ to _______ of VO2max, which are similar to the errors often encountered with exercise based estimates of VO2max.
- or - 10%
- + or - 15%
Overall, _______ for the prediction of VO2max can be very useful, especially when the risk of conducting an exercise-based VO2max assessment is too high or unknown for clients who may be susceptible to exercise induced stress.
- non-exercise based equations
Equipment for non-exercise based VO2max testing includes the following devices: ________, _______, _______.
- standard platform scale with anthropometer arm or flat, ridged, right angled device
- calibrated and certified scale
- rating of perceived exertion scale
When using a non-exercise based equation record the client’s _______, _______, _______,
- height in centimeters
- body weight in kilograms
- age in years
When using a non-exercise based equation estimate the typical intensity of training using the _______.
- borg RPE scale
When using a non-exercise based equation Indicate the _______ your client exercises.
- number of hours a week
When using a non-exercise based equation indicate the _______ your client has been training consistently with no more than _______ without exercise.
- number of years
- one month
When using a non-exercise based equation determine the _______ of the years of training.
- natural log
Determine VO2max for untrained males using the following non-exercise based equation:
(0.046 x H) - (0.021 x A) - 4.31
Determine VO2max for untrained females using the following non-exercise based equation:
(0.046 x H) - (0.021 x A) - 4.93
Determine VO2max for aerobically trained males using the following non-exercise based equation:
(27.387 x BW) + (26.634 x H) - (27.572 x A) + (26.161 x D) + (114.904 x I) + (506.752 x Y) - 4609.791
Determine VO2max for aerobically trained males using the following non-exercise based equation:
(18.528 x BW) + (11.993 x H) - (17.197 x A) + (23.522 x D) + (62.118 x I) + (278.262 x Y) - 1375.878
A minimal level of _______ is needed to perform daily activities, especially as one ages, and to participate in recreational or occupational activities without undue risk of injury.
- muscular strength
Strength may be expressed either as _______ or as _______.
- absolute strength
- relative strength
_______ is simply the raw strength score a person achieves.
- Absolute strength
_______ is usually expressed relative to bodyweight.
- Relative strength
A _______ may be used to measure upper body strength.
- 1-rep maximum bench press test
Equipment for the 1-rep maximum bench press test includes the following devices:
- adjustable barbell and weight plates that allow resistance increments of 5 to 90 pounds
When conducting a 1-rep maximum bench press test provide a _______ and closely observe _______.
- spotter
- technique
When conducting a 1-rep maximum bench press test instruct the client to warm up with a light resistance that easily allows _______ to _______ at _______ to _______ of his or her estimated 1 RM.
- 5
- 10 reps
- 40%
- 60% of his or her estimated 1 RM
When conducting a 1-rep max bench press test, provide the client with a _______ between the first and second warm up set.
- 1-minute rest period
For the second warm up set of the 1-rep max bench press test, estimate a warm-up load that will allow the client to complete _______ to _______ by adding as follows:
- 3
- 5 reps
- upper body: 10-20 pounds or 5-10%
- lower body: 30-40 pounds or 10-20%
When conducting a 1-rep max bench press test, provide the client with a _______ between the second and third warm up set.
- 2-minute rest period
For the third warm up set of the 1-rep max bench press test, estimate a near-maximum load that will allow the client to complete _______ or _______ by adding as follows:
- 2
- 3 reps
- upper body: 10-20 pounds or 5-10%
- lower body: 30-40 pounds or 10-20%
When conducting a 1-rep max bench press test, provide the client with a _______ to _______ between the third and fourth warm up set.
- 2
- 4-minute rest period
For the fourth warm up set of the 1-rep max bench press test, make a load increase by adding as follows:
- upper body: 10-20 pounds or 5-10%
- lower body: 30-40 pounds or 10-20%
Following the fourth warm up set of the 1-rep max bench press test, instruct the client to attempt a _______.
- 1RM
If the client was successful at their first 1 RM bench press attempt provide a _______ to _______ and make a load increase by adding as follows:
- 2
- 4-minute rest period
- upper body: 10-20 pounds or 5-10%
- lower body: 30-40 pounds or 10-20%
If the client was unsuccessful at their first 1 RM bench press attempt, provide a _______ to _______ and decrease the load as follows:
- 2
- 4-minute rest period
- upper body: 5-10 pounds or 2.5-5%
- lower body: 15-20 pounds or 5-10%
For the 1 RM bench press test, continue _______ or _______ the load until the client can complete one repetition with proper exercise technique.
- increasing
- decreasing
Ideally a client’s 1 RM will be measured within _______.
- 3 testing sets
Record the ________ as the maximum weight lifted for the last successful attempt.
- 1 RM value
Divide the 1 RM value by the client’s _______ to determine the relative strength.
- body weight
The _______ may used to measure lower body strength.
1 RM leg press
Equipment for the 1-rep maximum leg press test includes the following devices: _______.
universal leg press machine
For the 1 RM leg press test have the client sit in the _______ and place the feet on the _______.
seat of the leg press machine
upper pair of foot plates
For the 1 RM leg press test adjust the seat to standardize the knee angle at approximately _______.
120 degrees
For safety or technique reasons, or both, many personal trainers prefer not to have their clients perform _______.
1 RM testing
It is possible to estimate a client’s _______ from a submaximal resistance.
1 RM
_______ is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert submaximal force for extended periods.
Muscular endurance
Along with muscular strength, _______ is important for performing the activities of daily living as well as in recreational and occupational pursuits.
muscular endurance
Muscular endurance may be assessed during _______ and _______ muscle actions.
The _______ is used to measure upper body muscular endurance.
YMCA bench press test
The YMCA bench press test is a test of _______; that is the resistance is the same for all members of a given gender.
absolute muscular endurance
Equipment for the YMCA bench press test includes the following devices: _______.
adjustable barbell and weight plates
When conducting the YMCA bench press test provide the client with a _______ and _______.
closely observe the technique
For the YMCA bench press test, set the resistance at _______ for male clients, _______ for female clients.
80 pounds
35 pounds
For the YMCA bench press test, set the metronome cadence at _______. to establish a rate of _______.
60 beats/min.
30 repetitions per minute
When conducting the YMCA bench press test, have the client, begin with the arms _______ and a _______ grip.
shoulder width
For the YMCA bench press test, the client should raise the bar to _______.
full arm’s length
For the YMCA bench press test, the movement should be _______ and _______, with the bar reaching its highest and lowest positions with each _______.
beat of the metronome
Terminate the YMCA bench press test when the client can no longer _______.
lift the barbell in cadence with the metronome
The _______ measures endurance of the abdominal muscles.
partial curl up test
The _______ is often favored over the sit-up test because it eliminates the use of the hip flexors muscles.
partial curl up test
Equipment for the partial curl up test includes the following devices: _______.
masking tape
When conducting the partial curl up test, direct the client to assume a _______ position on a mat with the knees at _______.
90 degrees
For the partial curl up test the arms are _______, with the fingers touching a _______..
at the side
4-inch piece of masking tape
For the partial curl up test place a second piece of masking tape _______ beyond the first.
10 cm
For the partial curl up test set a metronome to _______ and have the individual do _______, _______ curl-ups to lift the shoulder blades off the mat.
50 beats/min.
For the partial curl-up test the low back should be _______ before curling up.
For the partial curl-up test perform as many curl-ups as possible without pausing, up to a maximum of _______.
The _______ test has been shown to be a useful test for examining low back muscular endurance and predicting potential low back pain.
prone double straight leg raise test
Equipment for the prone double straight leg raise test includes a _______.
training or massage table
For the prone double straight leg raise test have the client begin the test in the _______ position, legs, _______, hands _______ the forehead, and forearms _______ to the body.
For the prone double straight leg raise test instruct the client to _______ both legs to the point of _______ from the table.
knee clearance
For the prone double straight leg raise test monitor the test by _______.
sliding one hand under the thighs
For the prone double straight leg raise test record the test duration in _______.
For the prone double straight leg test terminate the test when the client can no longer maintain _______ from the table.
knee clearance
_______ refers to the range of motion (ROM) around a joint or a series of joints.
_______ is believed to be related to the development of a number of musculoskeletal disorders, for example low back pain.
Theres is no _______ that can measure whole-body flexibility.
single test
When measuring flexibility, _______ tests need to be administered for each area of interest.
Traditionally, personal trainers have focused on tests that measure the flexibility of joints believed to be associated with risk of developing _______.
low back pain
The _______ is often used to measure hip and low back flexibility.
sit and reach test
Although the YMCA sit-and-reach test is commonly seen as an indicator of _______, its ability to _______ low back pain is limited.
previous back discomfort
predict the incidence of
A lack of _______ and _______, along with poor _______ and _______ of the abdominal muscles, is believed to be predictive of low back pain.
low back flexibility
muscular strength
Equipment for the YMCA sit-and-reach test include the following devices: _______, _______, and _______.
yardstick or sit-and-reach box
adhesive tape
measuring tape
Prior to conducting the YMCA sit-and-reach test have the client _______ and perform _______.
warm up
moderate stretching
The YMCA sit-and-reach test should be performed with _______, _______ stretches.
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test, place a _______ on the floor and place _______ across the _______ at a _______ angle to the _______ mark.
yardstick tape yardstick right 15 inch
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test the client sits with the yardstick _______, extending the legs at _______ to the _______ on the floor.
between the legs
right angles
tape line
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test the heels should touch the _______ and should be about _______ to _______.
edge of the taped line
12 inches apart
When using the sit-and reach box to conduct the YMCA sit-and-reach test, the heels should be placed against the _______.
edge of the box
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test have the client _______ with both hands, moving _______ and _______ the terminal position.
reach forward slowly
as far as possible
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test the fingers should _______ and should be _______.
in contact with the yardstick or sit-and-reach box
The score for the YMCA sit-and-reach test is recorded as the _______.
most distant point reached.
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test use the best of ______ trials as the score.
For the YMCA sit-and-reach test the knees must stay _______ throughout the test, but the tester should not _______.
press the client’s legs down
The norms for the YMCA sit-and-reach test use a zero point set at _______ while the sit-and-reach box typically uses a zero point set at _______.
15 inches
26 cm
When using a different zero point for the YMCA sit-and-reach test, be sure to _______ the client’s score before using the norm tables.
To gather baseline assessments, the personal trainer may test for a variety of fitness parameters such as _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______ and then make comparisons to established sets of descriptive or normative data.
heart rate blood pressure body composition cardiovascular endurance muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility
The resulting conclusions gathered from _______ can then form the basis for the client’s exercise prescription.
baseline assessments