Chapter 11: Enzymatic Catalysis Flashcards
General function of enzymes?
Living systems are shaped by an enormous variety of biochemical reactions, nearly all of which are mediated by a series of remarkable biological catalysts known as enzymes.
They accelerate the rate of a reaction of a million or more by decreasing the activation energy
what is activation energy
activation energy is the amount of energy that must be inputted into our reaction to overcome that energy barrier to basically reach that transition state and transform the reactants to the product
Certain species of RNA molecules known as ? also have enzymatic activity. These include ribosomal RNA, which catalyzes the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids during protein synthesis. I
In what ways do enzymes differ from ordinary chemical catalysts?
- Higher reaction rates - The rates of enzymatically catalyzed reactions are typically 10 6 to 10 12 times greater than those of the corresponding uncatalyzed reactions (Table 11-1) and are at least several orders of magnitude greater
- Milder reaction conditions - Enzymatically catalyzed reactions occur under relatively mild conditions: temperatures below 100°C, atmospheric pressure, and nearly neutral pH. In contrast, efficient chemical catalysis often requires elevated temperatures and pressures as well as extremes of pH.
3.Greater reaction specificity - Enzymes have a vastly greater degree of specificity with respect to the identities of both their substrates (reactants) and their products than do chemical catalysts; that is, enzymatic reactions rarely have side products. - Capacity for regulation - The catalytic activities of many enzymes vary in response to the concentrations of substances other than their substrates. The mechanisms of these regulatory processes include allosteric control, covalent modification of enzymes, and variation of the amounts of enzymes synthesized.
What are the seven major classes of enzymes?
- Oxidoreductases - catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions (gives products a charge)
- Transferases - move functional groups between molecules
- Hydrolases - cleave bonds with the addition of water
- Lyases - remove atoms to form double bonds or add atoms to form double bonds
- Isomerases - move functional groups within a molecules
- Ligases - join two molecules at the expense of ATP (DNA)
- Translocases - transport other biomolecules, usually across a cell membrane
Which class of enzymes catalyze each of the following reactions?
The unique physical and chemical properties of the active site limit an enzyme’s activity to specific substrates and reactions. How do enzymes bind to substrates what kind of interactions
through non-covalent interactions, VDW, electrostatic, H-bonds, hydrophobic interactions
what is a catalyst?
a catalyst is something that lowers the activation energy of a reaction, and enzymes catalyze biochemical reaction
what is an enzyme? What is the active site? What factors influence an enzyme’s substrate specificity?
every enzyme has a specific substrate, and the enzyme recognizes its substrate with extremely high specificity, activates the enzyme’s function.
-there is a specific area on the enzyme that the substrate will bind to which is called the active site.
-The substrate will bind to the active site because it has just the right shape and composition to do so, meaning it is the right size but it also has functional groups that make favorable electrostatic interactions known as geometric and electronic complimentary.
with certain key residues in the active site of the enzyme, whether those are van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, or any other interaction of this type.
Induced fit? what is lock and key model
The substrate might fit into the active site as is or it might cause an induced fit, where the enzyme changes shape slightly once the substrate is inside
substrate and enzyme fit perfectly
Enzymatic activity is always stereospecific, meaning ?
Enzymes are highly specific both in binding chiral substrates and in catalyzing their reactions. This stereospecificity arises because enzymes, by virtue of their inherent chirality (proteins consist of only L-amino acids), form asymmetric active sites.
that if a substrate can exist as two mirror images, only one of those forms will fit into the active site of the enzyme.
first step in enzymatic catalysis ?
enzymes bring substrate together to form an enzyme-substrate complex on a particular region of the enzyme called the active site , this interaction promotes the formation of the transition state
enzymes do not interact with their substrates like a lock and key, rather?
the enzyme changes shape upon substrate binding, called induced fit
Why do enzymes need cofactors? What are the two main classes?
Some need cofactors to work completely. Enzymes are less suitable for catalyzing oxidation–reduction reactions and many types of group-transfer processes. . This is some other thing that must also bind to the enzyme before it can operate on the substrate. Although enzymes catalyze such reactions, they can do so only in association with small cofactors, which essentially act as the enzymes’ “chemical teeth”
1. Metal ions such as copper, iron, and zinc
2. Coenzymes which are organic molecules derived form vitamins
types of coenzyme
-cosubstrate-binds and unbinds/temporarily binds
-prosthetic group-always binds with covalent bond such as heme
Holoenzyme? Apoenzyme?
Holoenzyme-An enzyme with its cofactor
Apoenzyme-Without the cofactor
apoenzyme (inactive) + cofactor ⇌ holoenzyme (active)
Coenzymes Must Be Regenerated.
Coenzymes are chemically changed by the enzymatic reactions in which they participate. In order to complete the catalytic cycle, the coenzyme must return to its original state.
An enzyme provides a lower-energy pathway from substrate to product but does not affect ?
the overall free energy change for the reaction.
Enzymes catalyze reactions by facilitating a reaction pathway with lower activation free energy, ΔG‡ , which is the free energy required to reach the transition state, the point of highest free energy in the reaction.
activation energy?
- is the amount of energy that must be added to transform the reactant into product
the energy required to form the transition state
the transition state?
The point of highest free energy in which the reactants are partially converted to products.
ΔG ‡ is the?the greater the value of ΔG ‡, the faster or slower? what does it determine
free energy of activation,the free energy required to reach the transition state
free energy gap between reactants and transition state
rate determining step
the greater the value of ΔG ‡, the slower the reaction rate.
free energy of the reaction? ΔG?
the gap between reactants and products, measure if energy capable of doing work
ΔG is the change in free energy when reaction occurs
free energy change information?ΔG What does it provide information on
ΔG < 0 = spontaneous, exergonic : when a reaction occurs without the input of energy
ΔG > 0 = not spontaneous, endergonic : reaction will not occur
ΔG = 0 reaction is at equilibrium, no net change in amount of reactant or product
the ΔG of a reaction depends only on the free energy difference between reactants and products and provides no info about the rate of the reaction
provides info on spontaneity but not rate
enzymes do not alter what, what do they alter
the ΔG of a reaction/reactio equilibrium
alter reaction rate
Enzymes do not change the energy of the products and reactants.
can only decrease activation energy to increase rate of reaction.
An enzyme cannot alter ΔGreaction; it can only decrease ΔG ‡to allow the reaction to more quickly approach equilibrium (where the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal) than it would in the absence of a catalyst.
the higher the activation energy? Enzymes do what to the transition state?
the slower the reaction, This is because the larger the ΔG‡, the smaller the number of reactant molecules that have sufficient thermal energy to achieve the transition state free energy.
Stabilize, in order to reduce activiation energy
Sketch and label the various parts of transition state diagrams for a reaction with and without a catalyst.
What is the relationship between ΔG and ΔG‡ ?
The activation energy for the forward reaction is the amount of free energy that must be added to go from the energy level of the reactants to the energy level of the transition state.
Whereas Gibbs free energy determines where the equilibrium will settle out and how much products are produced at the end of the reaction, the activation energy determines the rate at which the reaction ouccrs.
what things assist reaction rates
temperature enhances the rate of enzyme catalyzed reactions
most enzymes have an optimal pH
What are the 5 catalytic mechanisms
- Amino acid side chains that can donate or accept protons can participate in chemical reactions as acid or base catalysts.
- Nucleophilic groups can catalyze reactions through the transient formation of covalent bonds with the substrate.
- In metal ion catalysis, the unique electronic properties of the metal ion facilitate the reaction.
- Enzymes accelerate reactions by bringing reacting groups together and orienting them for reaction.
- Transition state stabilization can significantly lower the activation energy for a reaction.
What makes enzymes such effective catalysts
is their specificity of substrate binding combined with their arrangement of catalytic groups.
What are catalytic mechanisms? Where do they occur?
happens inside the active sites of these enzymes
methods enzymes use to achieve decrease in activation energy
What is the first mechanism/catalysis, describe. An example
Common amino acids?
General Acid-Base catalysis.
general acid catalysis: proton transfer from acid lowers free energy of a reaction transition state
general base catalysis: rate is increased by proton abstraction by a base
concerted acid-base catalyzed reactions:both
Asp, Glu, His, Cys, Tyr, and Lys have pK’s in or near the physiological pH range, which permits them to act as acid and/or base catalysts
Indeed, the ability of enzymes to arrange several catalytic groups around their substrates makes concerted acid–base catalysis a common enzymatic mechanism.
Asp, Glu, His, Cys, Tyr, and Lys have pK’s in or near the physiological pH range (Table 4-1), which permits them to act as acid and/or base catalysts
What is covalent catalysis? What does it require?
Covalent catalysis accelerates reaction rates through the transient formation of a catalyst–substrate covalent bond.
reaction of a nucleophilic group on catalyst with electrophilic group on substrate
The active site contains a nucleophile that is briefly covalently modified.
nucleophile is a chemical species that forms bonds by donating an electron pair.A nucleophile shares its lone pair of electrons with an electrophile – an electron-poor atom other than a hydrogen, usually a carbon.
3 stages of Covanet catalysis
Covalent catalysis can be conceptually decomposed into three stages:
- The nucleophilic reaction between the catalyst and the substrate to form a covalent bond.
- The withdrawal of electrons from the reaction center by the now electrophilic catalyst.
- The elimination of the catalyst, a reaction that is essentially the reverse of stage 1.
-To keep substrate molecule in place inside the active site until the reaction takes place and another substrate can move in and grab it
at the end of the reaction , the enzyme must be regenerated, so the bond must break that’s why its called temporary/transient
catalysis by approximation and orientation?
Enzymes bring substrates into contact with their catalytic groups
Binding with the enzyme reduces the rotational entropy of the substrates that would otherwise be randomly free floating in solution, and enables the correct positioning of substrates for the reaction.
In addition to correctly positioning the substrates to interact with one another, substrates are held in place by the enzyme and behave as a single molecule. This can dramatically improve the catalytic rate of the reaction from 105 to 107 times faster, depending on the enzyme system.
Whis is proximity and orientation important in enzymatic catalysts?
Proximity: If they are closer together, there is a higher effective concentration, which increases the probability of a productive collision event.
Orientation: Molecules are not reactive in all direction, so properly orienting the reagents increases reaction rate
They must be close enough and must also have the proper orrientation for the reaction to occur.
active sites provide a microenvironment that bring the substrates close enough for collisions to occur at a high enough frequency. it’ll also assist in giving the substrates the proper 3D orientation.
Reactants must come together with the proper spatial relationship for a reaction to occur.
How do Metal Ion Cofactors Act as Catalysts
Metal ions participate in the catalytic process in three major ways:
- By binding to substrates to orient them properly for reaction.
- By mediating oxidation–reduction reactions through reversible changes in the metal ion’s oxidation state.
- By electrostatically stabilizing or shielding negative charges.
In the remainder of this chapter, we investigate the catalytic mechanisms of some well-characterized enzymes. In doing so, we will see how enzymes apply the catalytic principles described in the preceding section.
- Model building indicates that binding to lysozyme distorts the substrate sugar residue.
- Lysozyme’s active site Asp and Glu residues promote substrate hydrolysis by acid–base catalysis, covalent catalysis, and stabilization of an oxonium ion transition state.
If an enzyme preferentially binds its transition state, then it can be expected that
transition state analogs, stable molecules that geometrically and electronically resemble the transition state, are potent inhibitors of the enzyme
Enzymes Catalyze Reactions by Preferentially Binding the Transition State
enzymes may bind the transition state if the reaction it catalyzes with greater affinity than its substrates or products
What is Lysozyme? What type of reaction does it catalyze?
An enzyme that destroys bacterial cell walls by the hydrolysis of a glycoside,
the conversion of an acetal to a hemiacetal
How was the lysosomes catalyst site identified
through model building
Molecular modeling describes the generation, representation and/or manipulation of 3-D structure of chemical and biological molecules
Structure of lysozyme.
what does its binding site look like?
Lysozyme has a long active site cleft that binds to the bacterial carbohydrate chain.
Its most striking feature is a prominent cleft, the substrate binding site
How does cutting happen without an enzyme
Acid-catalyzed reaction
Acid attack r added to oxygen, results in ROH leaving group due to oxygen being positive
Intermediate formed, forms oxonium ion/carbocation
Water will come in, H leaves, OH added to form hemiactel
Enzymes really want to bind to intermediate state
Bind to oxonioum ion
How does cutting happen with lysozyme? What are the 2 residues?
- enzymes bind to cell wall. D residue is distorted to half-chain conformation
- general acid catalysis
3.covalent catalysis - water binding
- general base catalysis
active site residues: aspartic acid ASP52 that can function to electrostatically stabilize an oxonium ion.
and glutamic acid GLU 35
what do the residues in the lysozyme do?
active site residues: aspartic acid ASP52 that can function to electrostatically stabilize an oxonium ion.
and glutamic acid GLU 35
Summary: In the catalytic mechanism of lysozyme, Glu 35 in its protonated form acts as an acid catalyst to cleave the polysaccharide substrate between its D and E rings, and Asp 52 in its anionic state forms a covalent bond to C1 of the D ring.
what gets distorted in lysozyme
It only binds to six sugar substrate
Sugar d because of the way it fits in the pocket the ring of that sugar gets distorted into a half-chair conformation,which resembles the reaction’s oxonium ion transition state.
no other rings in the six sugar substrate are distorted. Lysozyme B,DF are always NAM due to size of lactyl side chain.
Cleaves between D and E
D always Beta antomer
Oxygens always added to beta position
Why was an oxonium ion expected to be involved in the lysozyme reaction?
Because there is an Asp 52 that can function to electrostatically stabilize an oxonium ion.
Describe the experimental evidence that supports lysozyme’s catalysis
Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Crystallography Provide Support for Covalent Catalysis.’Experimental Evidence Supports the Role of Strain in the Lysozyme Mechanism.
what are serine proteases? All proteases have what? 3 types and what are they specific for?
All these enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide (amide) bonds but with different specificities for the side chains flanking the scissile (to be cleaved) peptide bond.
catalytically essential His, Ser, and Asp
Chymotrypsin is specific for a bulky hydrophobic residue preceding the scissile bond,
trypsin is specific for a positively charged residue,
elastase is specific for a small neutral residue
Chymotrypsin, trypsin, and elastase are digestive enzymes that are synthesized by the pancreas and secreted into the duodenum (the small intestine’s upper loop).
A diagnostic test for the presence of the active site Ser of serine proteases is its reaction with diisopropylphosphofluoridate (DIPF, at right) which irreversibly inactivates the enzym
DIPF reacts only with Ser 195 of chymotrypsin, thereby demonstrating that this residue is the enzyme’s active site Ser.
affinity labels?
substrate analogs, simliar to enzymes substrate but inhibit the enzyme by covalently modifying an Amino acid in the active site
how his 57 was found
s1 pocket?
where the specificity of chymotrypsin is accounted for, it is a hydrophobic pocket that binds a hydrophobic residue.
also positions the peptide bond for leakage
what is the catalytic triad? Where are the residues located
In all three structures, the catalytically essential His 57 and Ser 195 residues are located in the enzyme’s substrate-binding site (center of Fig. 11-25). The X-ray structures also show that Asp 102, which is present in all serine proteases, is buried in a nearby solvent-inaccessible pocket. These three invariant residues form a hydrogen-bonded constellation referred to as the catalytic triad
how was serine discovered
One group of inhibitors, affinity labeling reagents, resemble normal substrates but have the useful property of forming stable covalent bonds with the enzymes they ‘poison’. Since these molecules block the enzyme from working, scientists can use these molecules to identify specific amino acids that are important for the enzyme’s function. The chemical diisopropyl fluorophosphate, (DFP), a poison known as a nerve gas, forms a stable bond with the side chain oxygen of specific serines in enzymes. When scientists treated chymotrypsin with DFP, and identified the amino acids around the modified serine, they found that only a single serine, serine 195, reacte
mechanism of serine proteases
- bind substrate, ser 195 make the nucleophilic attack on the scissile peptide bond and forms tetrahedral intermediate (covalent catalysis) this involves transfer of proton to His57 (general base catalysis )
2.General acid catalysis aids breakdown of the 2 tetrahedral intermediate to the acyl–enzyme intermediate. - Amine product is released and replaced by water.
- General base catalysis and nucleophilic attack to form 2nd tetrahedral intermediate.
- General acid catalysis aids breakdown of tetrahedral intermediate to the carboxyl product and the active enzyme.
enzyme is regenerated
where does most of the catalytic efficiency come from in serine proteases? What stabilizes it ?
This preferential binding of the transition state (tetrahedral intermediate) over the enzyme–substrate complex or the acyl–enzyme intermediate
t through the formation of additional hydrogen bonds in the oxyanion hole which is at the active site & Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bonds which are are unusually short and strong.
what are histidine, serine, and aspartic acids roles?
serine-make the nucleophilic attack on the peptide bond
histidine-removes a proton from ser195
aspartic acid- holds histidine in place
Synthesis of pancreatic proteases as inactive zymogens protects the
pancreas from self-digestion. Zymogens are activated by specific proteolytic cleavages.