Chapter 11 - Displaying Results Flashcards
What are the six Descriptive Statistics that you might consider displaying?
- Mean
- Mediam
- Range
- Percentiles
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Error
What is the Mean?
The sum of values divided by number of values
What is the Median?
The most common value
What is the Range?
The largest value minus lowest value.
Define “Percentiles”:
The range of values in which 50% or 75% of data points fall.
Define Standard Deviation:
It is how much do values deviate from the mean
What is Standard Error?
The standard deviation of the means of a bunch of random subsamples of data points.
When displaying results, how do you display all values measured in different groups / categories?
A Dot Plot
What are the four ways you could display the means in different groups / categories?
- Bar Chart (one-factor)
- Clustered Bar Chart (two-factor)
- Another Clustered Bar Chart (two-factor)
- Clustered Bar Chart (two-factor) but with dots for each mean
What three ways can you display the distribution of values in your results?
- Frequency Historgrams
- Box Plots
- Frequency Histogram + a boxplot
What two ways can you display the relationships between two quantitative variables from your results?
- Scatterplots
- Scatterplots with linear regression results
What are the three best practices when displaying results?
- Axis Labels
- Descriptive Captions
- Numbered
Axis labels should be displayed with ______________, if applicable.
Descriptive Captions should be able to ____________ on their own.
Numbered results should be in the ____________ they are referenced in the text.