Chapter 11- Cardiovascular Health Flashcards
CVD develops ___years earlier in ______ people
6; sedentary
CVD is
various disease of the heart and blood vessels
CVD affects___ million americans and is ____________ in the US
80 million and leading cause of death
CVD death every _____ seconds
37 Seconds
CVD is caused by_____
lifestyle- so the risks can be reduced
Major Risk Factors- CAN BE CHANGED
Tabacco Use high blood pressure Unhealthy Cholestorol levels Physical inactivity obesity diabetes
Major risk factors that CANNOT be changed
being male
Tobacco Use
1 in 5 deaths from CVD is contributed to smoking
- damages lining of arteries
- reduces HDL
- Increases LDL
- Increases blood pressure and heart rate
- causes blood clotting
High Blood Pressure
BP is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels
normal blood pressure
greater than 140/90
Stage one hypertension
stage 2 hypertension
1: 140-159/ 90-99
2: greater than 160/100
What is wrong with HBP
- Known as the silent killer
- Damages vital organs
- Scars and hardens the arteries
- weakens the heart
Controlling BP
Weight reduction physical activity healthy diet alcohol consumption sodium restriction helps
fatty wax like substance that circulates through the blood stream
- body needs it to live
- excess cholesterol can clog arteries and increase risk of CVD
- Liver manufactures cholesterol we obtain from food
Good Vs Bad Cholesterol
HDL- high density lipoprotiens - Removes plaque
LDL- Causes plaque
How to improve Cholesterol levels
Physical Activity
eat more whole foods
increase fiber
how to calculate your BMI?
Weight (kg)/ Height(m))^2= BMI
1kg=2.2 lbs
1in= 2.54 cm
glucose metabolism is disrupted, causing a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream
Type 1
The body cannot produce insulin and glucose stays in the blood, where it damages all of the organ systems
AKA insulin dependent
juviniel onset diabetes
Type 2
body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore it
environmental triggers
can be controlled with diet and exercise
Major Risk Factors we CANNOT affect
being male
Major Risk Factors we CAN affect
High Triglyceride levels- blood fats
psychological and social factors
alcohol and drug use
thickening of the arterial walls
restriction of the blood flow
result of time
buildup of plaques
causes restriction of blood flow
______ americans have a heart attack each year
Heart Attack
myocardial infarction, damage to, or death of the heart muscle resulting from the failure of the coronary arteries
Angina Pectoris
Heart muscle does not receive enough blood
severe pain in chest
Sudden Cardiac Death
Ventricular fibrillation
uncoordinated contraction of the heart
occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off
cause by a blood clot that blocks an artery or by a ruptured blood vessel
FACE Face Arm Speech Time
Congestive Heart Failure
When the heart cannot maintain its regular pumping rate and force
-fluid begins to back up