Chapter 11 Flashcards
Which statement about cytokinesis is true?
A. In animals, a cell plate forms.
B. In plants, it is initiated by furrowing of the membrane.
C. It follows mitosis.
D. In plant cells, actin and myosin play an important part.
E. It is the division of the nucleus.
Which statement about the cell cycle is not true?
A. It consists of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.
B. The cell’s DNA replicates during G1.
C. A cell can remain in G1 for weeks or much longer.
D. DNA is not replicated during G2.
E. Cells enter the cell cycle as a result of internal or external signals.
Which statement about eukaryotic chromosomes is not true?
A. They sometimes consist of two chromatids.
B. They sometimes consist only of a single chromatid.
C. They normally possess a single centromere.
D. They consist only of proteins.
E. During metaphase they are visible under the light microscope.
A. are made of chromosomes.
B. consist entirely of DNA.
C. consist of DNA wound around a histone core.
D. are present only during mitosis.
E. are present only during prophase.
Which statement about mitosis is not true?
A. A single nucleus gives rise to two identical daughter nuclei.
B. The daughter nuclei are genetically identical to the parent nucleus.
C. The centromeres separate at the onset of anaphase.
D. Homologous chromosomes synapse in prophase.
E. The centrosomes organize the microtubules of the spindle fibers.
In meiosis,
A. meiosis II reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid.
B. DNA replicates between meiosis I and meiosis II.
C. the chromatids that make up a chromosome in meiosis II are identical.
D. each chromosome in prophase I consists of four chromatids.
E. homologous chromosomes separate from one another in anaphase I.
In meiosis,
A. a single nucleus gives rise to two daughter nuclei.
B. the daughter nuclei are genetically identical to the parent nucleus.
C. the centromeres separate at the onset of anaphase I.
D. homologous chromosomes synapse in prophase I.
E. no spindle forms.
An animal has a diploid chromosome number of 12. An egg cell of that animal has 5 chromosomes. The most probable explanation is
A. normal mitosis.
B. normal meiosis.
C. nondisjunction in meiosis I.
D. nondisjunction in meiosis I or II.
E. nondisjunction in mitosis.
The number of daughter chromosomes in a human cell (diploid number 46) in anaphase II of meiosis is
A. 2.
B. 23.
C. 46.
D. 69.
E. 92.
A. occurs in all cells.
B. involves the formation of the plasma membrane.
C. does not occur in an embryo.
D. is a series of programmed events resulting in cell death.
E. is the same as necrosis.
Which of the following statements regarding cell division in prokaryotes (shown) is false?
A. The bacterial chromosome is circular.
B. Prokaryotic cells undergo mitosis, but not meiosis.
C. The initial step in prokaryotic cell division involves replication of the single chromosome.
D. Cytokinesis starts immediately after DNA replication in rapidly growing cells.
E. Cell division in some prokaryotes can occur in as little as 20 minutes.
Which of the following pairings regarding the eukaryotic cell cycle (shown) is false?
A. M phase: Mitosis and Cell Division.
B. G1 phase: Gap 1; cell begins preparation for DNA replication.
C. S phase: Synthesis stage; DNA is replicated.
D. G2 phase: Gap 2; cell begins preparation for mitosis.
E. G0 phase: Gap 0; separation of sister chromatids occurs.
Which of the following statements about protein signals involved in the control of the cell cycle (shown) is false?
A. Transition from G1 to S and G2 to M depends on the phosphorylation of certain key proteins by cyclin-dependent kinase or Cdk.
B. Cdk’s must be bound with a specific cyclin to be active as kinases.
C. In humans, cyclin D-cdk4 triggers the G1-to-S transition, whereas cyclin B-cdk1 triggers the G2-to-M transition.
D. External control mechanisms involving growth factors and hormones can activate cells that are arrested or are cycling slowly.
E. The phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein effectively inhibits cell division.
During formation of the mitotic spindle, there is (are) _______ centriole(s) while each chromosome consists of _______ chromatid(s), _______ centromere(s), and _______ kinetochore(s).
A. 1; 1; 1; 2
B. 1; 2; 1; 2
C. 2; 2; 1; 2
D. 2; 2; 2; 2
E. 2; 2; 1; 4
Complete the following sentence for the cell shown. This cell is in _______ of mitosis and has _______ copies of each chromosome.
A. prometaphase; two
B. prometaphase; four
C. prometaphase; eight
D. anaphase; two
E. anaphase; four
Which of the following statements regarding the stage of mitosis shown here is false?
A. All chromosomes have aligned at the equatorial plate.
B. Chromosomes are maximally condensed in this stage.
C. At the end of this stage, the chromatid pairs separate simultaneously.
D. The molecule cohesin holds the sister chromatids together in this stage.
E. The separation of sister chromatids requires the digestion of cohesin by the enzyme securin.
Which of the following statements regarding mitosis is true?
A. Only diploid cells can divide mitotically.
B. Crossing over can occur during prophase of mitosis.
C. Cells produced by mitosis are almost always genetically identical.
D. Each mitotically produced cell has one-fourth the mass of DNA present in the parent cell.
E. At metaphase, each chromosome has a single kinetochore attached at the centromere.
Complete the following sentence about the photomicrograph shown. This is _______ cell, undergoing _______, with the formation of a _______.
A. an animal; apoptosis; division furrow
B. an animal; cytokinesis; division furrow
C. an animal; interkinesis; division furrow
D. a plant; cytokinesis; cell plate
E. a plant; cytokinesis; division furrow
In the diplontic life cycle diagram (shown) depicting stages of sexual reproduction, which stage (1–4) represents an adult elephant?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of the above
This photomicrograph shows a human somatic cell containing 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. Which of the following statements regarding homologous chromosomes is false?
A. Haploid cells have only one homolog from each of the pairs of homologous chromosomes.
B. Each of the homologs of a pair of chromosomes comes from a different parent.
C. There is a simple relationship between the number of pairs of homologous and the complexity of organisms.
D. Homologs of a pair of homologous chromosomes contain the same types of genetic information.
E. The size and appearance of a condensed homologous pair of chromosomes is generally the same.
Which of the following statements regarding meiosis I (shown here) is false?
A. Pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs along their entire length.
B. Meiosis I involves the separation of chromosomes into daughter cells.
C. Synapsis occurs during meiosis I.
D. The alignment of homologous chromosomes at the equatorial plate is random.
E. Paired homologous chromosomes are called tetrads.
Which of the following statements regarding crossing over (shown) is false?
A. Chiasmata are formed at areas of attachment between homologous chromosomes.
B. Crossing over occurs at areas where chiasmata appear between homologous chromosomes.
C. Crossing over increases genetic variation.
D. Recombinant chromatids result from crossing over.
E. Crossing over occurs during anaphase I of meiosis.
Which of the following statements about cell death is false?
A. Cell death by necrosis is highly specific.
B. Signal transduction pathways for apoptosis are similar in plants and animals.
C. Enzymes called “caspases” are made by cells entering apoptosis.
D. Apoptosis occurs during development.
E. Exposure of epithelial cells to radiation can induce apoptosis.
Treatments for cancer include radiation that damages _______, causing apoptosis, and 5-fluorouracil that blocks _______. Some agents, such as taxol, interfere with the formation of the _______.
A. proteins; DNA replication; mitotic spindle
B. DNA; protein synthesis; mitotic spindle
C. DNA; DNA replication; microfilaments
D. DNA; DNA replication; mitotic spindle
E. proteins; protein synthesis; microfilaments
A bacterial cell gives rise to two genetically identical daughter cells by a process known as
A. nondisjunction.
B. mitosis.
C. meiosis.
D. binary fission.
E. fertilization
The microtubules of the mitotic spindle attach to a specialized structure int he centromere region of each chromosome called the
A. kinetochore.
B. nucleosome.
C. equatorial plate.
D. aster.
E. centrosome.
In sexually reproducing organisms, the diploid phase of the life cycle begins at
A. mitosis.
B. meiosis.
C. fertilization.
D. gamete formation.
E. spore formation.
A. is the phase when sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles.
B. involves chromosomes lining up at the equatorial plate.
C. occurs before the nuclear envelope breaks down.
D. takes place just before cytokinesis.
E. both a and c
During mitosis and meiosis the chromatin compacts. Which of the following processes takes place more easily because of this compatction?
A. The orderly distribution of genetic material to two new nuclei
B. The replication of the DNA
C. Exposing the genetic information on the DNA
D. The unwinding of DNA from around the histones
E. The disappearance of the nuclear membrane
The members of a homologous pair of chromosomes
A. are identical in size and appearance.
B. always contain identical genetic information.
C. separate to opposite poles of the cell during mitosis.
D. are found only in haploid cells.
E. are present only after the S phase.
In contrast to mitosis, in meiosis
A. genetically identical daughter cells are produced.
B. pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs.
C. crossing over can take place.
D. there is no cytokinesis.
E. Btoh b and c
DNA replication occurs
A. before both mitosis and meiosis.
B. during G2.
C. only before mitosis.
D. only before meiosis.
E. during chromosome condensation.
How does a nucleus in G2 differ from a nucleus in G1?
A. The G2 nucleus has double the amount of DNA as the G1 nucleus.
B. DNA synthesis occurs only in the G1 phase.
C. Inactive cells are arrested only in the G2 phase.
D. During G2, the cell prepares for S phase.
E. All of the above
Which of the following phases of the cell cycle is not part of interphase?
A. M
B. S
C. G1
D. G2
E. G0
Chromatin consists of
A. DNA and histones.
B. NA, histones, and many other nonhistone proteins.
C. mostly RNA and DNA.
D. RNA, DNA, and nonhistone proteins.
E. DNA only.
Homologous chromosomes undergo crossing over during
A. prophase I of meiosis.
B. prophase I and II of meiosis.
C. anaphase II of meiosis.
D. prophase I of mitosis.
E. prophase II of meiosis.
tumor suppressor
gene that codes for a protein that inhibits cell proliferation
inactive in cancer cells
paired organelle
helps to organize microtubule in animal & protict cells during nuclear division
growth factor
chemical signal that stimulates cell division
begins with the disintegration of the nuclear envelope
nucleic acid-protein complex that makes up eukaryotic chromosomes
protein invovled in chromatid binding
condition in which one or more chromosomes is either lacking or present in excess
due to “incorrect” cell division
cell created by union of two gametes
earliest stage of diploid generation
nuclear division in eukaryotes leading to 2 identital daughter nuclei
period between cell divisions
consists of G1, S, and G2
parallel alignment/pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis
cellular division stage in which chromosomal centromeres all lie on equatorial division plane
gap stage between end of mitosis and onset of S phase
containing one copy of chromosomal set
1n or n
description of organism that has one less than normal diploid number of chromosomes
e.g. only one X chromosome (Turner’s syndrome)
division stage in which separation of sister chromatids (mitosis) or paired homologs (meiosis I) begins/occurs
major microtubule organizing center of animal cell
independent assortment
random separation of genes into gametes such that inheritance of genes is random
mature sexual reproductive cell
e.g. egg or sperm
X-shaped connection between paired homologous chromosomes during prophase I or meiosis
required for cross-over
sexual reproduction
reproduction via union of gametes
crossing over
mechanism by which linked genes undergo recombination
exchange of corresponding segments between two homologous chromatids
having chromosome complement consisting of two homologs of each chromosome
cyclin-dependent kinase
(long form)
cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)
protein kinase with target proteins involved in transitions within cell cycle
active with cyclins bound to protein kinase
protein required for activation of Cdk and as a result, causes transition in cell cycle
division stage during which chromosomes condence from blobby chromatin to discrete, compact chromosomes
premature cell death caused by external agents, e.g. a toxin
alternation of generations
succession of multicellular haploid & diploid phases in some seuxally reproducing organisms (PLANTS!)
characteristic of tumor that can grow indefinitely and/or spread from original growth site to other locations in the body
separation of alleles/homologous chromosomes from each other during meiosis
union of gametes
AKA syngamy
daughter chromosomes
separated chromatids from the beginning of anaphase onward
one of the group of proteins froming the core of a nucleosome
structural unit of eukaryotic chromosome
consists of DNA and histones
somatic cell
cells within body that are not specialized for reproduction
asexual reproduction
reproduction without sex
characteristic of a tumor that grows to a certain size then stops
usually with a gibrous capsule surrounding mass of cells
similarity between two or more features dur to inheritance from a common ancestor
retinoblastoma protein
protein that inhibits animal cell from passing through restriction point
inactivation of this protein is necessary for the cell cycle to proceed
disorganized mass of cells
type of life cycle
zygote is the only diploid cell; mitosis occurs only in haploid cells
type of life cycle
gametes are the only haploid cells; mitosis occurs only in diploid cells
spread of cancer cells from their original site to other parts of the body
sister chromatid
each pair of newly replicated chromatids
S phase
stage within interphase when DNA replication occurs
pair of homologous chromosomes containing 4 chromatids
(prophase I of meiosis)
gene that codes for protein that stimulates cell division
oncogene mutations lead to ____
excessive cell proliferation that can give rise to cancer
cell cycle
stages through which cell passes between one division and the next
includes all stages of interphase and mitosis
final stage of mitosis/meiosis during which
chromosome become diffuse
nuclear envolopes reform
nucleoli begin to reappear in daughter nuclei
M phase
cell cycle stage in which mitosis takes place
chromosome (bacteria and viruses)
DNA molecule that containes most or all of genetic information of the cell or virus
chromosome (eukaryotes)
structure composes of DNA and proteins that bears part of genetic information of the cell
counted based on number of centromeres; can contain one or two chromatids
group of proteases that catalyze cleavage of targe proteins
active in apoptosis
binary fission
manner in which prokaryotes reproduce/divide
progeny identical to parent cell
structure on a centromere to which microtubules attach
cell or organism containing more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes
division of cytoplasm of a dividing cell
duplication of genetic material
rare mutational event that moves a portion of a chromosome to a new location, generally on a nonhomologous chromosome
series of genetically programmed events leading to cell death
number, forms, and types of chromosomes within a cell
genetically identical cells or organisms produced from common ancestor or by asexual means
division of a diploid nucleus to produce 4 haploid daughter cells
region where sister chromatids join
failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II or mitosis
OR failure of homologous chromos to separate in meiosis I
nondisjunction results in ____
containing 3 members of a chromosome pair (instead of the usual 2)
restriction point (R)
specific time during G1 at which cell becomes committed to undergo the rest of the cell cycle
gap between S phase and onset of mitosis (M phase)
array of microtubules emanating from both poles of a dividing cell
description of when genetic materials originally present in two individuals end up in the same haploid complement of genes.
one of a pair of chromosomes that have the same overall genetic composition and sequence
gene that codes for a protein that inhibits cell proliferation
inactive in cancer cells
tumor suppressor
paired organelle
helps to organize microtubule in animal & protict cells during nuclear division
chemical signal that stimulates cell division
growth factor
begins with the disintegration of the nuclear envelope
nucleic acid-protein complex that makes up eukaryotic chromosomes
protein invovled in chromatid binding
condition in which one or more chromosomes is either lacking or present in excess
due to “incorrect” cell division
cell created by union of two gametes
earliest stage of diploid generation
nuclear division in eukaryotes leading to 2 identital daughter nuclei
period between cell divisions
consists of G1, S, and G2
parallel alignment/pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis
cellular division stage in which chromosomal centromeres all lie on equatorial division plane
gap stage between end of mitosis and onset of S phase
containing one copy of chromosomal set
1n or n
description of organism that has one less than normal diploid number of chromosomes
e.g. only one X chromosome (Turner’s syndrome)
division stage in which separation of sister chromatids (mitosis) or paired homologs (meiosis I) begins/occurs
major microtubule organizing center of animal cell
random separation of genes into gametes such that inheritance of genes is random
independent assortment
mature sexual reproductive cell
e.g. egg or sperm
X-shaped connection between paired homologous chromosomes during prophase I or meiosis
required for cross-over
reproduction via union of gametes
sexual reproduction
mechanism by which linked genes undergo recombination
exchange of corresponding segments between two homologous chromatids
crossing over
having chromosome complement consisting of two homologs of each chromosome
(long form)
cyclin-dependent kinase
protein kinase with target proteins involved in transitions within cell cycle
active with cyclins bound to protein kinase
cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)
protein required for activation of Cdk and as a result, causes transition in cell cycle
division stage during which chromosomes condence from blobby chromatin to discrete, compact chromosomes
premature cell death caused by external agents, e.g. a toxin
succession of multicellular haploid & diploid phases in some seuxally reproducing organisms (PLANTS!)
alternation of generations
characteristic of tumor that can grow indefinitely and/or spread from original growth site to other locations in the body
separation of alleles/homologous chromosomes from each other during meiosis
union of gametes
AKA syngamy
separated chromatids from the beginning of anaphase onward
daughter chromosomes
one of the group of proteins froming the core of a nucleosome
structural unit of eukaryotic chromosome
consists of DNA and histones
cells within body that are not specialized for reproduction
somatic cell
reproduction without sex
asexual reproduction
characteristic of a tumor that grows to a certain size then stops
usually with a gibrous capsule surrounding mass of cells
similarity between two or more features dur to inheritance from a common ancestor
protein that inhibits animal cell from passing through restriction point
inactivation of this protein is necessary for the cell cycle to proceed
retinoblastoma protein
disorganized mass of cells
type of life cycle
zygote is the only diploid cell; mitosis occurs only in haploid cells
type of life cycle
gametes are the only haploid cells; mitosis occurs only in diploid cells
spread of cancer cells from their original site to other parts of the body
each pair of newly replicated chromatids
sister chromatid
stage within interphase when DNA replication occurs
S phase
pair of homologous chromosomes containing 4 chromatids
(prophase I of meiosis)
gene that codes for protein that stimulates cell division
stages through which cell passes between one division and the next
includes all stages of interphase and mitosis
cell cycle
final stage of mitosis/meiosis during which
chromosome become diffuse
nuclear envolopes reform
nucleoli begin to reappear in daughter nuclei
cell cycle stage in which mitosis takes place
M phase
DNA molecule that containes most or all of genetic information of the cell or virus
chromosome (bacteria and viruses)
structure composes of DNA and proteins that bears part of genetic information of the cell
counted based on number of centromeres; can contain one or two chromatids
chromosome (eukaryotes)
group of proteases that catalyze cleavage of targe proteins
active in apoptosis
manner in which prokaryotes reproduce/divide
progeny identical to parent cell
binary fission
structure on a centromere to which microtubules attach
cell or organism containing more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes
division of cytoplasm of a dividing cell
duplication of genetic material
rare mutational event that moves a portion of a chromosome to a new location, generally on a nonhomologous chromosome
series of genetically programmed events leading to cell death
number, forms, and types of chromosomes within a cell
genetically identical cells or organisms produced from common ancestor or by asexual means
division of a diploid nucleus to produce 4 haploid daughter cells
region where sister chromatids join
failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II or mitosis
OR failure of homologous chromos to separate in meiosis I
containing 3 members of a chromosome pair (instead of the usual 2)
specific time during G1 at which cell becomes committed to undergo the rest of the cell cycle
restriction point (R)
gap between S phase and onset of mitosis (M phase)
array of microtubules emanating from both poles of a dividing cell
description of when genetic materials originally present in two individuals end up in the same haploid complement of genes.
one of a pair of chromosomes that have the same overall genetic composition and sequence