Chapter 11 Flashcards
What are 2 factors written lang skills are bases on?
- environment
- genetics
- genetic factors play a dominant role in the development of reading
When a child is struggling to read, what do you ask it’s parents?
Is there family history of reading difficulty? Does anyone in the family have any reading problems?
Sometimes it can even be an uncle, aunt or grandparent
What is the process of reading?
- Reading requires decontextualized lang processing and good narrative skills
- poor readers exhibit poor narrative skills
- thus, in reading tx, we need to build ch’s narrative abilites
What is step 1 in reading?
- decoding print
- breaking a word down into its component sounds and then blending them together tor form a recognizable word
- ch brings their knowledge to the talk
- print on the page
- ch’s knowledge and skills
What is step 2 in reading?
- phonological awareness
- knowledge of sounds and syllable and of the sound structure of words
- phonological skills are essential to good reading PA skills are the best predictor of spelling in elementary school
What are Phonological Awareness (PA) skills to teach?
- rhyming
- number of syllables in a word
- first sound
- last sound
What does new research for many children, esp. those who are at risk: (“Research on all-day kindergarten” find?
- Big help: all-day kinder
- Positive impacts on both social and academic skills
- Teachers- increase time for small group small activities
What did Tambyraja, Farquharson, Logan, & Justice (2015). Decoding skills in children with language impairment: Contributions of phonological processing and classroom performance. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 177-188. research look at?
They looked at children with language impairment (LI) and measured their phonological processing and word decoding skills 2x during the academic year
What did Tambyraja, Farquharson, Logan, & Justice (2015). Decoding skills in children with language impairment: Contributions of phonological processing and classroom performance. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 177-188. find?
- PA skills fall significantly predicted spring decoding outcomes
- In tx, it is important to focus on PA skills because they impact reading
What is step 3 in reading?
Morphological Awareness (MA)
- The recognition, understanding, and use of word parts that carry significance
- Ex: students need to understand that prefixes, suffixes, inflections, and root words are all morphemes which can be taken away from or added to words to change their meaning
What percentage of English words are morphologically complex?
- More than 50%
- Students with strong MA are able to approach a novel multisyllabic word and break it into parts in order to predict the word’s meaning.
- This helps in many areas: decoding, spelling, comprehension, and oral language
When is MA especially critical?
- In 3rd grade, it becomes more important than PA in terms of literacy achievement
- Approx. 60% of the new written words school- age ch encounter by 3rd grade are morphologically compex
What did Good, Lance, & Rainey (2015). The effects of morphological awareness training on reading, spelling, and vocabulary skills. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36 (3), 142-151. examine?
This study examined the impact of linguistically explicit instruction on the morphological awareness (MA) skills of 3rd grade children with language impairment
What did Good, Lance, & Rainey (2015). The effects of morphological awareness training on reading, spelling, and vocabulary skills. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36 (3), 142-151. find?
In this study they found that ch who had explicit MA instruction:
- did much better than controls in spelling, vocab, and reading
- generalized knowledge to untaught words
- imposed in overall lang and literacy skills
In Good, Lance, & Rainey (2015). The effects of morphological awareness training on reading, spelling, and vocabulary skills. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36 (3), 142-151. what worked?
- Discussion of rules (ex. adding -ly means that an adjective becomes an adverb; an adverb is adjective that modifies a verb)
- word sorts (ex. stacks words into piles based on affixes such as -ly and -able)
- using visual blocks to separate affixes from base words then join them
- helped ch increase their vocab knowledge through using the words in diff contexts