Chapter 11 Flashcards
Goal setting theory
People have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular ends
Forces that energize, direct and sustain a person’s efforts
Stretch goal
Targets that are particularly demanding, sometimes impossible
Law of effect
Edward thorndike: behavior that is rewarded will most likely be repeated
Positive consequences that motivate behavior
Organizational behavior modification(OB MOD)
Applying reinforcement theory in settings
Positive reinforcement
Consequences that increases liklihood of a behavior
Negative reinforcement
Removing or withholding an unfavored consequences
Giving out an aversive consequences
Failing to apply a reinforcing consequences
Expectancy theory
People will behave in a way that believe will result in the most favored outcome
Employee perception that there efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals
Consequences ones receives for performances
Likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome
The VALUE an outcome holds for the person contemplation it