Chapter 10: Tests of Intelligence Flashcards
Tests of Intelligence (3)
1) The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
2) The Wechsler Tests
3) Other Measures of Intelligence
a) Tests Designed for Individual Administration
b) Tests Designed for Group Administration
c) Measures of Specific Intellectual Abilities
- Lack of representativeness of the standardization sample
- First published intelligence test to provide organized and detailed administration and scoring instructions
- It was also the first American test to employ the concept of IQ
- First test to introduce the concept of an alternate item
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
In _____, Lewis Terman began a collaboration with a Stanford colleague, Maude Merrill, in a project to revise the test. The project would take 11 years to complete.
Innovations in the _____ scale included the development of two equivalent forms, labeled L (for Lewis) and M (for Maude, according to Becker, 2003), as well as new types of tasks for use with preschool-level and adult-level testtakers.
A major innovation, however, was the use of the _____ tables in place of the ratio IQ tables. Earlier versions of the Stanford-Binet had employed the ratio IQ, which was based on the concept of mental age (the age level at which an individual appears to be functioning intellectually).
deviation IQ
The _____ is the ratio of the testtaker’s mental age divided by his or her chronological age, multiplied by 100 to eliminate decimals. As illustrated by the formula for its computation, those were the days, now long gone, when an IQ (for intelligence quotient ) really was a quotient:
ratio IQ
- was designed for administration to assessees as young as 2 and as old as 85 (or older)
- The test yields a number of composite scores, including a Full Scale IQ derived from the administration of ten subtests
- Other composite scores are an Abbreviated Battery IQ score, a Verbal IQ score, and a Nonverbal IQ score. All composite scores have a mean set at 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
- The _____was based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of intellectual abilities.
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Fifth Edition
A _____ may be defined as a task used to direct or route the examinee to a particular level of questions.
The routing tests, as well as many of the other subtests, contain teaching items, which are designed to illustrate the task required and assure the examiner that the examinee understands.
routing test
On the Binet, another useful term is _____ level, which is used to describe a subtest with reference to a specific testtaker’s performance . Many Binet subtests have rules for establishing a basal level, or a base-level criterion that must be met for testing on
_____ the limits is a procedure that involves administering test items beyond the level at which the test manual dictates discontinuance.
The assessor is alert to the assessee’s _____ behavior. The way the examinee copes with frustration; how the examinee reacts to items considered very easy; the amount of support the examinee seems to require; the general approach to the task; how anxious, fatigued, cooperative, distractable, or compulsive the examinee appears to be—these are the types of behavioral observations that will supplement formal scores.
- David _____ designed a series of individually administered intelligence tests to assess the intellectual abilities of people from preschool through adulthood.
- all ______ scales yielded, among other possible composite scores, a Full Scale IQ (a measure of general intelligence), a Verbal IQ (calculated on the basis of scores on subtests categorized as verbal), and a Performance IQ (calculated on the basis of scores on subtests categorized as nonverbal).
The Wechsler Tests
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)
In the early _____, Wechsler’s employer, Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, needed an instrument for evaluating the intellectual capacity of its multilingual, multinational, and multicultural clients. Dissatisfied with existing intelligence tests, Wechsler began to experiment.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)
The eventual result was a test of his own, the W-B I, published in _____. This new test borrowed from existing tests in format though not in content.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)
Unlike the most popular individually administered intelligence test of the time, the Stanford-Binet, the W-B I was a _____ scale, not an age scale. The items were classified by subtests rather than by age.