Chapter 10 Test Flashcards
The secretary of state for James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
The war hero that was running for president and did not follow the constitution
Andrew Jackson
The secretary of the treasury and was a southerner who was running for president
William Crawford
The speaker of the house and the leader of the War Hawks
Henry Clay
The high-tariff package to pay for internal improvements
American System
What people called John Adams ideas for laboratories, lighthouses, and advancing art and science
Lighthouses in the Sky
What people called the American System
Tariff of Abominations
Andrew Jackson’s party
Democratic Party
Making malicious statements about political opponents
The act of handing out government jobs to loyal followers
Spoils System
Organized groups of politicians who sought to control the government
Political Machines
The group of friends that Andrew Jackson consulted with instead of his Cabinet
Kitchen Cabinet
The bill that said that Indians who left their lands east of the Mississippi would be given lands west of the Mississippi
Indian Removal Act
The forced marches west to move the Indians from their lands was called the:
Trail of Tears
The Indian leader of the Sauk and Fox tribes
Black Hawk
The type of tariff that protected American industries from foreign competition
Protective Tariff
The type of tariff designed to raise money for the country
Revenue Tariff
The vice president of Andrew Jackson
John C. Calhoun
The declaration that forbade state and federal officers to collect tariffs in South Carolina
Ordinance of Nullification
The order of leaving the Union
The new tariff that lowered duties gradually to give time for the North to grow stronger before they lost their protection
Compromise of 1833
The talented wealthy Philadelphian that was the president of the Bank of the United States
Nicolas Biddle
The banks that Andrew Jackson deposited the country’s money into instead of the national bank
Pet Banks
The increase in the money supply that causes a corresponding rise in prices
The act that required anyone who bought government lands to pay for them in gold or silver coins instead of paper money
Specie Circular
Gold or silver coins
The new name for the Republicans to make Democrats more comfortable to join
Andrew Jackson’s choice to succeed him as president in 1836
Martin Van Buren
The system that would consist of a number of federal vaults and depositories
Independent Treasury
The president chosen by the Whigs party
William Henry Harrison
The vice president of William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
The compromise that gave a portion of Maine to Canada and drew a boundary line between the US and Canada, giving the US more of the northern land
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
The time between the election and the president leaving office
Lame-duck Period