Chapter 10 - Gender - Lectures Flashcards
Anatomic maleness or femaleness
The sense or experience of maleness or femaleness
Sex reassignment surgery
Changes a person’s anatomic sex
What does the SRY gene on the Y chromosome prompt?
The formation of gonads that secrete androgens at puberty and result in a male-looking body.
Do females usually have SRY genes?
If an SRY is expressed on the X chromosome in an XX female, what will happen?
Testes will develop and the individual will be a phenotypic male.
What does gonadal sex regulate?
What does gonadal sex influence?
Hormonal sex
Hormones influence the appearance of what?
External sex characteristics, and it affects other sites in the body, including the brain.
What is gender identity almost always consistent with?
Chromosomal gender
A person who possesses the gonads of one gender but external genitalia that is ambiguous or of the other gender.
Possess both ovarian and testicular tissue.
Usually, what gender identity does a hermaphrodite have?
Usually the gender role assigned at birth, although this is changing.
According to evolutionary psychology, why are there gender differences?
They come from evolutionary processes that maximize reproductive fitness
How do prenatal sex hormones impact gender?
They may masculinize or feminize the brain, creating dispositions which are consistent with gender role stereotypes.
What does social-cognitive theory explain?
Gender-typed behaviour in terms of processes such as observational learning, identification, and socialization.
The process of guiding people into socially acceptable behaviour patterns using information, rewards, and punishments.
Who are the key agents of socialization?
Parents and schools
Are women or men more susceptible to sexual stereotyping and why?
Women, because they were more responsive to cultural influences.
Social structural theory
Gender differences arise from unequal power divisions between the genders.
Gender similarities hypothesis.
Males and females are more similar than different on all but a few variables, which include certain aspects of sexuality. Men show greater incidence of masturbation, pornography use, casual sex behaviour, permissive attitudes toward casual sex.
What are the two main ways that men and women differ in response to sexual stimuli?
Specificity of sexual arousal and sexual concordance. Men’s sexual arousal and genital response correspond to their partner of preference, however heterosexual women will show arousal to sexual stimuli featuring both men and women.
Turner’s syndrome chromosomes
X0. Missing the second X “monosomy”.