Chapter 10 Foreign Market Entry& 12 Alliances and Acquisitions Terms Flashcards
Overall Liability of Foreignness comes from 3 groups
- Liability of Non-Native Status
- Liability of Newness
- Liability of emergingness
Institutional void:
Institutional conditions of a country lacking market-supporting infrastructure
Debate 1: Liability versus Asset of Foreignness
Country-of-origin effect: The positive or negative perception of firms and products from a certain country
A contrasting view to liability of foreignness argues that under certain circumstances, being foreign can be an asset (comparative advantage)
Country-of-origin effect:
The positive or negative perception of firms and products from a certain country
Institutions, Resources, and Foreign Market Entries
1. Regulatory Risks
2. Trade and investment barriers
3. Differences in cultures, norms, and values
1. Value
2. Rarity
3. Imitability
Foreign Market Entries: (IBV & RBV combine into this to shape entry)
1. Where
2. When
3. How
Core Decisions in Foreign Market Entries
Where/Why: location advantages & strategic motivations; distance
When: First-mover vs. late-mover
How: entry / establishment modes
Location-specific advantage:
The benefits a firm reaps from the features specific to a place
Matching Strategic Goals with Locations
Table 10.1
Strategic Goals: Natural resource seeking
Location-Specific Advantages: Possession of natural resources and related transport and communication infrastructure
Strategic Goals: Market seeking
Abundance of strong market demand and customers willing to pay
Strategic Goals: Efficiency seeking
Economies of scale and abundance of low-cost factors
Strategic Goals: Innovation seeking
Abundance of innovative individuals, firms, and universities
Factors for Choosing Foreign Entry Locations
Strategic goals
–> Location-specific advantages
Cultural and institutional distances
C. cultural
A. administrative
G. geographical
E. economic
Ghemewat’s CAGE Framework for Assessing Country Differences: Distance between two countries increases with:
- Cultural Distance: Different languages, ethnicities, religions, social norms, Lack of connective ethnic or social networks
- Administrative and Political Distance: Absence of shared political or monetary association, Political hostility, Weak legal and financial institutions
- Geographical Distance: Lack of common border, water-way access, adequate transportation or communication links, Physical remoteness
- Economic Differences: Different consumer incomes
Different costs and quality of natural, financial, and human resources, Different information or, knowledge
Ghemewat’s CAGE Framework for Assessing Country Differences: Industries most affected by source of distance
- Cultural Distance: Industries with high linguistic content
(TV, publishing) and cultural content (food, wine, music) - Administrative and Political Distance: Industries viewed by government as strategically. important (e.g., energy, defense, telecoms)
- Geographical Distance: Products with low value-to-weight (cement), are fragile or perishable (glass, milk), or dependent upon communications (financial services)
- Economic Differences: Products whose demand is sensitive to consumer income levels (luxury goods), Labor-intensive products (clothing)
First-mover advantage:
Benefits that accrue to firms that enter the market first and that late entrants do not enjoy
Examples of First-mover advantage:
- Proprietary, technological leadership
- Pre-emption of scarce resources
- Establishment of entry barriers for late entrants
- Avoidance of clash with dominant firms at home
- Relationships with key stakeholders such as governments
Late-mover advantage:
Benefits that accrue to firms that enter the market later and that early entrants do not enjoy
Examples of Late-mover advantage:
- Opportunity to free ride on first mover investments
- Resolution of technological and market uncertainty
- First mover’s difficulty to adapt to market changes
Scale of entry:
The amount of resources committed to entering a foreign market
Benefits of Large-Scale Entry
A demonstration of strategic commitment to certain markets, which helps assure local customers and suppliers and deters potential entrants
Drawbacks of Large-Scale Entry
Limited Strategic flexibility elsewhere
Huge losses if these large-scale “bets” turn out to be wrong
Benefits of Small-Scale Entry
Less Costly
Drawbacks of Small-Scale Entry
Lack of strong commitment, which may lead to difficulties in building market share and in capturing first-mover advantages
Entry mode:
A form of operation that a firm employs to enter foreign markets
Nonequity mode:
A mode of entry (exports and contractual agreements) that reflects relatively smaller commitments to overseas markets
Equity mode:
A mode of entry (joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries) that indicates relatively larger commitments to overseas markets
Types of Contractual Agreements
- Turnkey project:
- Build-operate-transfer (BOT) agreement:
- Research-and-development (R&D) contract:
- Co-marketing: