Chapter 10 - exam 2 Flashcards
What is pulmonary respiration vs cellular respiration
- ventilation (breathing)
- exchange of O2 and CO2 in the lungs
** ventilation, alveolar gas exchange, circulatory transport, systemic O2 diffusion
- O2 utilization and CO2 production by the tissues
What are the two purposes of the respiratory system during exercise
- gas exchange between the environment and the body
- regulation of acid-base balance during exercise – pH is chaining
What is ventilation
movement of air that occurs via bulk flow
- movement of molecules due to pressure difference
What is inspiration and what happens during this
when the intrapulmonary pressure is less than the atomospheric pressure
- diaphragm pushes downward, ribs lift outwards
- volume of lungs increase == decrease pressure inside of lungs and O2 enters
What is expiration and what happens during this
when the intrapulmonary pressure is greater than the atmospheric pressure
- diaphragm relaxes, ribs pulled downwards
- volume of lungs decreases = at high intensities move out air faster
Explain what pulmonary ventilation is (what is the other name for it)
also called minute ventilation (VeV, MV)
- amount of air moved in or out of the lungs per minute (L/min)
— tidal volume (Vt) = amount of air moved per breath (amplitude) in L/breath
— breathing frequency (f) = number of breaths per minute
what is the equation for minute ventilation
Ve = Vt * f
What happens to tidal volume and breathing frequency during graded exercise
both increase as intensity increases
How do breath patterns change from rest to exercise
rest = relatively constant breaths and only inspiratory reserve volume
moderate exercise (50% VO2max) = increase tidal volume and frequency – both inspiratory and expiratory reserve volume
heavy exercise (70% VO2max) = increase frequency and increase tidal volume
very heavy exercise (100% VO2max)= no change in tidal volume (b/c cant get more O2 b/c capped by anatomical size of lungs) but frequency increases
Inspiration and expiration is produced by what
contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm
How is ventilation controlled at rest
controlled by somatic motor neurons in the spinal chord and respiratory control center in medulla oblongata
– somatic NS = release ACh onto target organ
What are the two types of input to the respiratory control center
1) Neural imput
2) Humoral chemoreceptors
Explain the neural imput that goes to the respiratory control center
from motor cortex and skeletal muscle mechanoreceptors
- muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs, joint pressure receptors == if stimulated you will breathe more
All neural imput causing contraction of muscles sends signal to respiratory center to do what
increase respiration
explain the humoral chemoreceptors (two)
** humoral = components found in blood
- Central chemoreceptors: CNS
— located in the medulla = CSF protecting the area
— PCO2 and H+ (cause change in pH) concentration in CSF — sense partial pressure change by the CNS - Peripheral chemoreceptors: PNS
— aortic and carotid bodies
— PO2, PCO2, H+ (effect pH), and K+ in blood === change in partial pressure of any of these – w/ PCO2 and PO2 altitude changes preference for chemoreceptors
Explain the 4 steps of how the central and peripheral chemoreceptors are activated and effect inspiration and expiration
1) stimulus: Central and peripheral chemoreceptors and signals from active muscles (neural imput) stimulate inspiratory center
2) response: external intercostal muscle and diaphragm contract
3) stimulus: stretching of the lungs triggers expiratory center
4) Response: intercostal and abdominal muscles contract == thoracic volume decrease and force air out of lungs
Ventilatory control during submax exercise is primarily mediated by what type of input
neural input
- greatest input in ventialtion at beginning due to neural input — maintained with humoral and level off
What are the 4 factors that effect the ventilatory control during submax exercise
1) higher brain centers
2) peripheral chemoreceptors
3) respiratory muscles
4) skeletal muscle — chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors
Explain the ventilatory control stimulus and where it comes from during exercise and recovery
-neural then humoral activation
- decline of neural then humoral deactivation
what does the subscript mean with the partial pressure
PeCO2 = expired oxigenation
PaO2 = arteries
explain the flow of blood through the pulmonary system
1) pulmonary artery receives mixed venous blood from the right ventricles
2) oxygenated blood is returned to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein
3) low pressure system with a rate of blood flow equal to the systemic circut
What happens if the pressure is too high in the lungs
push fluid into the lungs = hard to breathe b/c less availablity of o2 exchange in alveoli
Explain the blood flow to the lung (specifically where in the lung)
- at REST (standing): blood flow is to the base of the lung (gravity)
- EXERCISE (standing): blood flow increases to top of lung
=== increases O2 consumption availability
lowest blood flow to top of lungs and most at middle-bottom — w/ exercise just increase blood flow
Explain the gas exchange at each step:
- alveolar gas exchange
- gas transport
- systemic gas exchange
- alveolar gas exchange: O2 loading and CO2 unloading
- gas transport: O2 carried from alveoli to systemic tissues, CO2 carried from systemic tissues to alveoli
- systemic gas exchange: O2 unloading, CO2 loading
What is the function of pulmonary capillaries with the flow of blood
= slows down blood flow for gas exchange === HIGHLY VASCULARIZED
what is the ventilation-perfusion ratio
(V/Q) – you want V/Q to be about 1
– Va = rate of ventilation (at the alveoli)
– Q - rate of perfusion (blood going past alveoli)
- indicate matching of blood flow to ventilation (> 0.5 is good)
What is the difference between being underperfused vs overperfused relative to ventilation
Underperfused: ventilation > blood flow (usually at the top of the lungs)
Overperfused: ventilation < blood flow (usually at the bottom of the lungs
— perfusion usually around 0.4
Explain exercise-induced asthma
contraction of smooth muscle around airway (bronchospasm) and mucus in airways during or post-exercise
- labored breathing (dyspena)
- wheezing