Chapter 10 Dose Limits For Exposure To Ionizing Radiation Flashcards
Are based on calculations of the various risks of cancer and genetic effects to tissues or organs exposed to radiation and has been incorporated into the the title 10 of the code of federal registration.
Effective dose limiting system
The concept of radiation exposure and of the associated risk of ________________ is the basis of effective dose limiting system.
Radiation induced malignancy
Are the four major organizations responsible for evaluating the relationship between radiation EqD and induced biologic effects?
- International commission on radiation protection (ICRP)
- National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)
- United Nations scientific committee on the effects of atomic radiation (UNSCEAR)
- National Academy of science/National research council committee on the biologic effects of ionizing radiation (NAS/NRC BEIR)
Is considered the international authority in the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation.
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
Has been the leading international organization responsible for providing clear and consistent radiation protection guidance through its recommendations for occupational dose limits and public dose limits.
Reviews the recommendations formulated by the ICRP.
National council on radiation protection and measurements (NCRP)
NCRP determines how ______ recommendations are incorporated into US radiation protection criteria.
The NCRP is not an _____________ the enactment of its recommendations lies with federal and state agencies that have the power to enforce such standards after they have been established.
Enforcement agency
Is another group that plays a prominent role in the formulation of radiation protection guidelines by evaluating human and environmental ionizing radiation exposures from a variety of sources.
UNSCEAR evaluates ionizing radiation exposure from sources including
Radioactive materials
Radiation protection machines
Radiation accidents
UNSCEAR uses __________ data ( information from follow up studies of Japanese atomic bomb survivors) data acquired from the radiation effects research foundation.
Advisory group that reviews studies of biologic effects of ionizing radiation and risk assessment?
BEIR V supersedes four earlier BEIR reports that listed studies of biologic effects and the associated risk of groups of people who were either routinely or accidentally exposed to ionizing radiation. Such groups include:
Early radiation workers
Atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
evacuees from Chernobyl nuclear power station disaster
EfD limits and EqD limits are made by the ______ _______ _______ _________?
Are charged with the responsibility of enforcing standards after they have been established?
National and state agencies
After radiation protection standards have been determined, responsible agencies must enforce them for the protection of the general public, patients, and occupationally exposed personnel…. Regulatory agencies include the following: 1-5?
- Nuclear commission (NRC)
- Agreement states
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Formerly known as the atomic energy commission, is a federal agency that has the authority to control the possession, use, and production of atomic energy in the interest of national security?
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Agency also has the power to enforce radiation protection standards but does not regulate or inspect X-ray imaging facilities. Primary function is to oversee the nuclear energy industry.
The primary function of the NRC is to oversee the nuclear industry, this agency supervises the:
Design and working mechanics of nuclear power stations
Production of nuclear fuel
Handling of expended fuel
Supervision of hazardous radioactive waste material
NRC controls the manufacture and use of radioactive isotopes formed in nuclear reactors and used in:
Nuclear medicine imaging procedures
Therapeutic treatments
What is NARM?
Naturally occurring and or accelerator produced materials
Two common examples of cyclotron produces radioisotopes are:
Thallium 201 (used in nuclear medicine for heart stress tests)
Palladium 103 (used for therapeutic prostate seed implants)
Was created to bring several departments under one organization that would be responsible for protecting the health of humans and for safeguarding the natural environment from industrial practices and harmful waste disposal?
Environmental protection agency (EPA)
EPA facilitates the development and enforcement of regulations pertaining to the control of radiation in the environment specifically it: ?
Directs relevant federal agencies
Oversees the general area of environmental monitoring
Has oversight authority for specific areas such as determining action level of radon
Conducts ongoing product radiation control program, regulating the design and manufacturing of electronic products, including diagnostic X-ray equipment?