Chapter 10 Diversity Life On Earth Flashcards
First life on earth
-Life on earth most likely originated from nonliving material
- Earth formed the four .5 billion years ago
- Oldest rock found in Canada are about 3.8 billion years old
- fossilized bacteria like cells have been found in rocks that are 3.4 billion years old
Distinct phases
Believed that fifth thing originated on earth
-Phase 1 the formation of small molecules.
-phase 2 the formation of self replicating information containing molecules
-phase 3
Development of membrane
Enabling metabolism
Creating first cells
Stanley miller
- the Urey miller experiment
- could make molecules from assortment
- hydrogen nitrogen with no oxygen
- create early earth like atmosphere
- found several amino acids
- heat -electrical -liquid cool- sea
Urey miller experiment
- recent analysis reveals that all 20 amino acids present in living organisms where produced during these experiments
- with right condition can produce amino acids
The nucleus acid RNA
-carry both information and catalyze the reaction necessary for replication
The RNA word
- compartmentalized
- have metabolism
- self replicating material
- can exchange material w/ environment
- primaries membrane
Earliest life on earth
- fossils of 3.4 billion years old
- eukaryotes need oxygen
- cells that may have been among the first living organisms on earth
- fertilized egg
- 23 sperm chromosomes
- 23 egg chromosome
- zygote 43 chromosome
- basic unit of diversity
- Homo sapiens
Biological species concept
-different kind of organism - the same
: humans Homo sapiens
- the different
: flowers
Two keys features of the biological species concept
1interbreeding or could possibly interbreed
2natural populations
-Occasionally in captivity individuals may interbreed
-may not interbreed in the wild
-zorse is not consider a species horse/zebra
Barriers to reproduction
1 pre-zygote Barrier -can't reproduce a zygo - different numbers of chromosomes - won't work out 2 post zygote barriers - never develops - hybrid - offspring sterile - dead end - egg able to be fertilized
How do we name things
- Carlous Linnaeus system 1700s
- Latin is universal
Carlous system
-two part naming system
1 genus (plural) genera
2 specific - epithet
Hierarchical system
1Domain - is the broadest Eukarya , Protis , fungus 2 Kingdom -anamallia 3 phylum - chordata 4 class -mammalia horses are equus -diverge -order -family -genus -species Dumb kinky people can of find gross stds
How do new species arise
- Reproduction
- genetic divergence
Allopathic specification
- specification with geographic isolation
- reproductive isolation
- genetic divergence
- geographic isolation -river
Sympatric specification
- common in plants
- Self fertile
- clone its self
Macro evolution
- gives rise to great diversity
- above species level
- new groups of organism
- game changer
- major new groups
Long term and short term results of macroevolution
- micro is the process
- macro is the result
Pace of evolution
-gradually in incremental steps
Punctuated equilibrium
- evolution jerks
- burst or rapid change
- sudden change over a large time