Chapter 10: Command and Control/Emergency Management Flashcards
What is TENR ?
Threat - Individual, act or anything that is likely to cause harm
Exposure - is managed including potential for harm to people or security of places / things
Necessity - To intervene immediately or delay or at all?
Response - Proportionate and based on the considered TEN.
Difference between command and control?
Command operates vertically within an agency
Control operates horizontally across agencies
3 essential elements for command and control?
Decision making
Vitally important that key decisions are recorded in the decision log.
NZ coordinated Incident management system
Is a framework to coordinate, command and control incident responses of any scale.
Police conduct duties within three specific levels ?
Tactical - Is the level within police resources are directly deployed within the community. Almost all policing occurs at the tactical command level.
Operational - Exists where there are multiple tactical level activities or when the complexity requires a higher level of command.
Eg- AOS operation
Strategic - is applied when the scope, consequence, community or political implications is significant and requires dedicated attention.
What is the internationally recommended span of control for commanders?
2 to 7 Direct reports, depending on the complexity.
Obligations of Command and control?
Community safety, health and well being of staff and the wider reputation of Police.
Must at all times behave lawfully and ethically
Appreciation process AFCO?
Aim - (like the mission) aim of the operation “to …”
Factors- Circumstances, facts or influences impacting the operation. - time, weather, offenders, traffic, schools dehydration
Factor - Weather - So what? - forecast for heavy rain - Therefore - Wet weathers required.
Courses Open - Once all factors considered, logical appropriate courses of action will be identified to achieve the aim.
Outline Plan - doesn’t need to be detailed, just sufficient info for commander to approve it.
Situation -
Mission -
Execution -
Upon approval the plan will be developed into a operational action plan
Action Plan
Integrates all agencies into a cohesive response
Increases situational awareness
Coordinates activities towards a common goal
Reduces Risk duplication and conflicting actions
Operation Orders
Refereed to in CIMS as an ACTION PLAN.
Op order in GSMEAC
Ground - Overview of Terrain
Situation - summary and background regarding police response
Mission - Very clear statement “to safely execute a sw etc
Execution - Outlines how the mission will be achieved
Admin and logistics -
Command and signals - Commander and 2IC must be named. call signs and coms plan
National Command and Coordination Centre and Major Operations Centre.
Located at PNHQ - take responsibility for coordinating significant or national and international operations and response.
NCCC 24/7 whilst MOC activated depending on the level of support required.
Real Time intelligence for operational deployment
RIOD, emergency management system used to support Police Command and Control Operations across the Police.
When is CIMS used?
when multi agencies are involved - Bio security natural dissastors hazardous substance incidents pandemics etc
4 Components of Emergency Management are? Risk reduction Readiness Response Recovery
CIMS principles
Responsive to community needs
Unity of Effort
Lead agency vs support agency
Lead - makes the decisions - coordinates response of all agencies
Support - supports lead agency