Chapter 10 Command and Control/Emegency Management Flashcards
What is the purpose of CIMS
o p
- Establish common structures, functions, terminology within flexible framework, also modular and scalable to be tailored to circumstances
- Enables agencies to develop their own processes, procedures and training for the execution of CIMS
What does an action plan cover?
d o+ k t
Desired outcome + key tasks for the management of a incident
What is the purpose of the inquiry function of the operation?
Coordinator enquiries to assist families to make contact with each other + trace missing persons and notify NOK
An appreciation allows what?
How should it be completed?
D/P/EX/A.A, 1 - T,WC T+ C R
- Allows for design, planning, execution adaptation of actions
- Completed by 1 or planning team
- should be written
- allows clear thought and logical reasoning by examining the whole incident
In Command and Control Police will………
H+S, A,P, U, A, N+E
- Ensure Police aware of Health and Safety
- Adhere to the functions of Command + Control
- Familiar with principals of C+C.
- Understand C+C roles
- Use appreciation of AFCO
- Be familiar with NCCC + EMP purpose
Once each course of action is established they should be analysed by looking at their
_________+ _________
Advantages + Disadvantages
What purposes do debriefs + lessons learnt have and when should they be done
- What went well and what didn’t
- Chair by senior member who wasnt involved ASAP after OP
- Record in C&C database for the benefit of future ops.
- Should form a daily part of the Op so lessons and mistakes are addressed immediately.
What does an effective action plan aim to do?
- Agencies into a cohesive response
- Increase situational awareness
- reduces risk, duplication and conflicting actions
- Common goal
What are the 5 principals of Command and Control?
U, S, C,D, O
- Unity
- Span
- Continuity
- Delegation
- Obligations
What is the NZ Police Command and Control model? Why?
1, I-A, U, P
- Provides 1 Command and Control model across multiple agencies
- required in Inter-Agency response
- Understand by Multiple agencies
- Practised at all levels of Police
What are the fun options of the Strategic Commander?
C, C, C, P
- Command the overall Police response
- Command multi Op level activities
- Command the community consultation response
- Provide a liaison between Ops and Police executive, government, media
What are some benefits of working with Iwi?
N, C, M, T, I N,LL, C
- MOBILISE resources
- Identify and assess Iwi needs
- Avility to link with other CULTURE’S
What are the 3 CIMS principals?
R, F, U
- RESPONSIVE to community needs( prevent effects on community
- FLEXIBILITY (scalable and modular)
- UNITY of effort (common objectives)
What are the 10 common response objectives?
PL, PE, L+O, C, ES, P, PA, NR, A, E
- PREVENT escalation of emergency
- Maintain LAW+ORDER
- CARE for sick, injured dependent
- PROVIDE essential services
- PRESERVE governance
- PROTECT assets
- PROTECT natural resources
- ANIMAL welfare
- PERSERVE economic + social activity
What are the characteristics that define CIMS?
CS, CT, I, M
- COMMON STRUCTURES, roles and responsibilities (work together)
- COMMON TERMINOLOGY(prevents confusion)
- INTEROPERABILITY (operate together)
- MANAGEMENT by objectives ( objectives by controller assisted by IMT
What are the 7 key functions of CIMS?
C, I, P, O, L, P, W
- Control
- Intel
- Planning
- Ops
- Logistics
- Welfare
An emergency Op Centre is setup to coordinate multi agency’s multi incident response between ICP
An EOC is activated when?
- Several incident level responses at different sites
- Off site coordination and support required
- To coordinate multi agency or multi incident responses.
What does Command and Control include?
L, C, D, L, P+V
- Leadership
- Coordination
- Effective decision making
- Lawful and ethical behaviour
- Prevention + Victim focus