Chapter 10: Berlin Crisis Flashcards
When did Khrushchev become Prime Minister?
What factors influenced Khrushchev’s first action as PM?
The Soviet space programme appeared to dominate over the US space program, West Germany was now a member of NATO, the USSR’s hold on parts of EE was fragile, and there were no significant restrictions on GDR resulting in many fleeing the country to go to the West and the West had not yet recognised the existence of the GDR.
What were Khrushchev’s priorities upon becoming Soviet leader?
Strengthening the economy and the defences of the USSR and global ideological expansion. Berlin became the focal point for the fulfillment of these objectives.
What was America becoming highly sensitive to and what did the Soviets fear as a result?
By 1958, the Americans were becoming increasingly sensitive to what they saw as rapidly accelerating competition from the Soviet Union in the nuclear arms race and the associated space technology. Moscow feared that the USA might seek to address this in part by placing nuclear missils in West Germany.
What did Khrushchev want to happen in Germany?
He wanted to minimise US influence in Germany and gain assurances that West Germany would never be armed with American bcked nuclear weapons. Through a Propaganda victory in Berlin to strengthen Soviet position.
What did the USSR do in November 1958?
Issued a six-month ultimatum to the West.
What did the USSR’s ultimatum in 1958 entail?
Demanded the withdrawl of Western troops from West Berlin and Berlin to be declared a ‘free city’. The essence of the ultimatum was for the Western powers to negotiate an acceptable settlement of the German question, or the USSR would sign a seperate treaty with the GDR. In addition, all Soviet rights in Berlin were to be transferred to the GDR.
What did all soviet rights being transferred to the GDR mean?
The GDR controlled access to West Berlin, and would force the Western powers to deal wih, and therrefore recognise the GDR.
What was the response of the Western powers to the ultimatum?
Despite their desire to avoid confrontation with the USSR, the Western powers rejected the proposal.
What was the response of the FRG to the Western powers’ rejection of the USSR’s ultimatum?
It alarmed the FRG, and the chancellor Adenauer feared an American betrayal, especially after the Camp David Talks of 1959, where no solution was found and an uneasy status quo continued.
After the Camp David talks, what was the next opportunity to talk about the future of Berlin?
At the Paris Summit in 1960, which was abruptly haltd with the revelation that an American U2 spy plane had been brought down over Soviet territory.
What happened in May 1960 with the U2 spy plane?
The Soviet Union brought down a U2 Spy plane.
What did the US U2 flights cinform?
That Khrushchev was exaggerating the SSoviet nuclear capacity and the missile gap was very much in the USA’s davour.
What was the Soviet perpsective on the U2 flights?
Saw it as aggressive.
Who were leaving East Berlin?
Young, skilled workers who would have been able to contribute to the country’s economy.
When did work begin to physically seal off West Berlin?
August 1961.
What was the USA’s perpsective on the Berlin Wall?
Saw it as illegal.
What were the effects of the Berlin Wall?
President Kennedy’s speech- propaganda tool for the US, GDR’s economic crisis was resolved, the inaction of the West and apparent tolerancce to thw Wall suggested that the West had reached a degree of recognition of the GDR and some argue it guarenteed there would be no military conflict between the USSR and USA.
What was Kennedy’s speech to Berliners in June 1963?
“Ich bin ein Berliner”. A;; free men, wherever they may live are citizens of Berlin. Berlin was the acid test of the West’s commitment to defend freedom by controlling expansionist communism and thus Khrushchev had handed the USA the finest propaganda tool it could ever have wished for.