Chapter 10: Arms Race Flashcards
How was Soviet foreign policy somewhat contradictory after the death of Stalin?
On one hand there was summit diplomacy and peaceful coexistance and on the other was support for revolutionary regimes, the launch of Sputnik and stockpiling of weapons.
What was the reason for the contradictory Soviet foreign policy?
Khrushchev advocated peaceful coexistence, however China’s influence over the communist world was troubling and the Soviet Union needed to reinforce the fact that they were the most influential communist power.
Which bomb was developed in 1954?
H-bomb. 1954 March the US successfully tested a new one and by September the USSR had similar technology.
What was the Strategic Air Command?
Created by the USA in 1948 and headed by General Curtis LeMay. It was set up to serve primarily as a defence system for the USA.
What was the Gaither Report?
Commissioned by Eisenhower in November 1957 ro investigate the state of US-Soviet nuclear capability. The popular view was that the Soviets were catching up with the USA and Eisenhower’s intention was to calm popular fears and reinforce the truth that the USA controlled the nuclear arms race.
What did the Gaither Report show?
Contradicted Eisenhower’s intentions and showed that the Soviet Union was in the lead of the nuclear arms race.
What did the Washington Post report?
That the USA was in grave danger and referred to the USA becoming a second-class power.
What did Eisenhower place his trust in, rather than the Gaither Report?
In data received from a U2 Spy Plane intelligence gathering, rather than the Gaither Report. This data suggested a slow rate of production of nuclear warheads by the USSR. The Gaither Report had based its conclusions on Soviet nuclear strength on inadequate evidence.
How did Eisenhower strengthen the USA’s nuclear strike capability further in 1957?
He negotiated an agreement with Britain at the Bermuda Conerence that enabled the USA to station IRBMs in Britain manned by British personnel.
What was the Space Race?
A continuation of nuclear proliferation. It was theorised that the ability to build a satellite would give the developer superiority in the arms race.
When and what was Sputnik?
October 1957, the Soviet Union claimed its first victory in the technologicl arms race when it launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.
What was the impact of Sputnik and Sputnik II?
Alarmed the USA, as it appeared that Soviet space technology had surpassed theirs. Sputnik II convinced the USA that the USSR had the technology to launch nuclear missiles against it.
What criticism did the Eisenhower administration receive?
The Democrats accused Eisenhower’s administration of allowing the Soviet Union to gain the lead in pace technology in order to cut costs.
What did Sputnik undermine the effectiveness of?
Massive Retaliation Strategy, as the USSR had more power than the USA. This was a problem because Massive Retaliation Strategy was central to the USA’s Cold War nuclear defence programme.
What did Sputnik create a sense of urgency for?
For the USA to develop its own space technology programme.
In September 1958, how much did the government authorise for technological development in space?
$1 billion.
What was ‘Flopnik’?
The USA’s rocket that crashed on its takeoff in December 1957.
In contrast to the USA’s space programme, what happened to the USSR’s?
It went from strength-to-strength. In 1959 the first satellite to successfully orbit the moon was launched and in 1961 he first manned satellite to orbit the earth was launched.
By what time had the USA rapidly caught up in the space race?
- The USA had successfully launched 63 space missions compared to the USSR’s 15 missions.
What was the strong belief among the US leaders in relation to space?
Strong belief that space as all important to US security, and that control of space would lead to global control.
What did Eisenhower establish in 1958?