Chapter 10 Flashcards
Control of mRNA stability
mRNAs levels regulated by RNase activity (degradation)
posttranslational control
when proteins are made, their activity is controlled by modifying protein structure
• Cleavage, phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation
regulatory proteins
help a cell sense internal changes and alter its gene expression to match
• Bind ligands (specific, low- MW compounds)
repress transcription of target genes. blocks part of promoter; prevents sigma factor from binding.
repressor scenario 1
repressor binds dna, inducer causes repressor to release.
repressor scenario 2
repressor-corepressor complex binds dna, ligand concentration decreases and releases from repressor
• Known as derepression
Activators (transcriptional control)
bind DNA; activates transcription by interacting w/ RNAP
•activators bind poorly unless inducer is present
• Removal of inducer–>stops transcription
- Used as C and energy source
* LacY imports lactose from extracellular environment
lac operon
lacZ, lacY, lacA –1 promoter (lacZYA)
• Role of lacA is unclear
repressor upstream of lacZYA. has diff promoter
•Operator sites (binding sites) – lacO
cyclic AMP. AMP–>adenosine monophosphate
Cyclic AMP (cAMP) accumulates
when a cell is starved for carbon
• cAMP-CRP complex binds to specific DNA sequences near bacterial genes (CRP= cAMP receptor protein)
cAMP activation
• cAMP-CRP binds to DNA (as activator)
• RNAP can get stuck even in absence of LacI
• cAMP-CRP causes DNA to bend
• CRP interacts w/alpha subunit of RNAP
-Helps initiate open complex formation
• cAMP-CRP can only bind when LacI is not bound
represses the lac operon by keeping lactose out of cell. FAVORABLE C source.
•glycolysis enzymes always being produced
• If there is glucose, no need to use lactose
other operons
both activation and repression
• Arabinose is absent-AraC represses production of genes for catabolism
• Arabinose is present-AraC activates same set of genes